Felhasználónév: Jelszó:

Hozzászólások - Miklos

Yes, elementary fusion gives 3x AP daily.
Dátum: 2011.05.19. 10:50:05
I will ask the programmer about the timer thing!

Considering character specialization: as someone mentioned, there are already many ways for this. Warr/Mage, Disadv/EnergyH, Infection/Noninfection, you have to make choices in the AA abilities, Horde Hatred choice is also a kind of specialization. So as you see we give a lot of choices, but I promise there will be more! The difficulty here is always balancing things out.

About things which are "not in the manual". If you hover the cursor above things like soul-draining, resistance etc. on your character sheet, you get a description. If there is anything which won't get it for something, just ask, and we will add explanation too.

Giffy: there are things in the game which you can buy for both SE and stones, like the potions. Items too (although premium items are slightly powerful). What you suggest is equivalent to that players could buy ancient stones for soul-energy. This would be a different approach to the current system. It might work, but it wouldn't really help non-payers: because the SE you spend on these things, could be used to improve skills and abilities by the payers, and they would retain their advantage. We rather give different options. First, there are skills which you can increase with SE, but they produce ancient stones for you (thievery and subspace detection). Second, with skillful play, a non-payer can get a big advantage in the game even without premium options. However, you have to understand: the game upkeep (server, development etc) costs us money, so we would be very happy, if you like the game, and play it for a while, eventually you would decide that you support it with buying ancient stones.
Dátum: 2011.05.17. 13:06:51
The new global event of the Doomlord online rpg game, the War of the Hucksters has ended! Katherin, Ericath, Marietta and Agnaesh have met to discuss peace terms. To avoid further bloodshed, the territory was divided between them in proportion to their victories.

World 1
1.Agnaesh 19079 victories
2.Marietta 8273 victories
3.Katherin 7072 victories
4.Ericath 5245 victories

World 2
1.Marietta 18803 victories
2.Agnaesh 11472 victories
3.Katherin 2235 victories
4.Ericath 2020 victories

World 3
1.Agnaesh 11182 victories
2.Marietta 6099 victories
3.Ericath[ 4784 victories
4.Katherin 2776 victories

At the end of the event, every participating doomlord and doomlady receives their well deserved reward from their lady.
Dátum: 2011.05.16. 07:07:33
The bug is corrected now, we are checking the logs if someone got any unfair advantage of this (ie. reuseable items) and we are fixing that as well.
Dátum: 2011.05.14. 20:18:05
ok someone else reported a problem too, this might have been because of the quiz olympics... we will correct is as soon as possible.
Dátum: 2011.05.14. 20:16:56
Ok thx we will correct it! But no worries, it really doesn't make much difference if you have 1 or 71
Dátum: 2011.05.10. 14:05:10
We are launching a new world in the Doomlord fantasy online game very soon, on 17th of May, 14pm CET (8am EST). You can already register for it. World 4 runs with triple speed (you gain SE, you rest, regenerate 3 times faster, you can attack 3 times more etc), but it's not more expensive, because you get 2,5 times more ancient stones for the same price!
This world has some special rules, which you find under the W4 info menu.
The game lasts until a clan fulfills the victory condition. The members of the winning clan, and players who are best in individual categories get reward for their other character (on another world, registered with the same email). The reward is a special medal and ancient stones.
When world 4 ends, players can transfer their remaining ancient stones their other character on another world, or they can transfer it to the next world 4.
To register, choose registration, and click world 4.
You can find additional information on the forum, here.
Dátum: 2011.05.09. 18:16:50
Sure, we will give it back, please give the info to the GM in email, with details as world, clan name, and lost SE and she will load it back to your soul-well!

Btw it is supposedly corrected now, so you wont get shots from tomorrow...
Dátum: 2011.05.09. 10:45:59
The wars are suspended for the event's duration, thats why you can't continue it.
However, the CC should not use the citadel during this period. I forwarded to the programmer to correct this, thanks for the notice.
Dátum: 2011.05.08. 17:19:25
Sorry for the problem... I talked to the programmer, and he explained me the "magic trick" to get it work again, it runs now correctly. Sorry for the inconvenience. We will extend the olympics by 1 day. He will also check tomorrow those who had problem with "undefined" and such, so these people can re-do the olympics tomorrow. Please send your world and character name to the customer service (info () doomlord dot net) and explain the problem and you will get help.
Dátum: 2011.05.02. 14:04:05
Good idea, Cruel, the problem is that with your suggestion, teams would be hindered by weak players. Actually, not the team with the best players would win, but the team with the most weak/inactive players would lose... I also considered subtracting losses from a team's score, but that way, the small team would get a lot of attacks, and would lose a lot of points as well. Also not very fair. In a player vs player game, it is quite hard to set up an absolute system which favors everyone. Precisely that's why the major reward is based on individual performance, and the winning team gets only a small extra. Their reward is rather the glory itself...
Dátum: 2011.04.29. 10:17:32
The crystal clones are not getting stronger, but frequently they are being "recloned", if you get stronger, your clone gets stronger too. Yes, they are not clan members, an approix. building bonus is simply added to their stats.

