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Topic neve: Complaints on players
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Re: Complaints on players
541. hozzászólás - 2012.02.13. 15:07:17 (Válasz Geodor #533 hozzászólására.)
I have hard time to belive that is not cheating but if admins said she is not chaeating i belive them!
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Re: Complaints on players
542. hozzászólás - 2012.02.13. 22:53:31
Just because it hasn't been proven, it doesn't mean it is not true.
Such powerful character at such low level is unnatural.
I can't affirm with 100% certainty that he/she is cheating, but if I were to bet on one option, I would definitely bet on cheating, as the odds of someone actually building that char are close to zero. It is much more likely that the admins haven't been able to identify what kind of cheat is being used.

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public enemywako
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Re: Complaints on players
543. hozzászólás - 2012.02.23. 23:12:48
Im not sure how far yall go with language but world 1 Saladin just called me a cunt.
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Re: Complaints on players
544. hozzászólás - 2012.04.14. 05:22:22 (Válasz wako #543 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: wako - 2012.02.23. 23:12:48
Im not sure how far yall go with language but world 1 Saladin just called me a cunt.

Definitions of the Word in Question:
1. cunt
Derogatory term for a woman. Considered by many to be the most offensive word in the English language.
2. cunt
A term for the female genitals, and a highly insulting term (if you're American; many people in Britain and Austrailia actually use it among frends as a term of endearment).

HUMMMM ... Very interesting, looks like it depends on which side of the lake you are on!!!
(Personally, if some one called me that word I would spend the rest of my days hunting them down and tormenting them to the point of suicide, Just Saying!)
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Re: Complaints on players
545. hozzászólás - 2012.04.14. 09:16:49 (Válasz wako #543 hozzászólására.)
PM me the message you got from him.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: Complaints on players
546. hozzászólás - 2012.07.26. 22:39:44
My complaint is that I have not been able to purchase any of the gear worn that is above my characters level. Yet, I have fought another player in this game in a duel who is a level 15, but has a level 20 weapon and level 19 armor. I just want to know if it's possible for me to also purchase gear at a higher level or has this player somehow cheated me out of three victories?
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Re: Complaints on players
547. hozzászólás - 2012.07.26. 22:55:31 (Válasz Phatboi #546 hozzászólására.)
There's a skill called "trade" which enables you to do just that.
W1 - Kalann
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Re: Complaints on players
548. hozzászólás - 2012.07.27. 07:38:48 (Válasz Kalann #547 hozzászólására.)
Hi Phatboi,

addendum upon Kalann:
In some events like this one (Huckster war), you also can get a "necklace of bargain", what gives you also a boost upon the trade-skill.

Everyone plays this game in his/her way (that's the beauty of it); but know that all SE you spend upon gear will be "lost SE" (in time). A lot of low-level "weak players" who don't focus upon gear in the beginning... are the stronger one lateron. Isn't it Kalann?

A hozzászólást Bartessica Slam módosította 2012.07.27. 12:11:10-kor
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Re: Complaints on players
549. hozzászólás - 2012.07.27. 20:46:58 (Válasz Bartessica Slam #548 hozzászólására.)
It's a cost/Benefit evaluation ... is the advantage you'd get from upgrading your equipment worth the cost of doing so ?

I find that more often than not, the answer is "no". I upgrade my stuff every 10-20 levels, depending on the specific bonuses of what's available, and what I need.

Don't worry about taking a few hits, Phatboi. Keep up on abilities, and especially skills, and later on things will turn around.
W1 - Kalann
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Re: Complaints on players
550. hozzászólás - 2012.12.08. 09:58:05

Highest ability total increase

1. Draconus 1.661
2. Tarod 177
3. Predacon 130


Somehow, I find this hard to believe...

Victory: Defeat:
Total: 1086 1972

Ability Total: 1807
Skill Total: 1141

Total building: 113.221.941

Looted soul-energy: 619.614
Lost soul-energy: 854.314
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
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much likedDancerFérfi
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Re: Complaints on players
551. hozzászólás - 2012.12.08. 14:13:18 (Válasz Hexonx #544 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Hexonx - 2012.04.14. 05:22:22
Idézet: wako - 2012.02.23. 23:12:48
Im not sure how far yall go with language but world 1 Saladin just called me a cunt.

many people in Britain and Austrailia actually use it among frends as a term of endearment).

HUMMMM ... Very interesting, looks like it depends on which side of the lake you are on!!!

I am English, and can assure you that it is classed as the worst swear word here too.
A hozzászólást Dancer módosította 2012.12.08. 14:14:28-kor
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Re: Complaints on players
552. hozzászólás - 2012.12.09. 19:23:30 (Válasz Valkyrie #550 hozzászólására.)
This was a bug, we corrected it, thanks for the notice!
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Re: Complaints on players
553. hozzászólás - 2013.01.15. 11:44:49
Just saying, I am getting fed up with the posts by Wsmmwx. Six so far and all pointless...can he not be banned from the forum for wasting everyones time?
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Re: Complaints on players
554. hozzászólás - 2013.01.26. 16:18:02
please investigate GammaGoblin on the current world4.

out of no where this guy has amassed 1.2 million SE in a few days.
he has only 143 victories which equals more then 8k per duel won.

2 days ago when i checked the top 10 SE gains, i believe he was not even in the top 10, which means he has amassed over 1 million SE in a day and a half?
I am the Dragon!!! Before you you RIGHTLY Tremble!
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Re: Complaints on players
555. hozzászólás - 2013.06.14. 05:46:31
My complaint with a player in W4. The server only started a day or two ago and I was wondering How someone could have a pet at level 24 so soon. I started playing the server today and have been playing all day. My first pet was trained just moments ago. Even if I had trained this pet hours ago, I don't see how I could have leveled it up 24 times, even in 48 hour. Can someone shed some light. I don't want to get this player in trouble, unless he's somehow cheating others out of legitimate wins.
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Re: Complaints on players
556. hozzászólás - 2013.12.02. 16:19:24
was not impressed to get his message...

Date:Today, 17:17:44
Why don't you go and fuck yourself, son of a bitch?
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Re: Complaints on players
557. hozzászólás - 2013.12.06. 23:11:15
the Cyber bully is hurting feelings again....

Ardent the iron fisted bitch is showing her true feelings towards our hordies

Subject:Re: (no title)
Date:Today, 23:55:40
What? I did not leave anywhere, I am around to kick your rear! I'll attack you all until you all quit!
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Re: Complaints on players
558. hozzászólás - 2013.12.07. 02:21:19
I don't get it .... What is wrong with you???? Why do you frustrated bunch of people from homeless beauties and dorks keep writing ingame messages to me? I asked you to let me be but you keep insisting. I see no threat bad language in my message and ingame threats are not forbidden. All you do is talk and talk while I wipe the floor with your characters
it figures ....
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Re: Complaints on players
559. hozzászólás - 2015.08.11. 19:02:09
Another abusive message

Subject:(no title)
Date:Today, 19:45:14
I thought you were dead. Single question: Why don't you go and fuck yourself?
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Re: Complaints on players
560. hozzászólás - 2015.08.21. 13:05:45
Any chance of getting this idiot banned from the forum?
Three posts, all totally worthless and annoying.
Pontszám: 9
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