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Re: Merging worlds
181. hozzászólás - 2013.12.04. 12:41:09 (Válasz Ilyanna #176 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Ilyanna - 2013.12.03. 23:56:32
I'm not aiming for perfection nor do I expect it from anyone else. Again ardent if it hurts your eyes quit reading my posts. It's just plain stupid to do so when it bothers you so much. And by the way again I don't care what you think. I originally was conversing with Cruel and certainly didn't ask for your input or your opinion. And my English isn't incomprehensible though you'd like to believe that because your sole purpose is to ridicule and belittle anyone you can which is what someone does when they don't like themselves. They try to make everyone around them less than so they can feel better. Only in your eyes are you superior. And if that's what gets your through the day then so be it because the only person it's affecting is you.
Even your nasty remarks to spark friction, anger and chaos mean very little.
Again, I don't understand why someone who is supposedly as intelligent as you continues to hang out here in a place you feel is riddled with unintelligible, boring, ignorant people. I think you just enjoy being nasty to anyone you can. Have fun. If aiming your miserableness at me keeps you from going after others then go for it.

And Merry Christmas to you ardent.

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Re: Merging worlds
182. hozzászólás - 2013.12.04. 13:29:09 (Válasz Sbart #178 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Sbart - 2013.12.04. 07:59:44
Idézet: Stiska - 2013.12.04. 07:39:22
what is going on anymore?

Last lvl i had 75k xp to advance lvl now 49k xp to advance lvl. is this some kind of sick joke miklos?

Possible explenation: Before the sever merge you were in the top 50 of your World, and therefore had an "xp modifier". After the server merge you are no longer in the top50, and therefore do not have this top50 xp modifier.

there is no explanation on this. you want to tell me that player who is energy harness and has deep learning has less xp to advance then guys who are disadvance development. not only that we are talking around 15k xp less then disadvance development.
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Re: Merging worlds
183. hozzászólás - 2013.12.04. 14:00:08 (Válasz Stiska #182 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Stiska - 2013.12.04. 13:29:09

there is no explanation on this. you want to tell me that player who is energy harness and has deep learning has less xp to advance then guys who are disadvance development. not only that we are talking around 15k xp less then disadvance development.

I am not saying this is the explenation, I am only saying it a possible explenation (to know exactly I would have to have access to the servers, and if you suspect there is something wrong (like a bug) there is a way of getting in contact with people who can check that).
Every character in the top50 (defined by level) gain a "xp modification", i.e. they need more Xp to level than defined by their level. #1 need 100% more, #2 98%, #3 96% and so on.
If, before the merge you were in the top 50 you had such a modifier, and you kept that modifier until you leveled up. So if you dropped your place in the top50, it is very possible that the number of Xp you need to level will "increase".
A hozzászólást Sbart módosította 2013.12.04. 16:15:26-kor
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Re: Merging worlds
184. hozzászólás - 2013.12.04. 20:07:11 (Válasz Sbart #183 hozzászólására.)
You are correct Sbart, this is the explanation.
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Re: Merging worlds
185. hozzászólás - 2013.12.05. 00:00:19
when you capture a pet while hunting it doesnt tell you how many Helmet shards you have aquired... In this instance it would have been 16, so I dont know if that has anything to do with it... I did however recieve the Helmet shards. It just doesnt say that I did.
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Re: Merging worlds
186. hozzászólás - 2013.12.05. 13:02:30
ardent if you are the one who was throwing shits on this game now you have one more person.
After f..... around and trying to catch the ropes this shitty games is really making people stop playing. Can you believe that you transfer into energy harness player, getting double xp per hunt and advance 2 times faster then disadvance development player with deep learning, you are getting risk and you are becoming non competitive, after all this shits you have less xp to advance then guy same lvl as you are with disadvance development. what the hell is going on with this f... game. why the hell didnt you explain what is energy harness more clearly? Now my char lvl 109, energy harness char has 50k xp to advance lvl. what do you say about this cruel. Am i in advantage now when others who are not energy harness has over 60x to advance lvl. and i am getting 148xp per strike. Now you are pushing me towards cruel and those guys over 5k abilities who played whole game by the normal rules and normal xp for energy harness player.

