Felhasználónév: Jelszó:

Hozzászólások - Miklos

Dátum: 2014.03.24. 13:58:03
Okay, we are removing it asap. It's connected to a partner, but we don't want anything to run what slows down the game.
Dátum: 2014.03.21. 15:44:42
Dear Players, the next event is War of the Hucksters. Registration begins on Tuesday, 24th of March, the event itself launches 1 week later, on 1st of April, 14pm CET (8am EST).

During this event, you can join a huckster's army or remain neutral during the conflict. If you join, you can't quit until the end of the war. But you may betray your lord, you can join another team.
If you are participating, you will get a different duel window, displaying players who also participate. You can attack anyone who is not in your team, even horde members (but fellow clan members only if your infection is 100%).

The fight itself goes by the rules of the normal duel, you can complete quests, drag to torture chamber. But you do not steal SE from the target - you get a fixed amount of SE instead which your opponent doesn't lose, like with energy harness. Some effects (soul-draining, scarab, APt subtracting punish items) don't work, and these fights don't count towards wars (so if you have a war running when the event begins, likely it will end with a draw!). For people with energy harness this SE is increased in proportion with EH skill. Attacks cost a duel point and an event point. You get event points for hunts after signing up. After the battle, you cure some of the wounds, amount depends on your heal wounds skill. Horde hatred skills has no effect, but you may purchase a relic, called nemesis at the soul huckster. This relic gives bonus against the members of a given team. Also (this is a new feature!) this nemesis grants you +10% SE for each fight (works vs everyone not only a specific team). You get rewards based on the number of victories. (Only battles you initiated count). If you switch to another team, your victory count will be reset!

During the event, a large number of additional crystal horde members will appear (followers of the hucksters) you can attack these only via this duel window. You can also attack the members of the original CH, but as mentioned before, these fights don't count towards previous wars.
The normal duel window will be available as well. There you can fight players who didn't sign up for the event, using the normal duel rules. If any of the combatants did not sign up, normal duel rules apply.

See more details here:

Additional info:
- During the event, you can buy a time-limited event, iceheart amulet (soul-huckster, relics). It gives +50 continuum diminution skill so you can attack more often.
- You can purchase subplasma pack (as usual) if you need to attack more targets.
- We add a new relic to the rewards, bronze/silver/golden minion focus (+2/+4/+/ XP per battles and challenges to your active minion).
- For every 7 victory (or for every 5, if your map finding skill is green) you get an extra treasure: minion crystal, minion food, golden ducat or temple crystal (in fixed order).
- Nemesis gives now +10% SE bonus on every huckster duel won.

Good luck to you all!

*** changes 2015 May ***
- The registration closes only 1 week after the event has started.
- Greater spacerift potion will be removed from all players inventory before the event starts, and after week 1 and week 2, so they can buy it again.
- New relics will be added to the reward list.
Dátum: 2014.03.21. 11:07:19
Okay, we can try something

For example, we can add special auction items on that week.

Also, we have a live Wheel of Fortune with special prizes. maybe we can make it available in the game too.

And we have there a bunch of computers there, running non-stop quiz tournaments with special prizes. Might add it to the game as well somehow.
Dátum: 2014.03.20. 15:01:28
Sorry, we have auction there only for the Hungarian servers Wish we could do an international convention too
Dátum: 2014.03.20. 14:27:48
Today we added to the game the following features:
- VIP functions. You can buy this new package under Misc button: Accelerations. It includes many useful features, one-click improve abilities, skills, AA points, instant pet training, queueing pet heals and more.
- Evolution chamber. This new building is to boost your minions, but it's very expensive to build, recommended only for top clans with Tree of Knowlesge.
- Added a new AA ability, relic lore, so people who are very ahead with entities can use more powerful relics.
- We removed default decree selection for Temple of Doom and Ruler of Planet, to avoid people choosing the wrong type. Now you always have to select SE or AS before using a decree.
- In the duel confirm window, we now display the target player's name.
- In pet training, now we display the duration.
- Items in the inventory are now sorted by level.
- Hunter's loot now displays remaining pet and adventure slots.
- Quest change: hunt down 15 small creatures, the number has been reduced to 12.
Dátum: 2014.03.19. 17:05:59
Btw, here is some interesting piece of info for you.

