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Re: Ruler of the Planet
181. hozzászólás - 2014.01.13. 18:33:54 (Válasz Sbart #180 hozzászólására.)
My problem with the changes are the following:
#1 I need to see what the changes are before being able to comment on this. But I am completely against the inclusion of tasks that require a lot preparation without notice. These tasks are simply a way to force us to use decrees and this should not the purpose of the event. Let's suppose you change the "squeeze a lvl 80 pet" to "squeeze 2 lvl 60 pets". This is really bad because we have been preparing one lvl 80 pet and there is no way to get one to lvl 60 if we start doing when the event begins. This would leave me 2 options: give up on the event or use a decree.
#2 When you create impossible tasks to avoid people from finishing it too fast, you force faster players to sit and wait for slower players. So, basically, if I finish 5 rows in 10 hours, but there is an impossible task on row 6, I will need to wait for 24 hours until the task gets doable and the slower players will have 14 hours to catch up. That make no sense!

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Re: Ruler of the Planet
182. hozzászólás - 2014.01.13. 19:03:19
Funny Miklos, you always pretend you don't understand accusations Your companie's politic of complete denial is amusing. Nvm, you are not worth arguing with anyways, keep increasing AS consumption, it will be good for Doomlord )))
it figures ....
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
183. hozzászólás - 2014.01.13. 23:37:50
Personally I'm lmao because they are finally making you people who win everything actually work for it. And I can honestly say I wasn't one of those who complained about the tasks and asked for new ones. The only reason the game was won as quickly is because those who can afford to purchase massive amounts of stones do so. Us "slow" players are slow because we don't or won't or can't spend as much.
Funny you think something is great when it benefits you but you hate it when it doesn't. Would be nice if when others complain about unfairness that you all could understand that instead of never being able to. My hats off to the admins!
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
184. hozzászólás - 2014.01.14. 02:12:29
Ilyanna, you are babbling about something you did not understand. Some of us complained because wining this title is even more expensive than it already was. From the looks of it on the Hungarian server, it still is doable in the first 2 days, it just costs a ridiculous amount of resources and AS. All they did was make everything insanely expensive yet not impossible.

.... and that's what people complained about. If you need more details, contact me, I'll be happy to be even more specific about the subject
it figures ....
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
185. hozzászólás - 2014.01.14. 04:56:40 (Válasz Ilyanna #183 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Ilyanna - 2014.01.13. 23:37:50
My hats off to the admins!

And I would like to raise my hat to Ilyanna, the voice of reason
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
186. hozzászólás - 2014.01.14. 07:55:53
Thinking a bit about this event, and the change that it looks like it is getting, this is my opinion: Remove the top list for the event.

If the top list of the event is removed, the Event turns into a special Temple of Doom, that everyone can "compete" in, everyone can participate in, and all the troubles of people spending huge amounts of AS and time-zone differences and whatnot is all gone.
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
187. hozzászólás - 2014.01.14. 08:57:14

I think top list and rewards coming from "be in top10" are not so important in this event. Main rewards are those coming from completing each level of pyramide and especially last level where I can see new item - fetish. At least on hungarian version where I just registered 30min ago because I hear event is there from yesterday and I was too curious to resist.
I think presence in top10 is more about competetivity and honor . And of course paying players has advantage.

I was heavy preparing because I wanted to try how quickly I can make event , now I can see with some *-marked tasks simply I will must wait until demands lowered after 1-2-3-x days. I think it is probably good move. I think pyramide is rather good balanced and do not think somebody will finish 5 floors in one day and then waits .... all will have problems much much sooner . Also I expect due to harder event differences among players will be larger and probably time-zone differences will be neglible.

We will see ...

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Re: Ruler of the Planet
188. hozzászólás - 2014.01.14. 09:01:20 (Válasz janyemm #187 hozzászólására.)
I agree, the main reward from the event should be the reward of completing the different tiers of the pyramid and the rewards you get from that.

It is just that the "Top 10 reward" of the event is the part that complicates the event, and just makes the event worse. Look at the discussion going on in this forum, every complain has to do with the top 10 and people finishing the event too fast. All that just goes away if there is no top 10.
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
189. hozzászólás - 2014.01.14. 10:13:56
oh scratch that... i cant wait...
A hozzászólást Vorinclex módosította 2014.01.14. 10:14:54-kor
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
190. hozzászólás - 2014.01.14. 13:01:23 (Válasz Ilyanna #183 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Ilyanna - 2014.01.13. 23:37:50
Personally I'm lmao because they are finally making you people who win everything actually work for it. And I can honestly say I wasn't one of those who complained about the tasks and asked for new ones. The only reason the game was won as quickly is because those who can afford to purchase massive amounts of stones do so. Us "slow" players are slow because we don't or won't or can't spend as much.
Funny you think something is great when it benefits you but you hate it when it doesn't. Would be nice if when others complain about unfairness that you all could understand that instead of never being able to. My hats off to the admins!


You are completely mistaken. Last time I finished second, in 36ish hours. I used 2 decrees and I had to work a lot for it! I suppose Ardent, who finished it in 24ish hours, also had to dedicate herself quite a lot. And I believe she used 2 as well.

