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Topic neve: General complaint
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Re: General complaint
1721. hozzászólás - 2025.02.14. 23:20:59 (Válasz manunkind #1720 hozzászólására.)
first of all i have the scarab so there is no benefit for the attack.secondly you didnt suggested but immediately assumed that it was my fault my demeanor as you said(your words not mine) even when i said that i didnt even talked before with the one that atttacked.but again you fall to assumptions and speculation blaming me.how exacrtly you were helping me figure it out when accusing me for something i didnt do?so my post was why although high lvls dont have any gains ,as you also admitted,those attacks keep going?and what would the result would be according to my opinion.there was no referal to you but you immediatelly jump to defend those kind of attacks and immediatelly blame me for the attack.

as for the benefit that you said that the high player would have IF I DIDNT HAVE THE SCARAB as i saw on the nhsos post would be maybe 200 se.so you telleing me that the high lvls are so desperate for se that hunting low lvl players for 200 se?even on my lvl those are not even enough for a healing potion
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Re: General complaint
1722. hozzászólás - 2025.02.15. 00:04:12 (Válasz manunkind #1720 hozzászólására.)
i usually dont comment on the games forum but i do check for any advices or update and on this game for the event calender.but i am curious manukind in what way did i make it personal for you to attack me?i never messeged you before your attacks,yes it was more than one,or even attacked any of your clan since even if i wanted to i coulndt win or have anyone on my lvl.that is not a complaint which either way it would be pointless but i am curious of your excuse since as you admitted you dont gain anything.

spoiler alert.although the notification alert for subplasma attacks was enabled your attacks notification didn appear(i mean becoming red on the previous battles on the left side) and i have to make a ticket to be checked .so even if someone has the notifications on it is better before you do anything to go and check your previous battles even if the previous battles squared didnt become red cause as it seems the notification alert has a problem
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Re: General complaint
1723. hozzászólás - 2025.02.15. 07:02:12 (Válasz enzio #1722 hozzászólására.)
enzio, while it is certainly fair game, i don't believe i have ever attacked someone for personal reasons. it's not smart to do so. i don't make subplasma attacks at all unless a task/event alters my normal gameplay. when i do make subplasma attacks, i prioritize my torture chamber. using subplasma against the same target more than once a torture chamber cycle is inefficient, as they can only get dragged in once. so despite what you may have heard or think you remember, i don't do that, legal though it may be. it's been literally years since i hit you, right? yet you're still mad. all over losing absolutely nothing. smh.
Pontszám: 5.74
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Re: General complaint
1724. hozzászólás - 2025.02.15. 10:51:37 (Válasz manunkind #1723 hozzászólására.)
years?it was 2 weeks ago!!just because i didnt post your attacks because you would start saying again that same things you say to all players that compain about the attacks?so do tell us what you want.if we post your attacks to prove that you have attacked you start saying the same things you said to catwoman and to many other players ,if we dont post them the monet that happening you call us liars!nevertheless i didnt made any complain here or on the developers since it is pointless.also i do have the scarab so again i see no reason for your attacks since you dont gain anything.maybe becaue we were winning on the clan championship?what is wrong with that?my ckan made a big effort and deserved the win.should we stop fighting on the clan champioship also because you will be targeting us?ok do tell me in which event csn the small clans and low lvl players can participate without "angering" or "insult"the hig players?no need to answer that but at least dont say that you dont hit low lvl when you have nothing to gain.and again the subplasma task can be done by hitting inactive players or npc since you will gain the same or maybe more(if m for example dont have any se on me).this is not a complain but to say things straight and as it is and not saying that you dont hit low lvls.i dont know what challlenge you or any other high lvl playes thta might be hitting players thata re 100 lvl or more lower than them.personally i findi it more challenging to duel playes on my range even if sometmes i loose.it make me change my strategy and actually make it intersting for me.if you find more challenging to hit someon that cannot evn hit you i really dont get it.
Pontszám: 9.39
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Re: General complaint
1725. hozzászólás - 2025.02.15. 15:05:48 (Válasz enzio #1724 hozzászólására.)
and before start accusing for lying or ask for proves check you battle log on the 2025. Jan. 12 01:44:42 that was the 4th daily attack you made to me.i know it cause at that date because your attack again didnt appear the previous battles alarm i made ticket for the bug NOT FOR YOUR ATTACK
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Re: General complaint
1726. hozzászólás - 2025.02.15. 18:26:12 (Válasz enzio #1725 hozzászólására.)
enzio, in january, we were competing in the war of the hucksters event, so in addition to all the other limitations, i couldn't attack players in my own huckster army. meanwhile, i was completing the Temple of Loyalty task where i had to use 20 subplasmas (blame Beholder for that). if i recall, it took me four days because i was seeking targets for my torture chamber, and i found just 5. i guess i missed that you had the lesser scarab and you just got unlucky. i will be sure to return all the SE you lost.
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Re: General complaint
1727. hozzászólás - 2025.02.15. 20:17:41 (Válasz manunkind #1726 hozzászólására.)
first you said you havent hit for years enzio just called you out and prove you were lying.you also said that you prioritize your torture chamber but you cannot drag him to your torture chamber so again you were lying.so basically all your claims proved lies so my actually question from my post remains.what is the reason for high lvl to hit low lvl since they dont gain anything?and from all the players you found only 5?and one of them was having the scarab so no torture chamber gains.are you sure the rest was also didnt have the scarab or it is just for saying?
Pontszám: 9.18
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Re: General complaint
1728. hozzászólás - 2025.02.15. 20:37:08 (Válasz catwoman #1727 hozzászólására.)
catwoman, no, i ASKED if it was years. and then when enzio provided a good argument, i believed him, and i admitted i must have overlooked that he had the lesser scarab (i have to manually scroll down to look at a target's list of relics to find it).