Here, in Hungary we have a big live convention every 6 months. There, we have a live auction where players can bid with ducats they have in the game. We usually auction rare relics which you can't get normally in the game. One of such relics allow players to have 5 pets
Dátum: 2014.03.19. 17:03:55
When we played the old paper and book role-playing games, demon lords and deities had abilites a normal player could not have. Still, we could win. Let's face it, the NPCs never play by the rules - nonetheless, you beat them because they are smarter
Dátum: 2014.03.19. 17:01:31
This goes live tomorrow.
Dátum: 2014.03.17. 10:25:21
It decreases the soul-energy players steal from you the way diamond horde bonus increases it. Not very useful
Dátum: 2014.03.17. 10:07:27
We are doing the translations now, hopefully it will go live in 2 days!
Dátum: 2014.03.14. 13:00:09
I would like to inform you about an upcoming development. It's a new comfort function pack, VIP functions, which you will be able to buy for 200 AS under "Misc: Accelerations". It will contain the following:

- You can improve abilities, skills, AA abilities by multiple points with one click, and you will see meanwhile how much bonus you have for decreasing the cost.
- If a pet training would train a pet fully, it finishes immediately, there is no waiting time.
- When healing pets, you can choose to heal multiple times after each other automatically (max repeat number depends on your heal wounds skill)
- In the Temple of Doom, "do (something) for X consequent days" quests do not reset if you skip one or more days.
- You can specify a quantity when using an item (only where it makes sense).
- In the auction house, you can sell multiple items with one click.
- You get a quick mind boost button in the top menu line (like change dress).
- When you do an adventure, the whole description appears immediately, and you answer all questions correctly automatically.
- On the duel page, you can filter on players whose level is less than yours.

We plan to add more features in the future.
Dátum: 2014.03.12. 12:40:39
Well, we got some tickets of players accidentally using a few chitin, don't want anyone to lose the fetish due to their mistake, thats why we have the daily offer.
Dátum: 2014.03.05. 09:58:39
Don't know yet the exact date, but we will definitely have one in April.
Dátum: 2014.03.04. 13:56:37
Although the prisons do not completele magically, the more days has passed, the easier to build them. So on day 20 the SE you spend on building counts X times more than on day 1. This is to ensure that the end does not finish on day 1, and even with lower attendance, players can finish it latest few days later after the 3 weeks. Originally, we had a concept of players being able to "fail" the event, but in that case everyone would have lost all rewards, including those who worked hard for it, it just wouldn't have been fair.
Dátum: 2014.03.03. 12:30:52
Yeah, there is no specific ending, the event ends when all the queens are imprisoned.
Dátum: 2014.02.26. 11:20:28
Unlike other parts of the page, quiz olympics is using flash to avoid people using scripts to solve the questions for them. So you should check if you have the latest version of Adobe Flash, and if other flash-based applications work for you. For example, flash doesn't run on phones, so you can't do the quiz olympics from a phone, sadly Also, did you try it from different browsers, does it give the same result?
Dátum: 2014.02.26. 11:18:06
Yes, every item which gives extra xp for duel also gives extra xp for challenges as well.
Dátum: 2014.02.24. 15:48:25
You have specific complaint I can help you with?
Dátum: 2014.02.21. 16:10:36
Probably he used some bomb or other area effect to kill several at once But they will keep resurrecting until the prison is secured as well putting aside the joke, hp calculation needed some calculation due to the merge (looks like that will haunt us for still a while) but now its sorted out, thanks for the notice.
Dátum: 2014.02.21. 10:17:59
Yes, I confirm it again, if you want the fetish, you have to use BOTH rewards and all the 20 you find during the event.

Alternate ways to spend chitin is for those who can't collect 120, or, in the future, when you already have the fetish.

We will check the xeno-killer's link and fix it, thanks for the notice.