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Hozzászólások - ardent

Oldal: 1234567
Dátum: 2013.12.05. 09:53:24
The Subplasma and Archgem seem to have expired. Does this mean we will have to go by with only what we've stocked until the next event?
Dátum: 2013.12.04. 08:46:36
Daily offer has been the same for the past 2 days, please fix it, ty.
Dátum: 2013.12.03. 13:52:50
On Topic: Is it that hard to make those scheduled scripts work? Lots of scripts failing to execute lately ( Daily offer, event openings, now the Championship)

Off Topic: You two should learn some English, your grammar, phrasing and syntax are incomprehensible. Sad, especially because for one of you it is actually the first language
Dátum: 2013.12.02. 15:07:03
Also, please fix the situation where you can't attack players 'cause they have 0 SE. As long as the players have enough HP to be attackable, energy harness will provide SE by its own. On the battlefield, in a war, you kill your adversary because he/she is a threat, not because you can loot the body post-mortem. It is logical enough so please fix it, or at least make it work while fighting a war!
Dátum: 2013.12.02. 07:03:33
Wall of text hits my eyes, they instantly start bleeding and I die from the exhaustion of trying to read your paragraphs. I get it you are upset because players that pay are stronger than you, tell me about a single game where that does not happen!

You said you will try to be more active but instead you barely were on the forums last week and your answers were a bit less than telegraphed. You and your team are still waiting for players to identify and report bugs instead of proactively searching and fixing them. Is it that hard to get someone on your team to search for bugs? It would take 1 hour at most to look into all menus and make a list. This goes back to what I was saying, you really don't care about the international world, you just show up to calm things just before a riot breaks out. Well, Miklos, time has proven most of my previous claims correct. Thank you for your wonderful care and assistance
Dátum: 2013.11.26. 13:21:00
Another issue, if you get a gigantic monster, it takes 2 archgems because it probably counts 2 ap's. Please fix this, ty.

You have won the battle, your reward is 21166 soul-energy and 186 XP!
You channel 5640 soul-energy through the manapylon (-1200000 SE). For a moment, you see a far picture of a building energy prison.

(-2 archgems)
Dátum: 2013.11.26. 13:08:28
Ok, the event started.

After every Pylon charge, I get this message: "!!HSZ!! (zarknod_pilon_aktivalas_4)"
Please fix this, ty.
Dátum: 2013.11.25. 09:04:09
More merger related bugs:

Every automatic pet squeeze is displayed in the Hungarian language instead of English.
Every Named creature I fight in the DG (each 10'th creature) has the whole battle in Hungarian.
Fights with some crystal clans are partially or fully in Hungarian.
There are still lots of players who's links take me to either level 1 random characters OR nowhere at all.
The Crystal Clan barely attacks since you "Fixed" it. I used to get 10-15 attacks a day, now I get 3-4. What happened ?
Dátum: 2013.11.22. 13:14:02
Finally, the Crystal Clan went back to its nice habits of attacking My pets are happy and grateful for this!

*Goes back to cheering while ignoring the rude, uninteresting member of the Dorks*
Dátum: 2013.11.21. 08:14:04
The Crystal Clan is still not attacking And now the option of selecting Crystal clones from the Opponent Filter in the Duel page, that is gone too I am sure it was there yesterday, I used it, today it was gone.

WHO are you people? Stop bugging me, maybe?
Dátum: 2013.11.20. 16:24:22
More questions:

How is the merger going to affect the top lists for all events? I assume there will be only one list for the new International Merged Worlds. Can you please confirm this?

The chance to find adventures is back to normal, thanks for that. About Epic Adventures, the RNG for dropping Relic shard was acceptable before The Horde Wars event but right after its start, it went down abruptly. What happened? Was this change on purpose or is it another bug?

This question is a bit offtopic since it doesn't involve the merge. Is it possible that in the future you do something about normal wars between clans and about the Citadel of Destruction? Both are unappealing in their present state.