ofc, none of this matters since what i did or didn't do is legal, no matter my motivation. you can ignore it and carry on, yet you choose to make a public display of your sour grapes. what is it you want changed, exactly, and why? you want subplasmas gone? limited? why, what harm do they cause?
Pontszám: 5.52
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Re: General complaint
1729. hozzászólás - 2025.02.15. 23:35:29 (Válasz manunkind #1728 hozzászólására.)
again i have to come back to prove that you are lying AGAIN.on the event of the war of the hucksters i didnt participate so you couldnt have found me on the event search to claim any victories for the event.
"i was completing the Temple of Loyalty task where i had to use 20 subplasmas (blame Beholder for that)".again you can complete the task without targeting so low lvl players.especially when they are active and have the scarab.you literally admit that you dont gain anything
"i must have overlooked that he had the lesser scarab (i have to manually scroll down to look at a target's list of relics to find " manukind i dont have so many relics that might confuse you you dont even have to scroll to see the all.since you bother so much to sroll back to find me you could have check it in one second
"it's been literally years since i hit you, right?"that was exactly your word.look like a statement or a rhetorical question and not just a question.so you say that you asked me cause you didnt remember when you hit me?check you messages you even send me message.
like i said i didnt make any complain here about your attacks cause it is pointless.you will keeping low lvl players until they leave the game or go to the catacombs and then complain that you dont have any opponents.but at least stop pretending and say i dont hit low lvl players cause i dont gain anything if i do,CAUSE THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU DO jusy because "you can"
and i have read again the catwoman post i didnt see her reffering to you.she just pointed the obvious and and asked what is the point of high lvls keep targeting low lvls especially when they have the scarab and dont gain anything a question that not only avoiding to answer but immediatelly jump to conclusion and blame the low lvl players!
did catwoman said that subplasmas should be gone?NO.should be limited?to be honest i wouldnt mind although it seems that you would.what harm do they do?well as it seems too many low lvl playes have a problem with that pointless attacks and either leave or go to the catacombs and end up staying there permantly .what exactly do you gain when the low lvl have the scarab?do you find it challenging?do you test your character?do you get a thrill that you manage to win someone that is 100 or more lvl lower than you?pls do explain to me
" i will be sure to return all the SE you lost."you can stop the irony and you can keep your SE seems that you need even the 1 SE that you might get.who knows maybe some new playes appear and you can hit them until they reach lv 25 and can get the scarab(not that will stop you) but dont complain afterwards that you cannot find any opponents
Pontszám: 9.25
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Re: General complaint
1730. hozzászólás - 2025.02.16. 04:49:01 (Válasz enzio #1729 hozzászólására.)
i am reminded each time i try to engage, here, how pointless it is. let me hit you with a few facts to end this. 1) this is a pvp game, 2) subplasma attacks are allowed from any level to any level, 3) subplasma attacks are harmless.

what exactly is your complaint, how is it a problem, and what is your solution? see if you can refrain, in your answer, from talking about me personally.
Pontszám: 5.74
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Re: General complaint
1731. hozzászólás - 2025.02.16. 13:39:14 (Válasz manunkind #1730 hozzászólására.)
the fact that you sent your friends to hit me only proves i am right about you.at least have guts to do it on your own you can still win dont worry.ohh sorry i forgot you dont hit low lvl players......you send your friends to do it
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Re: General complaint
1732. hozzászólás - 2025.02.16. 16:24:53 (Válasz catwoman #1731 hozzászólására.)
i didn't send anyone to hit you, catwoman. smh. but you certainly failed to respond to my post and to keep me out of your response. i'll repeat it:

1) this is a pvp game, 2) subplasma attacks are allowed from any level to any level, 3) subplasma attacks are harmless.

