Felhasználónév: Jelszó:

Hozzászólások - manunkind

Dátum: 2011.07.09. 07:23:31
you may be right about dynamo. :| i don't have the blizzard answers in front of me, but wasn't one snow and wind, and another was snow, wind and cold?
Dátum: 2011.07.08. 21:27:08
what is the definition of blizzard?

all sources specify wind and snow, but not all indicate temperature (as the 'correct' answer requires). if temperature is part of some narrower definition, then the question should specify where that definition comes from.
Dátum: 2011.07.08. 21:23:04
"who invented the dynamo?"

most sources seem to indicate farady who's not listed as an answer.
Dátum: 2011.07.08. 20:55:46
"Which country did not come under German rule during World War II?"

i'm quite sure that Noway was not amongst the countries under german rule during world war ii. Norway, on the other hand...
Dátum: 2011.07.08. 20:33:54
"Who is the first person to break the four minute mile?"

should specify how. i'm guessing someone did it on horseback before on foot.
Dátum: 2011.07.08. 20:12:49
which blood type is able to RECEIVE any other blood type?

the answers do not include positive/negative. AB- cannot.
Dátum: 2011.07.08. 20:06:11
what international rugby team joined and changed the name of the tournament from the Five Nations to the Six Nations?

when i google this, i get a list (Scotland, Ireland, etc.) that includes different answers than the ones offered (Portugal, Spain, etc.).
Dátum: 2011.07.08. 19:56:56
"Where did the Rebel Alliance establish their base after the destruction of the first Death Star?"

i'm embarrassed to admit that i know the answer to this, but it's pretty much the definition of a question for a specialized group. this is not a general question on the overall plot of the movie; it's narrow trivia.
Dátum: 2011.07.08. 18:59:20
"What U.S. city is best know for dyeing their river green to celebrate St. Patrick's Day?"

really, i don't think that's what the city is best known for: deep dish pizza, organized crime, baseball ineptness, the hancock building and the (formerly) sears tower, second city, mike ditka, michael jordan, oprah and obama all seem more significant. poor grammar makes this question confusing and wrong. "Which U.S. city is mostly closely associated with dyeing their river green to celebrate St. Patrick's Day?" would be far more clear.
Dátum: 2011.07.08. 01:56:53
Which answer most accurately defines sobriquet?

answer teatotaler should be teetotaler
Dátum: 2011.07.03. 07:21:28
Who is Britain's most successful olympian?

define successful. gold medals? total medals? records? longevity? dominance? career after athletic competition?
Dátum: 2011.07.03. 07:20:06
"All matter is composed of molecules which can further be divided into what?"

Atoms is marked as correct, but particles and elements are also correct.
Dátum: 2011.07.03. 07:05:07
"What is the capital of Bolivia?"

Bolivia actually has two capitals. The main constitutional capital is Sucre and the secondary administrative capital is La Paz.
Dátum: 2011.07.03. 04:24:34
"blind as Anne Frank (a famous blind person)"

psst, Gemini, i think you mean Helen Keller. Anne Frank was an adolescent killed in the holocaust who kept a diary that survived. Anne Frank could see.
Dátum: 2011.07.03. 04:09:51
"At one time Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck had a band together, what was their name?"

beck replaced clapton. they were not in the band together.
Dátum: 2011.06.22. 21:15:56
"Who was Karl Marx?" "An english demorcrat"

Dátum: 2011.06.22. 20:48:17
"Eddie Goodell is famous in baseball history for what?"

i'm guessing he means Eddie Gaedel, but the spelling isn't even close.
Dátum: 2011.06.21. 05:27:25
"What's the colour of Zorro?"

his costume or his skin?
Dátum: 2011.06.17. 04:37:54
What is the most populous city in Asia? the correct answer is marked as Tokyo, but should be Shanghai, which is marked as incorrect. Tokyo has a larger metropolitan area, but that's not what the question asks.
Dátum: 2011.06.17. 04:23:20
"I'm good at calculating numbers and i am always being use by accountants what am i?"

use should be used. i should be I. a period should follow accountants, and what should be What. a comma should follow numbers. always is too absolute. is this one really worth fixing?