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Topic neve: War of the Hucksters
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Re: War of the Hucksters
101. hozzászólás - 2012.01.25. 18:27:56
On W2, i dont have a single enemy, i changed all hucksters and i dont have any enemy. dodo888
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Re: War of the Hucksters
102. hozzászólás - 2012.01.26. 01:45:53
The problem lies in the fact that the event is not designed for low level players.
In W2, I will easily achieve 400 wins without even needing to attack the clones and being in the team with more players.
But if you only have a couple of active players around you, there is no way for you to achieve the minimum number of victories.

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Re: War of the Hucksters
103. hozzászólás - 2012.01.26. 08:24:06 (Válasz Kalann #100 hozzászólására.)
As things stand atm, no the clones cannot be multiplied.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: War of the Hucksters
104. hozzászólás - 2012.01.27. 20:59:54
The frozen heart can get you extra targets, did you try that?
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Re: War of the Hucksters
105. hozzászólás - 2012.01.28. 20:31:08 (Válasz Storm Firebane #99 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Storm Firebane - 2012.01.25. 15:17:07
all clones are placed in the same horde/huckster as the player, everyone complaining about no targets should switch huckster to an underdog, then ye have targets enough.

I suppose, it works vice versa - 3 clones of a player are placed in 3 teams other than player's. So you cannot face your own clone, but switching the team cannot give more targets (and anyway, I think close to the end of competition switching team is a good idea at all).
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very popularBartessica Slam
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STRIKE : War of the Hucksters
106. hozzászólás - 2012.02.01. 18:14:46
2012-02-01: War of the hucksters: new end of date
We decided, that we extended the War of the Hucksters event! The war ends on 14 February, Tuesday, 14pm CET (8am EST). Have fun! The Doomlord Team.
Subject : STRIKE! --- War of the hucksters ---

Dear DL-designers,

After reading this announcement (see quote); I must say I’m completely chocked.

Since when do we play a game; where rules are adapted in the middle of an event?

Although it’s “just a game”, I cannot agree with those kind of practices; those who play this game in a “serious” way must see what I try to say here.
This kind of changes (in the middle of this event) gives a gigantic advantage for those who :
1. Have 30DP/day
2. Have enough targets
3. Have Energy Harnasss
4. Have some potions left
5. Have shape reality maxed out.
Making up your mind to keep on being in the top-10; wether it’s usefull or not, is influenced by the above elements and is in function of time and time left till the end of the event.

I go on strike!

As for me, I will not make any further attacks upon my opponents; though I am in the top 10 (Player: Elvenwind – W3)
I know, some will be happy but I hope most of them can understand my reaction.
I personally feel being ripped off and being highjacked my place in the top 10.

A “not amused player”
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Re: STRIKE : War of the Hucksters
107. hozzászólás - 2012.02.01. 20:00:29 (Válasz Bartessica Slam #106 hozzászólására.)
I used a DD/EH switch strategy for the event ~ so I hoarded up all my EPs before the attacks started, up to a number I estimated would be sufficient for three weeks of killing, not four.

So I'll probably just stop when they're finished. Getting 2 more space-rift potions is a bit expensive, and hunting with EH isn't very attractive.

Mind you, there might be a good reason for extending the event. But I'm sure it would be better received if we knew why it was extended.

On the plus side, maybe my character on W2 will manage to get 100 kills now.
W1 - Kalann
W2 - Azanael
W3 - Haakon
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very popularBartessica Slam
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Re: STRIKE : War of the Hucksters
108. hozzászólás - 2012.02.01. 20:18:41 (Válasz Kalann #107 hozzászólására.)

thanks for your reaction.

ok... this or other arguments might be in a personal intrest...

What I intend to say is:
You prepare yourself for an event ... and suddenly, in the middle of it, they launch a relic; another one…, and now they extend this event. Tomorrow they withdraw the “*dummies*” ?...
I disagree changing rules while an event is going on... that's not the way you do business!

Get my drift here?

A hozzászólást Bartessica Slam módosította 2012.02.01. 20:19:27-kor
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Re: War of the Hucksters
109. hozzászólás - 2012.02.01. 22:17:47
World Cup final. 25 minutes in the second half.
Brazil 1 x 0 Spain.
Ref calls both captains and says: "Listen, FIFA has decided that this game will not have 2 halves of 45 minutes. Instead, we are playing 3 thirds of 45 minutes."
I don't know about you, but I think this is BS.