what exactly is your complaint, how is it a problem, and what is your solution? see if you can refrain, in your answer, from talking about me personally.
Pontszám: 5.71
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Re: General complaint
1733. hozzászólás - 2025.02.16. 19:33:51 (Válasz manunkind #1732 hozzászólására.)
first of all i didnt fail to respond to your post since i already have answered it.secondly ofcourse you didnt send anyone to hit it just happened that you buddy start hitting me when i started answering to your post.wait i forgot you dont hit low lvls everyone that have ever said that you attacked them are lying evn if they post the duels like enzio did.or let me guess it is just happend you have no idea.but you failed to answer my question.why you snd others to doyour dirty work?dont tell me that you afraid that you will loose from me!and to imagine that on my original post i never mentioned the name of my attacker or even pounted at you or your buddy
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Re: General complaint
1734. hozzászólás - 2025.02.16. 23:31:32 (Válasz manunkind #1732 hozzászólására.)
for failing to respond to questions manukind you also didnt respond to my question and avoiding to respond.so let me ask you again .since with the scarab the high lvls dont gain anything what is the reason of attacking?
also you claim that didnt see that i have the scarab although you dont even have to scroll my relics to see it.i dont have many relics and you can see it immediatelly.you really want me to believe that you were loaded with SE when you hit me and you didnt check if i had the original scarab that i could take your SE if you drag me to the torture chamber?so you were risking to give me all your SE just like this?hard to believe it since you are an experienced player.unless you claim that your torture chamber was already full and you didnt have that danger.but again if your torture chamber was full and you didnt had any se on you to be at risk what the gain of your attack?
as for catwomans problem?i didnt see on her post to A)mention you,although you are the one that jumped to conclusions,B)didnt make a complain just stated the obvious that with the new scarab there is no reason or excuse for those kind of attacks that might lead to more players leaving the game.so you had problem with her post for what?
Catwoman as for your attack by manukinds buddy this is usual tactic of them.previous time his buddy was hitting my whole clan even the lvl12.so dont be surpised if he start hitting your clan also just because "he can".but dont worry manukind dont hit low lvl players......he send his buddies dont ask for the reason.he already told you...."he dont send anyone it just a coincidance"
Pontszám: 9.24
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Re: General complaint
1735. hozzászólás - 2025.02.17. 13:18:10
Dear Players,

I would like to help you with your concerns about subplasma attacks.
1.) If you are a premium member, go to Settings, and choose "I do not want to be attacked by subplasma" And that's it. You never ever have to worry about this.
2.) If you are not a premium member, go to Settings, turn of visibility of subplasma attacks.
3.) Additionally, you can go to soul-huckster, under relics, choose lesser scarab, that will prevent the attacker from dragging you to the torture chamber if he used subplasma.

I hope this helped!
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Re: General complaint
1736. hozzászólás - 2025.02.17. 18:59:51 (Válasz Miklos #1735 hozzászólására.)
oviously this is not enough since some high lvl players keep pushing active player to leave the game witth pointless attacks.i am lvl70 and getting attacked from lvl 300 plus just because they can.
manukind if you have a problem with what nhsos said there si no need to send you buddy to hit me you can do it yourself or evebn better solve you problem with her.we get it you dont want active players on the server.dont worry soon you might end up with your wish granted(or at least with much less active player,either way you and you buddy will be happy)
and before you start saying what i lost and me answer back what exactly did your buddy gain(except maybe the thrill that manage to win someone more than 200 lvl than him(great win by the way ) think what you wil end up doing on empty server or semi empty server.but now worries you can be hitting low lvl npc just to have the same thrill.
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Re: General complaint
1737. hozzászólás - 2025.02.17. 20:57:27 (Válasz manunkind #1730 hozzászólására.)
wow manukind when someone corner you and you dont knwow what to say you send your buddy to attack!tell him tommorow to hit 2 times he will feel and make you feel so important and good players and i need the laugh of your stupidity

P.S/thanks for proving me once again that some players stupidity and obsession is much higher than they lvl.
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Re: General complaint
1738. hozzászólás - 2025.02.17. 23:02:35 (Válasz Miklos #1735 hozzászólására.)
actually this doesnt help when you are a new player!

1.you have to pay EVERY week for premium for not being attacked from a player that is 200 or more lvls than you?i was lvl12 i was getting attacks from lvl above 200lvl player until i reached lvl25 and i was able to buy the scarab.now if the scarab hadnt been added,which from what i have seen the same high lvl players that are hitting the new players are the ones that didnt want it for obvious reasons,propably i would have left the game also.although from what i read the problem remains.
2.not seeing the subplasma attacks doesnt mean that those attacks not happening
3.even with the scarab you still have some high lvl players hitting you i dont know for what reason.
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Re: General complaint
1739. hozzászólás - 2025.02.17. 23:46:24 (Válasz merllin. #1738 hozzászólására.)
i'll say this one final time so there is no confusion. i have neither attacked you in retaliation, nor have i sent anyone to do so on my behalf. i don't even know who's attacking you, nor do i care since it's literally harmless. so much complaining over nothing.
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Re: General complaint
1740. hozzászólás - 2025.02.18. 00:25:14 (Válasz manunkind #1739 hozzászólására.)
merlin didnt named you but it might be a reason that you got upset from what i read on the other comments.as for the rest that merlin said he is right.until lvl 25 you are not protected from attacks with such big difference,when you reach lvl25 and you hope that if you get the scarab those attacks will stop......well that doesnt happen.i mean the attacks with so much difference are reduced a lot since most players have the common sense that they dont actually gain anything but also are some players that have problem to understand it or for some reason which i cannot understand and keep targeting players with such a big difference.
Pontszám: 5.83
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