F... pathetic game
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Re: Merging worlds
187. hozzászólás - 2013.12.05. 13:14:25 (Válasz Stiska #186 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Stiska - 2013.12.05. 13:02:30
ardent if you are the one who was throwing shits on this game now you have one more person.
After f..... around and trying to catch the ropes this shitty games is really making people stop playing. Can you believe that you transfer into energy harness player, getting double xp per hunt and advance 2 times faster then disadvance development player with deep learning, you are getting risk and you are becoming non competitive, after all this shits you have less xp to advance then guy same lvl as you are with disadvance development. what the hell is going on with this f... game. why the hell didnt you explain what is energy harness more clearly? Now my char lvl 109, energy harness char has 50k xp to advance lvl. what do you say about this cruel. Am i in advantage now when others who are not energy harness has over 60x to advance lvl. and i am getting 148xp per strike. Now you are pushing me towards cruel and those guys over 5k abilities who played whole game by the normal rules and normal xp for energy harness player.

F... pathetic game

Your claims are 100% legit but I doubt this will be taken care of any time soon. Admins and devs seem to have decided the silent treatment works best for their remaining players .... There are lots of reported bugs that haven't been fixed and there is little hope for fast fixes nowadays. You can be patient, play the game as it is, you can scream and shout (it won't help, you get ignored just like the rest of us) or you can quit (hard thing to achieve since they deleted the delete button in settings )
it figures ....
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Re: Merging worlds
188. hozzászólás - 2013.12.05. 14:29:16 (Válasz ardent #187 hozzászólására.)
Your XP is correct. Hungarian wiki shows necessary XP for lvl 108 (41244) and 111 (43011). So 109 should be around 41500. When you add the 20% from Deep learning, 49k looks ok. As per the DD players with 15k additional XP to lvl up, this is either a bug or they haven't leveled up since the merger, as I believe you also kept your 75k XP to lvl up after the merger. I tend to bet on the second, but this merger has brought so many bugs that it wouldn't be impossible they have leveled up and the game has calculated the new XP incorrectly. Regarding the reduction from 75k to 49k, it's obviously from the fact you were top 50 and now you are not anymore.

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Re: Merging worlds
189. hozzászólás - 2013.12.05. 15:30:23
well cruel
dont get me wrong. i have very nice opinion about you and you know that. but it seams that your whole game you are playing under one rules, not only that your w2 is older then w3. now you (and guys like you) adapt very nice cause you were playing this long before and you didnt feel any of this things. this way and by this rules me and other players (not in top 50) are doomed. we will never be in position to challenge any of you cause simply we are lvling-up much faster then you are. so in your lvl i will be less 1k abilities. so we are coming to conclusion why would we play this game? i mean some guys have 1 rule other sec. rules, third who knows what. now as admins has a problem with inactivity of players and lower amount of money incoming they just merged w to keep players satisfy. but is this a right way? should i transfer my w3 fighter into builder? damn i have more then 25 medals, more then 2 years i was developing my char as fighter to become builder. there is no need for ancient stones as builder. or should i just wait and log to champ every 15 days as fighter and then hold for next one?
Now one more thing to admins, as you are obviously doing wrong and making players angry. That lead us to stoop playing as when you are playing for 2 years it is easiest way to just delete char cause then everything is over. There is no coming back. But you remove that option to make us always come back. Now i complain about that but then you are making some stories and some explanation. For one programer that is just few h of work. Why dont you return that button
A hozzászólást Stiska módosította 2013.12.05. 15:31:19-kor
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Re: Merging worlds
190. hozzászólás - 2013.12.05. 18:38:35
Fair warning: Lots of text and personal opinions incoming!

I don't really know if there is much use saying anything, but...
I don't know the reason for merging the worlds, but my best guess is that the game was not designed for playing with few players. And as the number of players declined, Beholder (the people behind this game) felt that they had to try something. The first step was done a long time ago, with the introduction of the Crystal Clan. The second, alot more drastic step was done not long ago, by merging all three internationla worlds into one. I guess it was Beholders opinion that if they did not do this, the game would die. As it turns out, it might die anyway.
Part of that is because this "merge" caused a lot of bugs and coding problems. I do not think that is strange, although it feels like a lot of these could have (should have) been resolved a lot faster. Some of the bugs appearing after the merge are still there.

The other part is that everyones enivorment changed. The merge was partly done to do that, so that more players could interact, but of course it also means that players that before the merge were "ok" suddenly feel "weak". I understand that is frustrating, but at the end of the day I think the (potential) advanatges of merging the worlds is probably better than not doing it (although I am getting a feed up with the silence from Beholder and the fact that bugs are not fixed).

