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Hozzászólások - Viridel

Dátum: 2010.05.15. 07:28:43
Idézet: Hrus - 2010.02.04. 09:32:28
Idézet: Dreamcatcher8484 - 2010.02.04. 00:36:54
wot is the infection i keep reading about

From lvl 20 (I think?) there will be a special folder in your misc tab. Each time you reach a lvl from that time, you have a short time (1 day?) to fight the infection (it costs SE). If you will fight the infection, it will be lessened by 1%, otherwise, it will grow by 1%. It starts on 50%.
If you are 100% infected, you can fight all the doomlords even those of your horde (excluding your clanmates).
If you are 0% infected, You have got +5 for your all ability, with the mind boost you can have 1 more skills than the maximum, and you can loot more SE from the infected characters with the different in your infection percent and his/her percent.

I didn't play on a hungarian server, so if it has some other perks I don't know of, somebody correct me.

Fighting infection seems to be phenomenally expensive for what seems like marginal (at best) gains. What are the reasons that someone would make that investment - because +5 per attribute doesn't really cut it... Plus, if I read it right, since you start at 50%, it'll actually take 50 levels before you get rid of the infection... Based on 50 levels, that's an SE cost of 652,500 to fight it off - for an extra 30 Attribute points???
Dátum: 2010.05.15. 03:40:07
Who won the Italian serie A in 2009?

Is in the Quiz


Sidney Crosby won the NHL Stanley Cup in 2009 with what team?

Gets rejected (in spite of being able to figure out the answer either by the 2009 Cup -or- by who Crosby plays for)

Just a continued European Bias... Awesome.
Dátum: 2010.05.14. 18:28:27
With an upgraded Watchtower and a recent eviction, there are four spots available in Star Dagger - the 2nd ranked Sapphire clan in World 2; a Clan dedicated to long term growth and education about the game.
Dátum: 2010.05.14. 17:28:16
Which of the following was not a 'Roundhead'?
John Knox
Henry Ireton
John Pym
Oliver Cromwell

This question would cause massive issues in the Quiz Olympics - and how does this pass without a "special knowledge" tag???
Dátum: 2010.05.14. 03:21:05
Idézet: ImLittleJon - 2010.05.14. 01:51:31
Idézet: Grey Rhino - 2010.05.13. 22:49:25
seriously, how well known do you have to be to not be a special group!

You have to be known by the one particular evaluator who gets assigned the question.

Bazinga. Unfortunately, it's also true.
Dátum: 2010.05.13. 06:19:05
Idézet: ChaoticGemini - 2010.05.13. 01:04:44
Although the question does not make any biblical reference. Different religious and cultures have different creation myths. The question should be re-written or removed.

I just think that ANY religion questions are asking for trouble. When was the last time religion talk resulted in peace and harmony?
Dátum: 2010.05.11. 18:29:11
How many sides are on a pyramid?

Can be either 4 or 5, depending on whether the base is a triangle or a square/rectangle
Dátum: 2010.05.10. 20:14:59
Idézet: LydonB - 2010.05.10. 13:10:19
An empire made up from just farmers is not capable to defend itself from a group of bandits, whilst an empire made solely of warriors won't be able to eat anything; in both aspects the result is death or something very similar.

As far as the game goes, you're not wrong, but in RL, this is a major fail. The largest empire in the history of the world was the Mongol empire - all warriors.
Dátum: 2010.05.10. 19:38:04
Idézet: LydonB - 2010.05.10. 16:49:02
Unfortunately we have been doing that for quite a while. No feedback from admins whatsoever. Likely falling upon deaf ears.

Total lack of feedback increases frustration on the matter.

Doomlord forum -> Doomlord Game Forums -> Complaints -> The Quiz Evaluation Discussion/Debate

The above has existed for two months now, and not a single response, or any other indication, that any of the Game Admins have been following it. The thread started out as a very positive discussion of the flaws in the current system, and viable remedies. Apathy breeds either apathy or anger, and I don't think it's fair to blame the users for their natural responses when the effort isn't being put forward by those who have the ability to change things.
Dátum: 2010.05.09. 20:12:09
Idézet: Inv_ - 2010.05.09. 18:01:50
Which waterpolo team win gold medal in Beijing Olimpic Games?
Serbia Montenegro

water polo, won and Olympic . neeeext

English, second language and for many people . neeeext

Seriously, you know what the question is asking, there's no debate about it. There are PLENTY of other questions to complain about in the database - just wait a hunt or two, and you'll find something far worse than this.