@ Trackur
Who are you, again? I have no clue what you are talking about, go back to your dying clan and accuse them of anything you wish, stop saying nonsense about me, please?
Dátum: 2013.11.20. 16:04:28
Great news! Good luck and a smooth development phase!
Dátum: 2013.11.19. 19:14:17
The Full Cyrcle, just wait! Miklos will show up, investigate for 2 days, get to the conclusion you are right, offer his most sincere apologies and than give us all 5 adventures each!
Come on Miklos, tell me I am not right? Or is being ironic a banable offence? I hope it is, sick of how many problems this merge caused....

Where is the freaking Crystal Clan? Why aren't they attacking yet? You said it will be back by Monday ( I admit you didn't mention which Monday....)

More questions:
Is the Landragor event going to start as previously scheduled?
If you have a single char in this new merged world, can you also get the one in World 4 in case you win? If not, WHY are others who already have 2 or 3 chars allowed to keep theirs?
Are you going to cancel duel loot rules from world 3? If so, do you have an ETR for it?

Will come up with more pertinent questions later, THAT is if Miklos doesn't ban me ...
Dátum: 2013.11.13. 19:26:05
- When you look at another clan and you click on "finished buildings", the game redirects you to your own clans' finished buildings section.
- Several menus and descriptions from items ( when you scry orb another player) are in Hungarian.
Dátum: 2013.11.13. 13:55:15
Yawn! Typical .... Well, good luck with successfully finishing the merge
Dátum: 2013.11.08. 23:15:03
Hahahaha, I can't believe you are mad, Cruel )))
Dátum: 2013.11.08. 14:43:11
Actually, I don't like how the merge is being handled, the lack of information on it, the late notices and the fact they always start with "we are sorry", the monstrous amount of bugs, all leading to me not liking the system. I criticize the administration because instead of fixing real problems, they ask developers to program new ways of trading real currency for premium players who enjoy supremacy, squeezing the few remaining paying crowd into oblivion.

You Cruel, and several others, have discovered obvious bugs that shouldn't have even made it on the BETA. But they did make it because instead of devs working on fixing those bugs, they are programming new packs, items and relics that cost AS. Many games nowadays use hardcore fans to test new features on beta worlds. The difference is that only really rare bugs make it from Alpha to Beta worlds. In this case there was no Alpha as there are no resources to spend on it. They went straight to beta with a brooding horde of bugs and are using actual players to identify them.

Beta worlds should only be used for connection stress tests, getting feedback for new content and finding really rare bugs that were previously missed in the Alpha test or show up only with a higher number of online users.

Bottom line is that when you use players in such a way and when the player base is so scarce, Miklos cannot afford to treat us by claiming he does not understand or by ignoring the issues we raise. We care about the game and that's why we complain, there are many others that just quit in the blink of an eye, without any regret. It seems Miklos prefers those quitters to us, the ones giving him head aches because we are still stupid enough to pay!
Dátum: 2013.11.08. 13:48:41
Cruel, I think what I said covers what you said as well, let me quote myself "I RARELY come here for other reasons than complains". That means I do admit there were a few times when I did not come to complain. Even more, i repeatedly stated through all the frustration that I like this game a lot and I care about it and that's why I am expressing my concerns.

P.S. I was never your enemy, Ardent was always competition and now Pandora is your clan colleague
Dátum: 2013.11.08. 11:47:33
Miklos, it is indeed useless trying to argue with you. I have said it many times, you ignore accusations and pretend you don't understand what they are. If you still keep pretending you don't understand the frustration of some players, I kindly invite you to read my posts, they are not many as I rarely come here for other reasons than complains. I consider myself quite good at explanations and providing reasons for my claims. Even in this thread I brought up some points which you chose to completely ignore. If you fail to understand..... well, the problem does not lie with me....

Banning players that pay? LOL! Well, you are welcome to ban me, I would gladly receive it. Seems the only way to break my addiction to this game is insulting you......
So go ahead, I dare you! Ban me! I won't be able to waste my money on this game anymore. You know what they say, you reap what you sow!
Dátum: 2013.11.08. 06:53:05
Don't worry Senner, Miklos will probably edit your post and pretend nothing has happened. Pretending he doesn't understand and ignoring people are among the best of his traits ..... We spend hours writing and filling several pages with frustrated concern and what do we get? 2 lousy phrases where he pretends he saw no curses or acid remarks....
Oldal: 1234567