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Hozzászólások - ardent

Oldal: 1234567
Dátum: 2014.01.29. 12:41:28
Quote from news: "This is for preparation of adding the new development, Evolution."

... which means they just added some code that required a full platform restart. Evolution will probably be added later today or sometime this week
Dátum: 2014.01.29. 11:20:15
Will minions be separately counted from pets when fighting? Or will they be included in the current limit of 4 pets that can fight at a time?
Dátum: 2014.01.28. 17:23:18
... it seems fate is not kind with those that have a wicked soul
Dátum: 2014.01.27. 12:32:50
Finally, some good news! Hope everything goes well with the implementation stage and we won't get too many bugs.

Also, it would be nice to introduce at least one fetish that can be bought for Relic Shards. Those things are so hard to come by ... I think 50 pieces for a fetish will make us put a lot of work into gathering them and also make it worth the effort

All in all, there will be many questions in the days to come after the implementation of this development so PLEASE Miklos, don't let us wait until next Monday for answers

Great effort devs, keep it up!
Dátum: 2014.01.20. 13:09:48
Yes Sbart but from what they initially said, all ascended pets will offer bonuses to abilities. I was strictly saying that the spell absorption bonus is weak and if there is another option, I will go for that one.
Dátum: 2014.01.20. 12:28:36
Ahhh, thanks, found it Read the description and I'm a bit confused. It says you get +1 spell absorption/minion level (max. 250) . That is 250 spell absorption which i quite weak in my opinion. I wouldn't want to use this fetish unless there is no other alternative.
Dátum: 2014.01.20. 12:11:49
.... and WHERE is the Fetish of Dread, more importantly
Dátum: 2014.01.17. 13:22:57
Gz Cruel! Great choice on the tasks to decree

On a side note, this event is even more boring and time consuming than it previously was. I won't even get into AS consumption, no point in arguing about that.

P.S. I don't care that some people don't like me, you can talk smack as much as you like, only proves you are frustrated and envious
Dátum: 2014.01.14. 17:38:10
Dear rude person, let me quote my motto: "I never argue with stupid people!"

Enough said
Dátum: 2014.01.14. 17:17:01
On a side not, IF you are not online, you don't get credit for the hunts you complete for the Pyramid. That is plain WRONG and seems to be a bug but nvm, we are all used to those by now ....
Dátum: 2014.01.14. 17:15:16
No, you are not forced to do any of those IF you are not trying to win THE FREAKING TITLE!!!! Sigh, Miklos, why do you have to always discard my point and prove something else that is just adjacent to it?

I specified those costs would apply to someone trying to finish in less than 48 hours.
Dátum: 2014.01.14. 15:59:11
Idézet: Miklos - 2014.01.14. 13:58:22
We didnt create impossible tasks, just if you want to finish some tasks faster, it needs more efforts.

ardent: what you say is not right, pyramid is doable for almost "free" for level 80+, that didn't change. Yes some tasks require stones to be spent but approx. the same amount is awarded back. Even if you want to be first and want to do it fast, you can't ease your way by using a lot of decrees, because it is limited to 1 /day. So yes, the FIRST TIME you could win by stones, but not now. Making it a fair competition was more important, than "making profit".

Oh my dear Miklos, let me run the AS numbers for you:

Tire 1: - 5 lesser hunter's loot = 10 AS

Tire 2: - 20 lesser hunter's loot = 40 AS

Tire 3: - 15 lesser hunter's loot = 30 AS
- About 5 AS for squeezing 50 pets
- 40 AS for 125 DG fights

Tire 4: - 20 lesser hunter's loot = 40 AS
- 6 AS to squeeze 21 pets

Tire 5: - 18 monster cocktails = 54 AS
- 52 lesser hunter's loot = 104 AS
- Increase IQ by 5 = another 10 AS since I just increased Magic on tire 4

Tire 6: - Buy 2 daily offers = 10 AS ( more if unlucky )
- Stimulator - 10 AS
- Get 62k Exp - don't want to count how many Lesser Hunter's Loots this means

Tire 7: - 230 DG fights = 69 AS
- 5 focus Crystals = 10 AS
- helm shards = 10 AS for a decree

That's aproximatly a wooping 450 AS (not counting hunter loots needed for the 62K exp)

Conclusion??? Someone can finish this event in less than 48 hours but has to pay a minimum small amount of about 450 AS. You could do it for free in 3 weeks but we are taking about wining first place here. IS THIS NOT AN AS RACE, Miklos?????
Dátum: 2014.01.14. 02:12:29
Ilyanna, you are babbling about something you did not understand. Some of us complained because wining this title is even more expensive than it already was. From the looks of it on the Hungarian server, it still is doable in the first 2 days, it just costs a ridiculous amount of resources and AS. All they did was make everything insanely expensive yet not impossible.

.... and that's what people complained about. If you need more details, contact me, I'll be happy to be even more specific about the subject
Dátum: 2014.01.13. 19:03:19
Funny Miklos, you always pretend you don't understand accusations Your companie's politic of complete denial is amusing. Nvm, you are not worth arguing with anyways, keep increasing AS consumption, it will be good for Doomlord )))
Dátum: 2014.01.10. 14:46:11
It looked closer to a Mastaba Those are the precursors of Pyramids.... who knows, maybe this time the devs will get the shape right and we will actually have a pyramid ))))

Idézet: Sbart - 2014.01.10. 14:32:11
What pyramid?

I though it was a square... or at least a square-shaped pyramid...
Dátum: 2013.12.18. 12:08:20
I can confirm the ducat potions are now usable. Thanks for the fix!
Dátum: 2013.12.18. 08:51:42
Can't use ducat potions, still getting this message

"During the Landragor event you can't use this item!"

Please Fix it, ty!
Dátum: 2013.12.17. 14:13:35
Great news, expect the loss of a dozen more paying customers because of this Well than, merry Christmas, main programmer!
Dátum: 2013.12.07. 02:21:19
I don't get it .... What is wrong with you???? Why do you frustrated bunch of people from homeless beauties and dorks keep writing ingame messages to me? I asked you to let me be but you keep insisting. I see no threat bad language in my message and ingame threats are not forbidden. All you do is talk and talk while I wipe the floor with your characters
Dátum: 2013.12.05. 13:14:25
Idézet: Stiska - 2013.12.05. 13:02:30
ardent if you are the one who was throwing shits on this game now you have one more person.
After f..... around and trying to catch the ropes this shitty games is really making people stop playing. Can you believe that you transfer into energy harness player, getting double xp per hunt and advance 2 times faster then disadvance development player with deep learning, you are getting risk and you are becoming non competitive, after all this shits you have less xp to advance then guy same lvl as you are with disadvance development. what the hell is going on with this f... game. why the hell didnt you explain what is energy harness more clearly? Now my char lvl 109, energy harness char has 50k xp to advance lvl. what do you say about this cruel. Am i in advantage now when others who are not energy harness has over 60x to advance lvl. and i am getting 148xp per strike. Now you are pushing me towards cruel and those guys over 5k abilities who played whole game by the normal rules and normal xp for energy harness player.

F... pathetic game

Your claims are 100% legit but I doubt this will be taken care of any time soon. Admins and devs seem to have decided the silent treatment works best for their remaining players .... There are lots of reported bugs that haven't been fixed and there is little hope for fast fixes nowadays. You can be patient, play the game as it is, you can scream and shout (it won't help, you get ignored just like the rest of us) or you can quit (hard thing to achieve since they deleted the delete button in settings )
Oldal: 1234567