About beign a weak player:
Most of us have been there. I am currently top Abilities, but that was not always the case. When I started to play this game I was not "strong", and I had to try to develop into a stronger character. I am in no way saying it is easy, only that it can be done. And I am pretty sure that if I were to start a new character today, that character would be stronger than this one when it reaches the same level (although I would not do that, because that would take a few years).
Some tips to become "stronger":
* Try to give as little as possible to other players. If they gain little from you, they will attack you less.
* Develop your Skills and AA abilities. Only when you are "done" with this start with abilities.
* Develop Luck. Buidling for your Clan for some time is a good way of strengthining your Clan, and lost of Luck is good for getting more resources from Hunts.
* Join a strong Clan, or help build a strong Clan. This is easier now than ever, since there are more players avilable after the merge.
* Temple of Doom. Temple medals are strong, because...
* AA abilities. These were not always in the game (especially not all of them). Some of these can help you build a stronger character.
* Repetable quests. It is not a coincidence that the top 2 players in Abilities are also the top 2 in #Quests.
there are probably a ton more things that I cannot think of right now.

About DD and EH:
In some way the choice between DD and EH is question of personal taste, but I think that if one does not like the Player vs. Player part of the game then DD is probably the better choice (slower leveling). Do note that with fully developed AA abilties EH is aproaching DD in SE/xp efficency, but you still gain more Xp/real time.
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Re: Merging worlds
191. hozzászólás - 2013.12.05. 19:33:11

It seems you are complaining about 2 things:

1 - You don't like the XP adjustment for top 50 - I disagree with this view, as people tend to prefer to have more people around their level. As a matter of fact, I have already said here several times the adjustment should be even more drastic (1st getting 200% and not 100%). In any case, you will start benefiting from it when you are top 50, so you shouldn't worry too much about it.

2 - You are no longer as strong as you were before the merger - For some unknown reason, W2 characters are much stronger than the rest. Maybe it is just a big coincidence but that's a fact. I understand this can be frustrating, but the game, as a whole, gains more than loses by merging the servers. As a consolation, I can say that if you follow the tips I gave in our long PM exchanges, you should be ok


P.S. Sbart is right about the importance of quests. Actually, most of the top 10 in abis are also a top 10 in quests. And this is the main reason EH is better than DD. DD can't do repeatable quests efficiently. But I have already said that to you
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Re: Merging worlds
192. hozzászólás - 2013.12.06. 13:56:58
Well Cruel
Again respect to you but of course that your opinion effect just you. You were playing under one rules and still you are playing under same rules. why would you complain. Sec. you were not limited with your se gaining from fights while in w3 its almost impossible to get more then 20k se per fight (at w1 in one moment with char below lvl 70 i got 500k se with one shot). Now there is already huge difference between fighter from w1,2 and fighter from w3. Now you like that guys like me gain faster xp to come closer to you. We cant be better then you that is a fact and by that you will beat us without problem. Now as we are fighter we need to have on our self se and of course you can steal it. So with this new rules and no matter what i spend few years of playing this game do you like me (and players like me) still playing or not. If we continue playing why would we accept this discrimination? You are not right person to talk about this matter cause you are not in this matter. You can just enjoy right now and we are sucking this new shit. As there is obviously a problem cause there is more guys like me in stand by for deleting button I am just waiting for administration respond and under this rules and this huge differences I will not be playing. One notice Cruel, I am still hanging on (top fighter in my category) but it was without this new xp things.

Respect for you
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Re: Merging worlds
193. hozzászólás - 2013.12.06. 14:22:27 (Válasz Stiska #192 hozzászólására.)
If you are playing under W3 rules, then yes, you cannot gain large amounts of SE from dueling when stealing SE from other players. On the other hand, other players attacking you cannot gain large amounts of SE from you either*. And I am not sure, but is the SE limitied for Energy Harness? Because I can honestly say that the number of times I get SE of a person for real (i.e. stealing it) is very few compared to the number of times I get SE simply from Energy Harness.
So by playing with W3 rules you gain some (less SE lost when losing a duel) and lose some (less SE gained when winning a duel).
Is that fair? Mayby not. I know it was proposed somewhere that W3 characters should gain the option to "transfer" to W1/2 rules, but I have no idea what happened with that. If that is what you want, I would suggest writing one (or several) such suggestions to Customer support. Maybe they can transfer you from W3 to W1/2 rules?

And "this xp thingy" has absolutely nothing to do with any difference between how (the old) W3 and W1/2 worked.

* "The SE you can get for a victorious duel is maximalized this way: 10 + 10 * level * maximum(target's victory/loss ratio, 0.2). "
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Re: Merging worlds
194. hozzászólás - 2013.12.06. 14:25:51 (Válasz Stiska #192 hozzászólására.)

