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Topic neve: Merging worlds
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Merging worlds
141. hozzászólás - 2013.11.24. 14:29:31
Divine potion is a kind of jolly joker, you get it if the usual offer is not available for you for some reason, but for 4 days, we have to check this out (can correct tomorrow earliest).
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Re: Merging worlds
142. hozzászólás - 2013.11.24. 23:22:42
I would gladly upgrade my CoD to lvl 20 so that we would have the same losses.

If you don't tackle the real problem, any changes are pointless. And the real problem is that clans lose so much with the CoD that there are no wars, which ABSOLUTELY kills a potentially very interesting part of the game. This leaves us only 2 options: eliminating the CoD or increasing DRASTICALLY the amount of SE gained in a war. You are saying you intend to keep the CoD and change the war mechanics to make it similar to the horde war. I assume this means more "dough" to the winner, but still, I would prefer the simple elimination of the CoD, as it just makes the losing clan lose even more. Unless the winning clan doesn't steal soul energy from the losing clan, which would make wars completely pointless.

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Re: Merging worlds
143. hozzászólás - 2013.11.25. 09:04:09
More merger related bugs:

Every automatic pet squeeze is displayed in the Hungarian language instead of English.
Every Named creature I fight in the DG (each 10'th creature) has the whole battle in Hungarian.
Fights with some crystal clans are partially or fully in Hungarian.
There are still lots of players who's links take me to either level 1 random characters OR nowhere at all.
The Crystal Clan barely attacks since you "Fixed" it. I used to get 10-15 attacks a day, now I get 3-4. What happened ?
it figures ....
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Merging worlds
144. hozzászólás - 2013.11.25. 23:14:11
6th day in a row with Divine potion as daily deal. Intentional or not?
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Merging worlds
145. hozzászólás - 2013.11.26. 08:17:23 (Válasz Sbart #144 hozzászólására.)
We corrected daily offer now, sorry for the delay. If you already bought divine potion you have to log out and back to buy the new one.

ardent: can you give me specific example where the players link take you to wrong location, I couldn't reproduce this bug. Fights in clans in Hungarian: I noticed pet names are in Hungarian, what else is? Will check the crystal attack logs but this might be due that they just attack someone else.

Cruel: we plan to change war completely - having clans fight in Horde Wars instead. The old war system will probably not change.
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Re: Merging worlds
146. hozzászólás - 2013.11.26. 12:54:07 (Válasz Miklos #145 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2013.11.26. 08:17:23

Cruel: we plan to change war completely - having clans fight in Horde Wars instead. The old war system will probably not change.

That doesn't invalidate my point. How will making clans fight in a Horde Wars style competition compensate the absurd destruction caused by the CoD? Unless you plan to give a very good reward in this new type of war, the change will be pointless.

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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Merging worlds
147. hozzászólás - 2013.11.26. 13:48:40
Hord War style clan competition will give entirely different reward, Cod will have nothing to do with it.

Btw, CoD is a typical pvp element: if you dont like it, parley with the other team and agree that none of you use it. Prolly they will listen unless they are dumb Crystal hordes
A hozzászólást Miklos módosította 2013.11.26. 13:49:55-kor
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Merging worlds
148. hozzászólás - 2013.11.26. 14:11:13 (Válasz Miklos #147 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2013.11.26. 13:48:40
Hord War style clan competition will give entirely different reward, Cod will have nothing to do with it.

Btw, CoD is a typical pvp element: if you dont like it, parley with the other team and agree that none of you use it. Prolly they will listen unless they are dumb Crystal hordes

