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Hozzászólások - Sbart

Dátum: 2010.11.19. 21:22:54
I find the name "Map finding" of the new skill a bit strange. As far as I understand the Map event is about exploring the surface and mapping it, and if so maybe "Map making" or "Surveying"* would be a better name for the skill, since we are not going around actually looking for pieces of an old map. Would also make it easier to put the skill into Adventures.

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surveying
Dátum: 2010.11.05. 22:28:49
That is ok and well Miklos, but it doesn´t really solve the problem at hand. I think everyone here thinks that using the Orb for scrying is a good and allowed tactic and that there is little (or no) wrong with it. The question is whether or not a specific player has used an automated script to gain an unfair advantage.

Considering how much people are discussing this, and the evidence presented, it feels like the only way to resolve it is that the programmer(s) go through some game history and checks if this is the case or not, and then posts on these forums what their conclusion is. Until that has been done no one really "knows" anything.
Dátum: 2010.11.03. 11:23:12
It travels over land and water. Who invented the HOVERCRAFT?
O. Stricheg
T. Henman
C. Cockerell <---Marked as correct
S. Sperrow

Some quick information found on the internet about the history of Hovercrafts:
"In 1915 Austrian Dagobert Müller built the world's first air-cushion vehicle."
"The theoretical grounds for motion over an air layer were constructed by Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovskii in 1926 and 1927."
"The first design that would be recognized as a true hovercraft was designed by Finnish aero engineer Toivo J. Kaario in 1931.[1] Kaario's design included the modern features of a lift engine blowing air into a flexible envelop for lift. He built his first prototype, Finnish: Pintaliitäjä (Surface Soarer), in 1937."
"Kaario never received funding to build his design, however.[citation needed] Kaario's efforts were followed closely by Vladimir Levkov in the Soviet Union."
"The idea of the modern hovercraft is most often associated with Sir Christopher Cockerell." "Cockerell built several models of his hovercraft design in the early 1950s"

So it took me maybe 2 minutes to find at least 4 people who could be said to be the inventor of the Hovercraft, but the person who wrote the question wanted the person most closely associated with the modern hovercraft. How does these things go through the quiz evaluation?
Dátum: 2010.10.19. 21:11:15
Idézet: Dakaan - 2010.10.19. 12:54:59
Idézet: Sbart - 2010.10.19. 12:26:58
Idézet: Kethios - 2010.10.19. 11:18:15
↑ That post of mine was directed towards Doomlord, not you.

I know it was not directed towards me, I am just stating that participation was not completely voluntary, since you were penalized if you did not participate (half SP regeneration). I think this should be reconsidered for the next time the event is run (so that people can actually chose if they want to participate or not).

Not really. I spend days without any hit on the event monsters. The impact wasn't so big, but it depends on the way you play the game.

But then if the event is voluntary or not depends on your play style, not if you chose to participate or not. Is that the intention? Or is the intention that it should be completely voluntary?
Dátum: 2010.10.19. 12:32:33
Idézet: Kethios - 2010.10.19. 12:08:01
Okay here is the answer:

We think that sacrificing the HP of a player would give advantage to the hunters, builders, while disadvantage to duellers. Everyone would just sacrifice his/her HP then go to max hunts.

Sorry but this is a no.

I can agree with you to some extent, but what if we modify the idea a bit? How about:

Sacrificial altar
Requires: Torture chamber 5
Max level: 10
Description: You can sacrifice your very live force for the benefit of your clan. Once a day you may go to the Sacrificial altar and sacrifice 20% of your current HP. These HP gets converted into SE that flows directly into the clan soul-well.

Something along (HP sacrificed)*(level of Sacrificial altar/3) SE to clan well once/day. This "building" does not increase Luck, total building, or Treasury points. Somewhat mimics Manaconstruction, but for HP instead. Numbers, name, pre-requisites and everything else subject to tweaking.

Some numbers: If you have 5000 HP you can lose 1000 HP once per day to fill up the soul-well with 3333 SE.

Better? Or is it the idea to "Build" from HP that is bad? I just like the idea that HP/SP should (could?) be resources for more than one thing (Duels).
Dátum: 2010.10.19. 12:26:58
Idézet: Kethios - 2010.10.19. 11:18:15
↑ That post of mine was directed towards Doomlord, not you.

I know it was not directed towards me, I am just stating that participation was not completely voluntary, since you were penalized if you did not participate (half SP regeneration). I think this should be reconsidered for the next time the event is run (so that people can actually chose if they want to participate or not).
Dátum: 2010.10.19. 10:46:11
Idézet: Kethios - 2010.10.18. 05:02:08
You'll gai nthe ducats.