I can understand the "frustration" of Stiska and can subscribe it, though I'm (still) a DD-player in W3. This being said; there is also a (small) advantage of W3; in the actual (W3) configuration; an attacker cannot "rob" you in 3 or 4 strikes... . But in general; it is true that (high level) (good) W3-players are (far) weaker than W1/W2-players.
Therefore (Stiska) it is my opinion that a (higher level) W3-player best stays under the W3-rules and do not/never move to W1/W2 rules.


to tackle this difference towards eg. Championships, etc. I can imagine that a W3-player gets less XP/hit and XP/hunt; whether it's a DD or EH player... this could partially tackle this handicap for actions in a mutual environment as eg. champs etc. .

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Re: Merging worlds
195. hozzászólás - 2013.12.06. 14:32:50
Yes, Sbart, you are right, we did the merge because we gota lot of complaints that people can't find enough targets to duel, can't find a good clan, etc. We considered cross-server dueling, but decided on the merge instead, which gives the same result but more flexibility. Unfortunately, coding this was much much more difficult than we expected, I felt ashamed over the bugs, but we tried to sort out everything.
We had 3 world, each did not have enough active players on their own, but the 3 combined had. It's still difficult to judge if this was a good or a bad decision. What I see now, there is much more activity in general. More people playing, clans becoming really active. This is not my invention, though. In many other games, worlds lose players, and they get merged eventually, while opening new worlds at the same time. I know very well the drawback too: some players don't like losing rank or becoming relatively weaker. But also I know, players who like to compete, like new challenges. If someone was a "sole predator" of a given level range for a long time, would have quit anyway due to boredom. Now he have at least some new goal, some new foes to defeat. If he wouldn't have the strength and will to accept the challenge, he wouldn't have risen so high.

About the Top50 modifier: yes, after the merge, people who were in top50 of their server might have a lower rank now, and as such, have a lesser xp modifier. You have to know that xp modifier is changed only when you level up. After you leveled, your modifier will NOT change, even if your rank does. So players who did not level since the merge, still have the same multiplier as before. But once they level up, they get a new one. We added now a tooltip next to the xp bar to explain how your multiplier is calculated to avoid confusion. Please Stiska also understand that this does not gives you at any disadvantage. This rule is applied to all players, everyone in your level range has about the same modifier as soon as they level up.
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Re: Merging worlds
196. hozzászólás - 2013.12.06. 14:34:16 (Válasz Bartessica Slam #194 hozzászólására.)
Regarding "W2 players are stronger":
(Former) W2 players are generally stronger than W1 players. Both worlds played under the same rules, and W1 is older. I think that W2 players are "stronger" because the competion on W2 was bigger, and this forced W2 characters to become stronger. There are very few reasons in this game besides battles against other Doomlords to have high Abilities*, so only when other Doomlords (in your level bracket) has high Abilities will you get yourself higher Abilities (or prioratize Abilities).

* I can only think of battles against Epics and Entities.
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Re: Merging worlds
197. hozzászólás - 2013.12.06. 15:25:32
Miklos i am telling you 1 thing and you always reply something else
Some guys are enjoying 1 rule for longer time and that continue while players from w3 was limited by se and now by xp cause this is youngest w. You are talking about players of my lvl but it is not about that. its actually about players above my lvl. you are pushing us there and creating farms of us. this is a real problem. we are not all equal here and cause of that higher players has benefit of. You limited us in every ways (w3) players and i will not accept that. we all should have same rights and we dont have it
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Re: Merging worlds
198. hozzászólás - 2013.12.06. 16:01:37 (Válasz Sbart #193 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Sbart - 2013.12.06. 14:22:27
If you are playing under W3 rules, then yes, you cannot gain large amounts of SE from dueling when stealing SE from other players. On the other hand, other players attacking you cannot gain large amounts of SE from you either*. And I am not sure, but is the SE limitied for Energy Harness? Because I can honestly say that the number of times I get SE of a person for real (i.e. stealing it) is very few compared to the number of times I get SE simply from Energy Harness.
So by playing with W3 rules you gain some (less SE lost when losing a duel) and lose some (less SE gained when winning a duel).
Is that fair? Mayby not. I know it was proposed somewhere that W3 characters should gain the option to "transfer" to W1/2 rules, but I have no idea what happened with that. If that is what you want, I would suggest writing one (or several) such suggestions to Customer support. Maybe they can transfer you from W3 to W1/2 rules?

And "this xp thingy" has absolutely nothing to do with any difference between how (the old) W3 and W1/2 worked.

