Felhasználónév: Jelszó:

Hozzászólások - Bartessica Slam

Dátum: 2014.04.01. 15:47:52

top 10 is not correct.
Dátum: 2014.03.22. 07:14:23
Thx Manu, I guess fatigue was attacking my concentration.
Dátum: 2014.03.22. 00:20:09
Hi Miklos,

thx fyi.
Nemesis? Could you please refresh my memory?
Dátum: 2014.03.11. 07:26:47
Hi Furby,

what you can do is declare war upon one of the clans (we/I did that in the past). Beware; check the levels of the members in the different clans; they are NOT the same.
Dátum: 2014.03.10. 23:17:50
lol Carrier , I guess you're the smart ass (nice one indeed!). But, I fear they also will change that into +6 months
And indeed no Chitins indeed... till now. Though I doubt if this is a good choice as reward.

Dátum: 2014.03.01. 10:38:19
Hi Miklos,

after having an internal vote we (15members) would like to rename our Torture Chamber
Any chance to make that happen?
rofl; thanks for your answer,

Shall we modify our "Torture chamber" into a "Massage Saloon" ?

Yes ! = 3 votes (20%)
Yes, for Doomladies only ! = 4 votes (27%)
Yes, for Elven Doomladies only ! = 3 votes (20%)
No, I want to make a mud pool for Dwarfs ! = 4 votes (27%)
No, just leave it like that; I'm a sadistic person =1 vote (7%)

Dátum: 2014.02.20. 14:54:57


-50% of health... ; that's strong... orr... no; that's weak ! hahahaha
Dátum: 2014.02.20. 14:08:41

indeed; I did send a help request to the helpdesk.
Also checking players in the top-10 did throw you out of the game; but that seems to be resolved.

Something else:
The last (new) reward? Did I miss something of explanation...or?
Dátum: 2014.02.01. 00:00:30
Hi Tallia,

I know you asked Miklos; but as I was confused too; I informed myself and obviously the mini-event has started the day it was announced!
Dátum: 2014.01.31. 07:59:28

somewhere, somehow; I do remember something that an "Equipment: ultra-implant" could be taken back/recycled (reusable?) from a pet... .
Anyone who can refresh my memory?
(fyi: quit interesting to know before you want to turn a pet into a minion)

Dátum: 2014.01.30. 07:28:03
Hi Miklos,

do you have any official comment upon the timing of the mini event?
Right after RotP?

Thanks fyi.
Dátum: 2014.01.04. 17:43:28
Oye, Mate... isn't that a Wommat; that Minion of yours?
Dátum: 2013.12.24. 07:23:05
Hi Manukind,

this is indeed not "fair". I hope you did make a "help" application; that would be the best way to get things "straight".
Dátum: 2013.12.17. 08:19:46
Hi Manu,

mindboosting "trapping" does not boost your SE income; it boost the frequency of trapping / catching pets.

ps. Therefore it's advisable to max out Trapping (without mindboost).
Dátum: 2013.12.12. 16:14:27
Farewell my friend.

Dátum: 2013.12.10. 09:14:32
Thx Sbart,

possibly his/her level isn't maxed out... I'll copy / post your message 1:1.
Dátum: 2013.12.10. 07:58:13

a member of our clan is asking how I do get this options:


First thought was; that it was an acceleration-function but obviously that didn't work for him/her... I really don't remember any more... .
Thanks for your assistance.
Dátum: 2013.12.06. 14:25:51

I can understand the "frustration" of Stiska and can subscribe it, though I'm (still) a DD-player in W3. This being said; there is also a (small) advantage of W3; in the actual (W3) configuration; an attacker cannot "rob" you in 3 or 4 strikes... . But in general; it is true that (high level) (good) W3-players are (far) weaker than W1/W2-players.
Therefore (Stiska) it is my opinion that a (higher level) W3-player best stays under the W3-rules and do not/never move to W1/W2 rules.


to tackle this difference towards eg. Championships, etc. I can imagine that a W3-player gets less XP/hit and XP/hunt; whether it's a DD or EH player... this could partially tackle this handicap for actions in a mutual environment as eg. champs etc. .

Dátum: 2013.12.06. 06:46:42
E!!!!!! Will you tell your relatives to behave!!!! Blasted impudent runts that they are!!

Gna, Gna, Gna... Quote:
"Ah! An elf noticed you. Chuckling, he kunckles you, and steals 91 SPs!"
E. (Elvenwind)
Dátum: 2013.12.06. 00:00:41
*E. sees a Wombat sleeping and in a swift move she steals the gift of that Furby. *