Using the win/loss ratio or some more obscure figure would have the same problems. Even so, it could be more easily exploited.
Right now, if you feel the other team has an advantage, you can simply desert to that team, so everyone has a fair chance to win!
The only way to make it more even would have been to distribute players evenly and randomly between the teams. But then activity and relative power of the players would have been the deciding factor, and then players couldn't choose.

But, if you have any suggestions to how to improve the event next time, we are open to it! For example, maybe it would be a good idea to remove duel points at the beginning of the event (and give them back at the end) so everyone has only the normal DP regeneration, it gives more room for tactics. Like, right now, when people use up a lot of DP in the early days, and give a heavy edge to their team, changing teams can't change that much.
Dátum: 2011.04.18. 15:22:21
The registration is open here as well, the event runs parallel on every world!

There is no "entry fee", you are free to register for the event. have fun!
Dátum: 2011.04.14. 11:51:58
Please note, if you have spelling/grammatical/typo errors, it's not a big deal, you can simply correct the question and resubmit it, you do not lose anything!
Dátum: 2011.04.08. 12:19:46
The programming of the event proceeds well, it will be ready for launch soon!

Referring to your latest questions:
Creative affinity and other bonuses do not apply to the event SE. You get a fix amount, see the figure above. Nor does your XP gets modified by anything.
Of course, you get AA points for the XP you get. Fatigue and other duel restrictions apply, so you cant duel 100 times in a row or something like that. And yes, huckster and normal duels count the same for these purposes. If both of you are in the event, you can only event duel. If one of you is not in the event, you can only normal duel.
Dátum: 2011.04.08. 12:15:50
When you log in, you have the opportunity to renew premium membership. Even if it is expired, if you renew it before spending Apts / Dpts you wont lose them!
Dátum: 2011.03.29. 12:56:58
We added a new button to the game options (to the left, on the bottom), Relics. Through this button you can reach a new page with Lady Alvariel's relics and familiars. This was an earlier promotion from the original servers, which we made accessible to the international server now. Here, you can purchase some unique artifacts and pets for your character in the Doomlord fantasy online game.
Dátum: 2011.03.25. 11:59:56
Yes, the reason for cloing players to crystal members is to give additional targets. These CH will not attack, and they will not have a clan which you can declare war upon.
If you dont join the event, you can still attack people who participate in the event by the normal duel rules.
The relics are the same as from the map event, Stekkos. If you have a gold trader item then choose something else here because they wont stack (thats why we have more items here so you have plenty to choose from).

To clarify things, I give you the EXACT figure for the SE and XP reward during the event:
Winner of a duel gets FIX SE and XP, depending on the defeated players level:
SE: ( level * 39,67 ) * (0,5 + EH * 0,015). If the winner is member of the diamond clan, he/she gets +5% bonus
XP: (2+level)*0,273.
So the only things which modify the SE are level, EH skill, and diamond clan bonus.
The defeated player does not lose any SE.
Some explanation of the figure:
Since everyone have to do a hunt to be able to do a duel, the goal was that players with either disadvanced dev. and energy harness get roughly the same average SE/XP ratio from the total of 1 hunt and 1 duel. That's what the above figure fulfills.

Another addition: invisible hunts will give only 0,5 event point.

We will begin the programming next week, hopefully we are done with it and testing in 2-3 weeks, and thats when you can sign up for the event.
Dátum: 2011.03.15. 12:35:27
A very clever observation. This effect is not intended. The purpose of the game is that you can play all the time, use up resources freely, and sometimes the monotony gets broken by an interesting event. But yes, as things stand now, many events encourage players to save up resources. We let people use up these saved up resources for several reasons:

1.) If you already have a lot of Apts and Dpts saved up, it means the game's pace is a little faster than you are comfortable with. That is, very likely you are never going to use them up, and it makes you feel that you "lose" something. With events, players have a chance to "catch up", to use up these leftovers.
2.) Often, events require a specific number of actions. Even with careful planning, it's hard to tell how much resource will a player spend (and have available). Allowing them to use up saved up respts is a way to ensure that anyone who wishes can achieve the maximum reward.
3.) Limiting resources only to that the player acquires during the event would conradict a bit with the current game mechanics, would make both rules and programming more difficult. So we allow this to keep things simple.
4.) Lower level players have less APt and DPt regen per day, because they do not have the skills which increase these regens. Allowing them to stock up gives them a better chance.

But, the problem is, that this leads to people some sitting on 7-800 Apts all the time, to make sure they stay competitive in the upcoming events. I am no sure that this is a real problem, but nonetheless, if you have any good suggestion how to change this - without making the system more complicated - I'm looking forward to it.
Dátum: 2011.03.09. 21:08:23
The Alchemy Labor - when your clan will build it - will be a very similar thing to the brewery you suggested. Squeezed animals will drop essences, which can be used to boost skills and give other potion-like effects.

Pet bazaar: As ImLittleJon says, transferring resources can be a bad thing. However. We are running a semi-promo event on the Hun servers, called Relics. Soon we will give access to it on the English servers as well, where you can buy a few special pets too. I know its not like a full pet bazaar, but thats what we have now...

Temple: I do not see the difference between this and other buildings which already give stat bonuses...

Sorry about the quiz olympics! We have rewritten the complete system, so people cannot use scripts to cheat. We tested it on the Hun servers and it works now, it will transfer to the Eng servers very soon!