Also, stop talking like that. It is your decision. If you didn't like it - do not participate next time.

I am in no way complaining about the event, but participation in the event was not completely voluntary because of the reduction of SP regeneration if you didn't kill at least one goblin/zombie per day.
Dátum: 2010.10.19. 10:21:19
Suggestion for a new Clan building:
Sacrificial altar
Requires: Torture chamber 5
Max level: 10
Description: You can sacrifice your very live force for the benefit of your clan. Once a day you may go to the Sacrificial altar and sacrifice any number of HP (up to how many you currently have). These HP gets converted into SE that flows directly into the clan soul-well.

Something along (HP sacrificed)*(level of Sacrificial altar/3) SE to clan well once/day. This "building" does not increase Luck, total building, or Treasury points. Somewhat mimics Manaconstruction, but for HP instead. Numbers, name, pre-requisites and everything else subject to tweaking.
What do you guys think?
Dátum: 2010.09.13. 08:51:48
Boar: The thing with Soul-energy squezzing is that it takes the Base SE gained from the hunt (that is, the SE you would gain from the hunt before adjustment for Spectral manipulation, size (tiny, lesser, greater, huge, gigantic), relics, other skills). If you take out that from your equation, you probably end up at 4-500 SE/animal.
Dátum: 2010.09.09. 10:32:13
Possible bug (or incomplete information): The "Deal critical damage 20 times!"-quest only register Crits made in duels, not in battles with Epic monsters, Entities, Dimension gate monsters or goblins from the Zarknod event.
Is this a bug or should the quest be "Deal critical damage 20 times in Duels!"?
Dátum: 2010.09.06. 13:09:47
Possible bug (or incomplete information): I'm on the "Deal critical damage 20 times!"-quest and it looks like the system does not register Crits against Entities (for the quest). Is this a bug or should the quest be "Deal critical damage 20 times in Duels!"?
(Haven't checked how it is in Epic or Dimension gate battles (or Zarknods Awakening))

Edit: Crits against Epic monsters does not register either.
Edit2: Crits against Dimension gate monsters and the goblins in the Zarknod event does not register either.
Dátum: 2010.09.05. 08:10:56
"Which mammal has the shortest gestation period?

Opossum (<- given as correct answer)

Opossum is a marsupial, not a mammal.
Dátum: 2010.08.28. 18:22:20
Which of these acids are polyprotic?

Sulfuric acid
Acetic acid
Hydrochloric acid
Nitric acid

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
According to evaluators only a special group of people might know the answer.
I guess the moderators missed their chemistry classes in school. Good that they didn't miss their sport-trivia classes (/sarcasm).
Dátum: 2010.07.23. 08:37:02
Who write the book '2001: A Space Odyssey'?
Isaac Asimov
Arkadij Strugackij and Boris Strugackij
Stanisław Lem
Arthur C. Clarce

Should be:
Who wrote the book '2001: A Space Odyssey'? (wrong tempus)
Arthur C. Clarke (Misspelled name)
Dátum: 2010.07.13. 10:38:07
whats the GMT in central europe (CET) ?
+1 (Correct answer)

I don´t really know where to begin. How did this pass into the database?

The GMT in central europe is the same as everywhere else, that is GMT. The time in central europe is CET or GMT+1.
Dátum: 2010.07.10. 16:03:43
What color does Gandalf have as his name in The Lord of the Rings?
Grey (marked as correct)

While the answer is tru, Gandalf is known as Gandalf the Grey in Fellowship of the ring, but also known as Gandlaf the White in The two Towers and onwards. I belive that "The Lord of the rings" should be changed to "The Fellowship of the ring" for the question to be more precise.
Dátum: 2010.07.05. 10:52:19
"As of June 1010 which country has the most world cups?"
Answer: Brazil.

Don't think too many world cups (which sport?) was played before 1010.
Dátum: 2010.06.18. 22:08:49
I have this problem on World #2. Battles are fought, SE/HP/SP are gained/lost but the battle report is not there.
Dátum: 2010.04.09. 08:35:52
The question:
When was Steven Seagal born?

The correct answer according to the question: 1951
The correct answer according to http://www.stevenseagal.com/home.html (Steven Seagal's official homepage): 1952
The correct answer accodring to http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000219/ (IMDB): 1951

I would think that Steven Seagal's official homepage should be the definite source for a question like this, and then the correct answer is not even an option.