My major complaint this time is the opposite of what you are saying. They have made it so that dedication is useless. If I decide to stay online for 24 hours from now, it will be pointless.

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Re: Ruler of the Planet
191. hozzászólás - 2014.01.14. 13:02:51
14:02 and the event did not start...

At least on now, but seriously...
A hozzászólást Sbart módosította 2014.01.14. 13:11:18-kor
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
192. hozzászólás - 2014.01.14. 13:58:22
We didnt create impossible tasks, just if you want to finish some tasks faster, it needs more efforts.

Sbart: task difficulty does not decrease once per day. It decreases continually each hour, so time zone has no effect here.

ardent: what you say is not right, pyramid is doable for almost "free" for level 80+, that didn't change. Yes some tasks require stones to be spent but approx. the same amount is awarded back. Even if you want to be first and want to do it fast, you can't ease your way by using a lot of decrees, because it is limited to 1 /day. So yes, the FIRST TIME you could win by stones, but not now. Making it a fair competition was more important, than "making profit".

The main reason why we added tasks of changing difficulty because people could complete it in 1 day in the old version. For people who could not take a day off work to compete this felt really bad. Making it last longer at least gives a chance the everyone. Btw, even at this difficulty, it seems some people will finish it in less than 48 hours on the Hungarian servers.

Being first is more of a honor thing, than a reward thing, this is the concept in most events. You get the prizes anyway, as Janyemm pointed out, being first is rather a glory. We try to avoid the trap of other games called "pay to win" where you can just pay your way to victory.
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
193. hozzászólás - 2014.01.14. 14:03:02 (Válasz Miklos #192 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2014.01.14. 13:58:22
Being first is more of a honor thing, than a reward thing, this is the concept in most events. You get the prizes anyway, as Janyemm pointed out, being first is rather a glory. We try to avoid the trap of other games called "pay to win" where you can just pay your way to victory.

Then simply remove the prices from the top 10, and give out titles instead. It just removes so many problems, and probably makes the event feel more like it should feel.
(Maybe "Ruler of the Planet" for 1st place, and "Knight of the Realm" for 2nd-10th place or something.)
A hozzászólást Sbart módosította 2014.01.14. 14:03:24-kor
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
194. hozzászólás - 2014.01.14. 14:18:40 (Válasz Sbart #193 hozzászólására.)
The problem with removing prizes for top 10 is that it would become a second ToD, as you pointed out. Where is the fun in that? The whole point of this event is to create a race. At least it was until some people complained some racers were faster...

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Re: Ruler of the Planet
195. hozzászólás - 2014.01.14. 14:27:25 (Válasz Cruel01 #194 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Cruel01 - 2014.01.14. 14:18:40
The problem with removing prizes for top 10 is that it would become a second ToD, as you pointed out. Where is the fun in that? The whole point of this event is to create a race. At least it was until some people complained some racers were faster...


The idea would be that is a special event, just like the Map (was) or Landragor or Xeno Wars. It does not have to be a race. Although it would be nice if it was a race, it just seams like having it as a race creates more problems than it is worth.
And there would still be a price for top 10, it would just not be anything that gives an ingame advantage (Title). Or maybe it could be, along the line of Alvariels medallions (non-combat related skills like Charisma, Pet training, Hard skin, Heal wounds, etc etc), where the title gives a certain bonus (+20?), and when the Event roles around you gain a medal which gives a smaller bonus (+2?).
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
196. hozzászólás - 2014.01.14. 14:58:28
should there be an * on the squeeze 3 level 50 pets task?
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
197. hozzászólás - 2014.01.14. 15:07:30 (Válasz manunkind #196 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: manunkind - 2014.01.14. 14:58:28
should there be an * on the squeeze 3 level 50 pets task?

This quest is the fucking cherry on top of the cake. Now everyone must use at least one decree. PURE BULLSHIT!!!

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Re: Ruler of the Planet
198. hozzászólás - 2014.01.14. 15:22:53 (Válasz Cruel01 #197 hozzászólására.)
This cake has 2 cherries. Just realized it's bugged. I was really intrigued by so many lvl 1 chars in the top 10. Then I hit Bloodknight and it took me to my own char. So I assume the others are also wrong.

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Re: Ruler of the Planet
199. hozzászólás - 2014.01.14. 15:35:59
Top lists seems to be separate for each previous worlds. At least for my W1 character and W2 character I can confirm that.

Unfortunately I must agree with Cruel that including task squeeze 3 lvl50 pets without warning to us long time ago is ..... hard to find right word ... very unhappy decision .

For now seems to be true that rate of lowering demands is 1% for 1 hour / on hungarian doomlord already 30hours from start passed so counting is possible / and Miklos is true - one player on hungarian server1 already finished event .

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Re: Ruler of the Planet
200. hozzászólás - 2014.01.14. 15:39:59 (Válasz Cruel01 #198 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Cruel01 - 2014.01.14. 15:22:53
Just realized it's bugged. I was really intrigued by so many lvl 1 chars in the top 10. Then I hit Bloodknight and it took me to my own char.

This seems to be same bug which is here for many weeks in Quiz . Take look at results - some players has own "ghosts" - lvl1 characters which has similar results as their original.

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