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Pay vs non-pay players
481. hozzászólás - 2011.05.18. 20:25:01
I'm a non-pay player and I've noticed that those that pay get quite a bit better/more powerful things overall that puts non-pay players at a serious disadvantage. So I had a thought of instead of making items or special abilities that require ancient stones along with soul energy, have buying become of two types so all players are able to buy the all items.

familiars, spells, etc...
pay ? ancient stones
pay ? soul energy

If this was set up for all things the paying players still get the advantage by paying for ancient stones to get items but it also allows the non-paying players to have access to the same items. This would make the game fairer to those that cant or don't pay for ancient stones.
A hozzászólást giffy módosította 2011.05.18. 20:27:10-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
482. hozzászólás - 2011.05.19. 10:50:05
I will ask the programmer about the timer thing!

Considering character specialization: as someone mentioned, there are already many ways for this. Warr/Mage, Disadv/EnergyH, Infection/Noninfection, you have to make choices in the AA abilities, Horde Hatred choice is also a kind of specialization. So as you see we give a lot of choices, but I promise there will be more! The difficulty here is always balancing things out.

About things which are "not in the manual". If you hover the cursor above things like soul-draining, resistance etc. on your character sheet, you get a description. If there is anything which won't get it for something, just ask, and we will add explanation too.

Giffy: there are things in the game which you can buy for both SE and stones, like the potions. Items too (although premium items are slightly powerful). What you suggest is equivalent to that players could buy ancient stones for soul-energy. This would be a different approach to the current system. It might work, but it wouldn't really help non-payers: because the SE you spend on these things, could be used to improve skills and abilities by the payers, and they would retain their advantage. We rather give different options. First, there are skills which you can increase with SE, but they produce ancient stones for you (thievery and subspace detection). Second, with skillful play, a non-payer can get a big advantage in the game even without premium options. However, you have to understand: the game upkeep (server, development etc) costs us money, so we would be very happy, if you like the game, and play it for a while, eventually you would decide that you support it with buying ancient stones.
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Re: Sugestion box
483. hozzászólás - 2011.05.19. 12:20:36 (Válasz Miklos #482 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2011.05.19. 10:50:05

About things which are "not in the manual". If you hover the cursor above things like soul-draining, resistance etc. on your character sheet, you get a description. If there is anything which won't get it for something, just ask, and we will add explanation too.

The problem with those descriptions is that they are often not complete. Let's take a look at Drain soul:
"You drain Se in ratio to the melee damage you deal (but no more than 1/5 of the SE you have at the start of combat)"
So it is only melee attacks, but in which type of combat? Duels, Dimension gate, Epic, Entities, Adventure fights? It works in some of these, but not all. And the description says nothing about that it only works in some fights, and not other.

Critical magic damage: "The chance to deal additional magic damage"
First, shouldn't it be "Chance to deal additional damage with your spell"?
Second, it says nothing about how it interacts with the Critical spell damage.

I could go on, but I don't really see the point. And posting the information here, on the forum, is not really a good solution unless there is a sticky which contains all the answers to these type of questions. A searchable database (wiki-style) maintained by Beholder would be even better (also called "Game manual").
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Re: Sugestion box
484. hozzászólás - 2011.06.14. 09:06:47
Sorry for going on about this, but...

Another problem with the "hover above the stat to get a description" is that you can only do this after you have bought an item that has the stat.

Related to this, why are only some things displayed under bonuses? Things like "Extra damage against epic monsters", "Extra SE from duels", and "mana regeneration" is not displayed (probably a few more).
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irritatingBash Chelik
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Re: Sugestion box
485. hozzászólás - 2011.06.14. 18:31:44
how about some option where players can make spirit bond with one another
allowing them to support each other whenever they like with no delay when passing power?
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Re: Sugestion box
486. hozzászólás - 2011.06.16. 13:08:45
Sbart, those stats do not have "hover above" information because we thought it's pretty obvious

I agree with you that some descriptions are not very precise, you can only guess at the exact mechanism. We tried to make the original descriptions as precise as possible, but since we are continuously developing the game, sometimes new things do not get a sufficiently detailed information. If you point out specific problems we will try to fill in the gap. But, of course, there is always some information you have to discover yourself...

The problem with instant support, there would be hundreds of ways to exploit that... I borrow stats, use them, and in the next instant, give them back! Even so, support already have some mean ways to use
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Re: Sugestion box
487. hozzászólás - 2011.06.16. 13:46:08 (Válasz Miklos #486 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2011.06.16. 13:08:45
Sbart, those stats do not have "hover above" information because we thought it's pretty obvious

I agree with you that some descriptions are not very precise, you can only guess at the exact mechanism. We tried to make the original descriptions as precise as possible, but since we are continuously developing the game, sometimes new things do not get a sufficiently detailed information. If you point out specific problems we will try to fill in the gap. But, of course, there is always some information you have to discover yourself...