Which is the way CoD has been used since it was implemented into the game, i.e. not at all. Which is the problem. Having a Clan building that is never used is just a waste of space and effort. It would be better (or at least more interesting) if it were to be re-purposed into the new Clan war.
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Re: Merging worlds
149. hozzászólás - 2013.11.26. 20:54:20
With the merge, how many characters can you have in one clan?
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Merging worlds
150. hozzászólás - 2013.11.26. 22:57:58 (Válasz Dolp13 #149 hozzászólására.)
Still 35.
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Re: Merging worlds
151. hozzászólás - 2013.11.27. 11:37:22 (Válasz Miklos #150 hozzászólására.)
I meant from one person; can I have all three of my characters in the same clan?
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Merging worlds
152. hozzászólás - 2013.11.27. 12:45:30 (Válasz Dolp13 #151 hozzászólására.)
yes, you can.
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Re: Merging worlds
153. hozzászólás - 2013.11.27. 19:18:38
here's the quiz contest results i'm seeing. it doesn't seem statistically probable that the first 3, second 3, and third 3 places are all ties to-the-second.

1. Sahra 50 569 1 quiz medal
2. Manunkind 50 569 he/she already has 12 medals.
3. Aldrem 50 569 1 quiz medal
4. Feyy 50 900 1 quiz medal
5. Tonto 50 900 he/she already has 12 medals.
6. ZinZin 50 900 1 quiz medal
7. Vsigamany 49 652 he/she already has 12 medals.
8. Azzazel 49 652 1 quiz medal
9. HeatStorm 49 652 1 quiz medal
10. Exemz 49 847 1 quiz medal
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very popularBartessica Slam
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Re: Merging worlds
154. hozzászólás - 2013.11.27. 21:52:42 (Válasz manunkind #153 hozzászólására.)
you are totally right!

You get always "Heatstorm" when clicking upon :
7. Vsigamany 49 652 he/she already has 12 medals.
8. Azzazel 49 652 1 quiz medal
9. HeatStorm 49 652 1 quiz medal

You get always "ZinZin" when clicking upon:
4. Feyy 50 900 1 quiz medal
5. Tonto 50 900 he/she already has 12 medals.
6. ZinZin 50 900 1 quiz medal

You get always "Aldrem" when clicking upon:
1. Sahra 50 569 1 quiz medal
2. Manunkind 50 569 he/she already has 12 medals.
3. Aldrem 50 569 1 quiz medal

... at least I do
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Merging worlds
155. hozzászólás - 2013.11.27. 22:33:57
Mousing over the names you can see that the three first all have the same character number (12557), same for the next three (8140), and the next three (1267).

Of course, clicking on any character in that list you takes you to the login screen (bug?). But it does not look like it as it should be.
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much likedIlyanna
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Re: Merging worlds
156. hozzászólás - 2013.11.30. 19:17:04
When will the delete character feature be added back to settings? Have been waiting two weeks for this.
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Re: Merging worlds
157. hozzászólás - 2013.11.30. 20:07:58 (Válasz Ilyanna #156 hozzászólására.)
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Re: Merging worlds
158. hozzászólás - 2013.11.30. 20:57:20
this merge sucks. it changed my standings, the standing of my clan, i was fairly able to fight and stay alive now I get nothing but beat up on and there are less people I can fight now that are near to my standings or less. I'm nothing but a punching bag for these stronger characters who complained about not having anyone to fight. before when it was more even it was fun. yes I got beat up on but I also had those I could beat up on. now no longer equal. I am in catas until i can delete. Can't do anything without getting thrown in torture chamber and I refuse to make more se for these characters to continue to grow on. Character on W2 in catas until I can also delete that character. I will not give them another character to fight.
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Re: Merging worlds
159. hozzászólás - 2013.12.01. 01:20:59 (Válasz Ilyanna #158 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Ilyanna - 2013.11.30. 20:57:20
Can't do anything without getting thrown in torture chamber and I refuse to make more se for these characters to continue to grow on

God, I have heard this exact statement from EVERY single person who has quit this game... Hey Admins, read that line again
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Re: Merging worlds
160. hozzászólás - 2013.12.01. 03:40:11 (Válasz Trackur #159 hozzászólására.)
I don't understand why people care so much about being thrown into the TC. You lose nothing and whoever takes you there, gets only 1% of your gained SE (~1.000/2.000 SE). It's completely irrelevant.

I find the merger great. More players mean more fun in any circumstance.

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