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everyone's favoriteStorm Firebane
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Re: War of the Hucksters
110. hozzászólás - 2012.02.02. 01:13:40
Well, i still have 2 more spacerift potions (thank you Xeno wars), so i an use another week, but it is indeed not how it is supposed to be done.

I would be fine with an event with an end time once a certain percentage of participants have gotten the endgoal (300/ 400 vicltories) if that was how it was decided at the start, but i dont think its a ood idea to change the rules afterwards.
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Re: War of the Hucksters
111. hozzászólás - 2012.02.02. 08:27:31
At least look at the bright side The rewards for being in top 10 on this event really SUCK . I do understand your points of view and I do agree it is unfair..... BUT I am actually happy they extended the event by 1 week, it means I don't have to worry about the Crystal Clan for another 7 days
it figures ....
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everyone's favoriteWizbaneFérfi
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Re: War of the Hucksters
112. hozzászólás - 2012.02.02. 09:38:13
And it's not like it's an interesting event anyway - just duel as much and as often as you can. So now we've got another week of tedious slaying. I want to get back to the nuts and bolts of the game - developing players and the Clan. We're not building as much as we should, and we're not taking down epics like we should.

Either set an event for a certain time - or until a goal has been achieved.

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Re: War of the Hucksters
113. hozzászólás - 2012.02.02. 10:24:55 (Válasz ardent #111 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: ardent - 2012.02.02. 08:27:31
BUT I am actually happy they extended the event by 1 week, it means I don't have to worry about the Crystal Clan for another 7 days

Well, this is the worst part for me.
I don't really care about the event. Since I was told all my hard earned AA abilities wouldn't work*, I gave up on it and decided to stick to 300 victories.
But not having the CC really sucks. As they were deactivated for the event, I can't drain any SE from them.
And now I have one extra week of this lousy CC behavior.
Really awful.

*It is really frustrating to realize the only EH event is not really an EH event. Having 3 DD events and 1 event that ties EH and DD is not very balanced. But who cares about balancing anyway, right?

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everyone's favoriteAxe L
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Re: War of the Hucksters
114. hozzászólás - 2012.02.03. 19:28:29
I don't find idea of Hucksters War extending as good one. I saved up number of event points enough till Feb., 7. After that I switched from Disadvanced Development (DD) to Energy Harness (EH) to get more Soul Energy from duels. Now I'm in tricky situation: once I'll be out of event points I'll be forced to go hunting and this will bring me double Exp cause I don't have enough soul diamonds to make switch from EH to DD and to EH again (and at the end of event to DD as I'm hunter character). This will ruin all my development strategy. So I kindly request Admins to take back their decision. Make the end of War of Hucksters at the 7th of Feb. Thanks.
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much likedBabeTheOxFérfi
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Re: War of the Hucksters
115. hozzászólás - 2012.02.04. 06:40:41
hate to say it but i will be in the same bind as Axe L....I planned everything quite precisely for the published event time, buying potions to switch to EH..now i will have 1000 AP by the 7th, and be forced to use my AP getting double xp for the hunts unless i wish to waste the AP
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Re: War of the Hucksters
116. hozzászólás - 2012.02.06. 09:00:31
The event will last 1 week longer.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: War of the Hucksters
117. hozzászólás - 2012.02.08. 19:30:17
Welp, the aditional week has officially cost me my top 10 spot... boo
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Re: War of the Hucksters
118. hozzászólás - 2012.02.09. 09:49:05 (Válasz Trackur #117 hozzászólására.)
Me too.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: War of the Hucksters
119. hozzászólás - 2012.02.09. 11:59:53 (Válasz Kethios #118 hozzászólására.)
Cost me 4500+ SDs to maintain it.
W1 - Kalann
W2 - Azanael
W3 - Haakon
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: War of the Hucksters
120. hozzászólás - 2012.02.14. 13:14:16
So the War of the huckster is over for this time, and I have a question about the Huckster medallion.

I was in the winning team on World 2, and in the top 10 for most potions. This should give me 2 medallions. But I also had one medallion since the last event, and now I have a total of 2 medallions (and not 1+2=3).
Is the medals for the top 10 not distributed yet or did I miss something about how the medals are awarded?

Even with 2 medallions I don't get any discount on SD items with the soul-huckster.
A hozzászólást Sbart módosította 2012.02.14. 13:34:31-kor
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