Idézet: Viridel - 2010.10.16. 22:25:26 Idézet: petel87 - 2010.10.14. 23:10:26 I disagree with the auction house cycles reduction. The way it is now is fine, a relic is something special and we do not too many members with over 10 relics.
Look at the current items up in World 2... There is a Scrying Bonus (largely useless - really, you can't wait the 10 minutes?), 300 BOAS (Burnt Out Ancient Stones) - something that you can buy an "infinite" number of with money, and FOUR Stat-Boosters - which are not relics. This 5-day cycle is a joke. And even on "good" cycles, there are still only a maximum of 3 good relics, since there are always 3+ Stat Boosters.
But I have to wait almost a week to see this current pile of crap get washed away.
Not fun.
Beyond that, Ducats are a relatively fixed-cost commodity. You can really only get ~20 per week (7x "working", and a few Ring/Necklace/Crystal redemptions, maybe one or two thru SE spend)... So if 50% of the server is getting 15-20 per week, then nobody will ever be able to earn enough more than anyone else to lay claim to more than a realistic share of the loot. Also, the more quickly items go up, the quicker it will remove Ducats out of the system, which promotes more involvement & interest. But your claim that members will end up with dramatically more than their competition simply isn't logical. In fact, the MORE items you get out there, the BETTER the game play will balance.
Right now, it's just WAY too slow to see what the next items will be.
I generally agree but that would lower the prices of relics by half at least (you suggested shorter time by about half which means after the ones that have saved up finally do spent their saving and when everybody start from 0 (theoreticly) the ones with ducat boost ( that fricking chicken which layes eggs:) and the dimension gate item x3 thingy would have abnormal advantage, lets say 2-3 out of every 10 dimension gate battles end up with some item, that is 2-3 ducats for me but 6-9 for that relic owner, together with the chicken normal player would have around 14 ducats per week + whatever number of DG items, while somebody with the relics would have 14 ducats+ 7 ducats (chicken) + DG items x3 ducats per week).
With lower prices of relics they would just get more and more.
This way it is similar but due to longer periods per aucion normal player has better change to gather more ducats while the people with ducat bonus usually go for one item at really high price (650 ducats for DG items x3-princess really?
than they have a decent chance to be overbidded by "normal" player for the next item.
If time gets shorter the bonus gets bigger and more important, simpe as that.
With all that said it really frustrating to watch +1 luck item, +1 attack item, +1 const item, +10 heal wounds item, 300 BO stones and 1 semi-decent relic for 5 days, but I think it is better than the oter option.