The thing is that really isn´t any way to explore some of these things, like how Critical from skills and equipment interact since we can´t see our opponents skill.
Furthermore there is still the problem that some things are not called the same thing consistently: Stun/Paralyzation and Quest/Mission are the two I can recall right now.
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Re: Sugestion box
488. hozzászólás - 2011.06.17. 12:59:06 (Válasz Miklos #486 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2011.06.16. 13:08:45
Sbart, those stats do not have "hover above" information because we thought it's pretty obvious

I didn't complain that they were difficult to understand, but that they are not included in "the List" of bonuses you currently have, displayed as "Bonuses" on the character sheet.
A hozzászólást Sbart módosította 2011.06.17. 12:59:18-kor
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Re: Sugestion box
489. hozzászólás - 2011.06.18. 13:56:05
One rpg element missing from this game is sneak attacks. I was giving it some thought and this is my sugestion:

Sneak attack skill available at combat skills. It will increase in % as you develop it like critical hits. But the other players sneak will not decrease this. What will decrease it will be either IQ or defense, maybe a combination of both. But Luck will also play a factor only for the attacker, the higher your luck, the more chance to hit.

If you hit, no duel is started but instead you win instantly. Loser does not lose se but he is crippled for a duration (1 hour maybe?) and loses an amount of HP depending on the skill and weapon of the attacker. During that time he cannot duel. Winer gains xp but no se. If the attack failes, normal duel starts. If the attacker wins, it is as if he attacked normally. If the attacked person wins, he gains se even if the other person had none. EH, items, Creative AFF. and diamond horde bonuses all apply, so the attacker might end up granding quite a lot of se to his target.

This way i see a few benefits:
Builders can be used in wars to cripple enemy top duelers. Since their luck will be high and gear will not count, they become a factor to consider instead of just hiding all the time.
Players in general will be encouraged to build in order to get their luck high.

This is my rough idea, please expand on it
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everyone's favoriteWormtailFérfi
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Re: Sugestion box
490. hozzászólás - 2011.08.07. 08:14:47
I didn't check whether this idea was mentioned previously.
I thought it would be nice if on the character sheet we could see the fighting pets condition, because somtimes I only notice that some of my pets was badly wounded, when it had been incapacitated yet.
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Re: Sugestion box
491. hozzászólás - 2011.08.25. 13:46:38
One time,

I've accidently used 1/3 AS for some reactivation. Some of you might say "You had message box confirmation", but the problem is that the message box is also there when spending 1 AP. So I clicked "YES" automatically. And I think that most of players do the same.

It is all that more difficult if playing on mobile device, where the screen is much smaller and there is more chance to click AS instead of AP.

Since majority of players are using AP for reacitavion purposes rather than AS, I think it might be much better to remove mesage box when using AP reactivation, just leave it for the AS.

Other solution would be to put appart those two buttons, so ti is not easy to accidently click the wrong one.

A hozzászólást Valkyrie módosította 2011.08.25. 13:52:20-kor
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
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much likedPhalanxii
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Re: Sugestion box
492. hozzászólás - 2011.08.26. 15:56:02
On the forums, could you change it so that auto-rating of 5 isn't counted as part of the average if someone rates it? It seems weird that a post worth a rating of 10 will never ever achieve that because the forum has already voted it a five...
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Re: Sugestion box
493. hozzászólás - 2011.09.03. 01:01:09
Increasingly I've been seeing spam on the forum, posting links to things not relevant to the game, can we have a moderator to delete the posts/users or at least a system where players can mark it as spam. You could stretch it so that if a post has a score of less than 3, it gets hidden unless we purposefully click to view it.
Your very own English Doomlord Encyclopedia!

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Re: Sugestion box
494. hozzászólás - 2011.09.11. 09:58:25
It would be nice to have a "call all pets to fight" quick button; it is quite annoying to do it individually for each pet.
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Re: Sugestion box
495. hozzászólás - 2011.09.11. 10:21:15 (Válasz deadstar #494 hozzászólására.)
amen brother!
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Re: Sugestion box
496. hozzászólás - 2011.09.11. 11:10:52 (Válasz deadstar #494 hozzászólására.)
Will not help much if you have more pets that can follow you in fight... But for 80% of players, I think, it is a nice button!
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Re: Sugestion box
497. hozzászólás - 2011.09.11. 17:58:57 (Válasz eukar #496 hozzászólására.)
I agree it is very useful. And I believe 100% of the people would benefit because even the ones who use more than 4 pets will have the others training at the Kennel.
And of course the button would have to say "call all pets that are not at the Kennel to fight".

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Re: Sugestion box
498. hozzászólás - 2011.09.12. 09:30:46 (Válasz Cruel01 #497 hozzászólására.)
And if by any chance training just recently ended, so you have lets say 6 capable pets, which ones should the automated function choose?
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
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Re: Sugestion box
499. hozzászólás - 2011.09.12. 10:52:49
Something very simple can be done, like calling the first 4 combat-able pets to fight.
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Re: Sugestion box
500. hozzászólás - 2011.09.12. 17:38:59 (Válasz Miklos #499 hozzászólására.)
Or the highest level ones.
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