However, this is another case where a Mod could have made these corrections easily enough, and not altered the meaning of the question in the slightest.

Lastly, Waterpolo does not HAVE to be separate words. It is more conventional that it is, but it's really not essential.
Dátum: 2010.05.09. 20:04:32
Idézet: Pogaxa - 2010.05.09. 09:09:55
if it was rejected with spelling errors or if is already in the database, you get it back for rewriting without any penalty.

Still had to go back for "re-evaluation". It could be nice if the spelling could just be corrected, then it go back to that Mod for quick approval.

And even more so - I don't get why a Mod can't correct spelling themselves... All they do is create more work for themselves with a flat rejection, and cause hostile feelings amongst the users. Not exactly a win-win scenario right now.
Dátum: 2010.05.08. 22:11:23
Idézet: Boar - 2010.05.07. 11:01:14
On what instrument does Maxim Mrvica play?

Not so well known name amongst the population of the Earth. He can not be compared with a name like Chopin or Mozart. They are well known. But this is special, known only a subcultural group!

Who is the only Major League Baseball player to have his number retired by all teams?
Babe Ruth
Lou Gehrig
Joe DiMaggio
Jackie Robinson

Baseball is little known outside the american border. Especially not in such dept! Special! Delete!

I agree with your first point - but you are dead wrong about your 2nd. Not only is Baseball a world game, but the retirement of the number is of massive cultural significance... The answer is Jackie Robinson - the first Black player allowed to play in Major League Baseball. This is a case of taking an opportunity to learn something - not just complain because you don't know.
Dátum: 2010.05.07. 06:41:32
Testing something - if you can read this, please reply.
Dátum: 2010.05.06. 21:25:00
The 70's song 'Amazing Grace' was written when ?

"Amazing Grace" is a Christian hymn written by English poet and clergyman John Newton (1725–1807) published in 1779. With a message that forgiveness and redemption is possible regardless of the sins people commit and that the soul can be delivered from despair through the mercy of God, "Amazing Grace" is one of the most recognizable songs in the English-speaking world.
Dátum: 2010.05.06. 20:53:40
What is SPAM actually made of?


The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
According to evaluators the answer is an uninteresting lexical knowledge.

Two questions later, I get this gem:
How many neighbor country does Libya have?

Because this is the definition of an "interesting question."

And dude, THIS is awesome:
Which snooker player was simply known as 'The Grinder'?

Holy FUCK am I getting sick of this bullshit.
Dátum: 2010.05.06. 20:20:26
Idézet: jaiy - 2010.05.06. 19:07:57
the question "how many countries in southeast asia?" is wrong, after i get a question wrong i look it up.8-10 websites said 10 countries the other two sites were wiki with 11(wiki is bs 80 percent of the time anyone can write anything) and a site about maps of the 1700's. the person put 12 as the correct answer

Actually, Wiki lists 13 countries, but it has a "duplicate" - East & West Indonesia, I think. I ALMOST complained about this question myself until I Copied the country list and noticed it.
Dátum: 2010.05.06. 18:27:30
Replica Handbags
Replica Watches
Replica Handbags

Doesn't actually post anything new, just adds their SPAM tagline:
Doomlord forum -> Doomlord Game Forums -> Complaints -> World 2 registration problems (Post #5)
Dátum: 2010.05.06. 18:13:04
In the movie "The Stand" how did the trashcan man get his name?
He went around town stealing trashcans.
He lived in a dumpster.
He set fires in trashcans when he was a child.
He went around town turning trashcans upside down.

I don't care what the right answer it - how the hell does a Mod pass this in the first place?
Dátum: 2010.05.05. 01:03:03
Idézet: deathmaka - 2010.05.04. 23:02:16
In which US state is the annual Burning Man Festival held?

New Mexico.

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Spelling mistakes in question or answers.

I don't get what's spelled wrong in the question.

Nothing. Technically you don't need periods in the answers, but it's just another case of a Mod doing a crap job.

Get used to it.
Dátum: 2010.05.04. 20:32:32
"Where was 'Reog (Ponorogo)' originated from?"

"Who was Uriel Sebree (1848-1922) ?"

These aren't "Special Knowledge" but Sidney Crosby is???

What a load of bullshit.