* "The SE you can get for a victorious duel is maximalized this way: 10 + 10 * level * maximum(target's victory/loss ratio, 0.2). "

Are you kidding me sbart
If you are not kidding me then what is wrong with you
First i have to ask you one question before i explain you something. Have you ever play w4? If you did how the hell you are talking such nonsenses. If w3 started year after w2, if you are playing active w2 in matter of year you will be 60-70 lvl while i just start playing w3. now there is w1 and w2 before w3 and how the hell i can be in top 50 players?
Sec. Thing what the hell are you talking, this talk doesnt matters you cause you are the one who has benefit all the time and continue to have it. So its normal that you will not complain and you will be against my opinion. You and guys like you has the most benefit from all of this cause you are in top. Now they are slowing you and pushing us towards you without any benefits while you were enjoying it all the time. We all should eventually become your farms cause there is impossible to catch you cause all your game you needed more xp to advance same lvl then we need. when you were 108 lvl you needed for example 75k xp, when you were 109 you needed 79k xp for example and what about us? we need 50k xp to advance lvl. to reach your 136 lvl we will need million less xp now calculate how weaker we are.
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Re: Merging worlds
199. hozzászólás - 2013.12.06. 16:26:27 (Válasz Stiska #198 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Stiska - 2013.12.06. 16:01:37
Idézet: Sbart - 2013.12.06. 14:22:27
If you are playing under W3 rules, then yes, you cannot gain large amounts of SE from dueling when stealing SE from other players. On the other hand, other players attacking you cannot gain large amounts of SE from you either*. And I am not sure, but is the SE limitied for Energy Harness? Because I can honestly say that the number of times I get SE of a person for real (i.e. stealing it) is very few compared to the number of times I get SE simply from Energy Harness.
So by playing with W3 rules you gain some (less SE lost when losing a duel) and lose some (less SE gained when winning a duel).
Is that fair? Mayby not. I know it was proposed somewhere that W3 characters should gain the option to "transfer" to W1/2 rules, but I have no idea what happened with that. If that is what you want, I would suggest writing one (or several) such suggestions to Customer support. Maybe they can transfer you from W3 to W1/2 rules?

And "this xp thingy" has absolutely nothing to do with any difference between how (the old) W3 and W1/2 worked.

* "The SE you can get for a victorious duel is maximalized this way: 10 + 10 * level * maximum(target's victory/loss ratio, 0.2). "

Are you kidding me sbart
If you are not kidding me then what is wrong with you
First i have to ask you one question before i explain you something. Have you ever play w4? If you did how the hell you are talking such nonsenses. If w3 started year after w2, if you are playing active w2 in matter of year you will be 60-70 lvl while i just start playing w3. now there is w1 and w2 before w3 and how the hell i can be in top 50 players?
Sec. Thing what the hell are you talking, this talk doesnt matters you cause you are the one who has benefit all the time and continue to have it. So its normal that you will not complain and you will be against my opinion. You and guys like you has the most benefit from all of this cause you are in top. Now they are slowing you and pushing us towards you without any benefits while you were enjoying it all the time. We all should eventually become your farms cause there is impossible to catch you cause all your game you needed more xp to advance same lvl then we need. when you were 108 lvl you needed for example 75k xp, when you were 109 you needed 79k xp for example and what about us? we need 50k xp to advance lvl. to reach your 136 lvl we will need million less xp now calculate how weaker we are.

Yes, I have played world4. And I have some difficulty understanding your argument. Up till now you have complained that W3 rules are not fair compared to W1/2 rules. Now you are saying that people who played longer are stronger and that is not fair? Which way is it? So what you are complaining against is the top50 modifier? The very modifier that means that you will need more Xp than me to reach the same level that I am (newsflash; The top50 modifier is not that old). And besides that you have access to other things at a lot lover level than Older characters, but go ahead and predict that you will be weaker, because I predict that you could be stronger.

And in what way have I talking against you? Seriously. In what way have I talked "against your opinion"? All I have tried to do is help you, and explain how the game works (wheter we like it or not) but obviously that help is not wanted or appreciated, so from now on you are on your own. Go and trash-talk people somewhere else. I'm out.
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Re: Merging worlds
200. hozzászólás - 2013.12.06. 16:43:31
sbart i didnt trash talked you

I just dont understand what is your argument. I am talking about everything. w3 rules and modifier when w merged. W2 plays 1 (or more) years then w3. This way you gained much more xp(game xp) then when players of w3 started. you were playing with modifier for long time and continue. now lets compare you and skilled beginner. with all of his skill there will always be huge difference between you and him why? cause most of your game you were in xp modifier and he is not. no matter how skilled he is he will never catch you, not catch you in xp but catch your lvl and your abilities for example 126. now this is my opinion but some guys maybe have others however merging w you didnt lose anything. you and players like you, but we lost everything.
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