Idézet: Miklos
Based on players feedback, expect 2 major changes:
1. We replaced some tasks to make this a new challenge.
I like it, except for the "Squeeze a level 80 pet" task. This task requires A LOT of preparation and I will be really infuriated if I discover I have wasted the past 6 months leveling up a pet for nothing. If you intend to remove it from the event, you must advise when the previous RoP ends so that we don't waste time doing it.
Idézet: Miklos
2. Some tasks on higher levels will require more effort than before. As time passes, these tasks become easier. For example, a task on the final level might require you to find 135 burnt-out stones on the first day. On the second day, its only 120, etc. from the 7th day and on it will be only 30.
This is REALLY bad and stupid!
You are creating a penalty for more efficient players. So basically you will add 5-6 tasks that can only be completed in 7 days. And efficient players will need to sit for 7 days, with all the other tasks finished, while slow players will have the same 7 days to catch up. And then, as soon as day 7 starts, we will have a tie with 10 people claiming the title of Ruler of the Planet. Oh no, wait. It will be actually the person who is able to click the decree button faster... And then second place will lose by a couple of seconds. REALLY REALLY STUPID!