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Oldal: 123456
Dátum: 2011.08.28. 07:02:29
Thank you! Now I am with stekkos

I mean I have no further questions at the moment.
Dátum: 2011.08.28. 06:33:43
I still wonder - if we are supposed to have info on how much SE is still needed to finish the task (and it is calculated incorrectly), or we should see only total SE used so far (and it is named incorrectly).
Dátum: 2011.08.25. 19:10:19
Is "still needed:" parameter named correctly? It seems to be more like "total charged"
Dátum: 2011.08.22. 14:18:52
Personally I think that it is already late to suggest any changes to an event to start shortly

But that's my opinion - what would be fair. There might be 6 major relics in the new event - 3 from Zarknod's and 3 new. Those who do not have any relic could find all 6 with "normal" chances. Those having got one of the Zarknod's relics - could find only 5 rest, but with chances increased to 6/5 "normal" ... etc up to those who have got all the 3 Zarknod's relics - they could find only 3 new, but with doubled chances.

But anyway, I think something has already been invented and will not be changed in 3 days
Dátum: 2011.08.13. 21:57:40
Who is Slavic supreme god?

Well... Perun is Slavic traditions is close to Greek Zeus, that's correct. But I would not call hin "supreme". He is one of the supremes, as I remember from the school lessons. Rapid search did not bring easy evidence that he is more supreme than Svarog, or Makosh' (and she is not even mentioned). Maybe someone more experienced will comment?
Dátum: 2011.08.13. 21:24:12
Who invented the battery?
Thomas Edison
Alessandro Volta
John Wilkinson
James Hargreaves

The answer is easily googled, but I have two small objections.

1) Battery of what? It should be specified that electrical battery is meant.
2) There are evidences from the archaeological findings that ancient people might have used deviced based on the same principle (but maybe for some other purpose). Such an answer is not given, so ok as it is, but to be correct, maybe the question should ask about "first documented inventor"?
Dátum: 2011.08.13. 17:52:47
Aha, now I see what you mean. I am taking a break to think this over
Dátum: 2011.08.13. 17:23:10
Idézet: Cruel01 - 2011.08.13. 16:49:26
SE from squeeze = Base SE * (1+0.2*Squeeze level + 0.5*Pet level).
It seems 0.5*Pet level is too low.


Which brings us back to my question - what is Base SE in the equation?

I have been under impression that this is SE from hunt when you meet normal creature of a given base level, without any modification from skills, buildings or artifacts. Now, my calculation show that for level 21 creature base SE is 450 (plus-minus random factor). Does this seem too much or too low? I don't remember my loot and skills around lvl20 to compare...

Now at level 43 I have an average hunt loot of aroung 500 (if substract skills bonuses).
From what I squeeze (untrained pets only) I can estimate "Base SE" as 430-490 (VERY roughly as I do not average nor collect all the figures). This seems very close...

Finally, base SE for lvl 21. is from a single trial, while data for 41-45 creatures is an average result. Maybe I was just very lucky when squeezing that trained pet? More info of squeezing trained pets would be nice to look at
Dátum: 2011.08.13. 16:45:30
Idézet: Cruel01 - 2011.08.13. 16:20:56
Your figures are music to my ears
For a lvl 41 pet with a base lvl of 21, a 15,500 Squeeze represents a constant of 22.03, which is way above the 7-13 I have been finding. I will do more tests, but it seems the formula really is wrong.

Which one (formula) is wrong?
Dátum: 2011.08.13. 15:50:28
Idézet: Cruel01 - 2011.08.13. 14:59:01
I have been gathering some data (I have 90 squeezes so far) with pets that have no level and I can tell you with 100% certainty that the squeezed pets also have sizes. I have been doing the following: every time I squeeze a pet, I reach the Base SE (SE from Squeeze/(1+0.2*60)), then I make the assumption that the formula for the Base SE is Pet level * constant. And the result is that this constant varies from 7 to 13. Even though the formula might be completely different, this is enough to evidence that squeezed pets have sizes. And it will also be enough to prove (hopefully) that pets with levels pay more than the proposed formula. I will start creating a database for that also in the hopes that the constant will be increased from 7-13, which would indicate the formula is wrong.
In any case, I am accepting any squeeze data you have and that you are willing to share. It would help me a lot.


Oh, I see. We are talking about the same but you call it "size of the squeezed pet", and I got used to just "random variation".

Anyway, my data is very limited. Yesterday I squeezed a pet level 41 to do a quest - and it gave me ~15.5k SE. According to the equation, this gives "Base SE" ~ 450. Is that in line with pet base level of 21?
Dátum: 2011.08.13. 06:42:56
I could check approximately if I knew "base SE" stuff... Do you have an idea where to find it?

Also, I thought always that when capturing there is no difference between creatures of different size. You simply capture "normal" only. Am I wrong?
Dátum: 2011.08.11. 06:01:35
Idézet: manunkind - 2011.08.11. 05:40:21
What color you get when you mixed red and white?

a fine question for preschoolers. maybe i should blow everyone's mind by writing a follow-up on mixing red and blue.

It's tooooo much! I think, you should start with "blue and white" question (or questions) before turning to such complicated matters...
Dátum: 2011.08.07. 21:41:31
Idézet: Wtfakkeltje - 2011.07.30. 17:27:11
Stalin is the russian word for...

My Russian is not that good, but I've heard Stalin means "Steel man" or "Man of steel" rather than just "steel". Can anybody help me on this one?

Maybe a bit late - I am just back from vacation.
"Steel" in Russian is Сталь (phonetically "Stal'"), not "Stalin". Thus, to be completely correct, the question should be changed to "'Stalin' name is derived from the Russian word for...". But to tell the truth, I see no complications in answering the question as it is - all other options in Russian are way far from "Stalin".
On the other hand, I hate all the questions that need TRANSLATIONS to/from rather than INFORMATION or KNOWLEDGE about languages at the international (English-speaking) server. Even though online dictionaries are better each year, these questions are in general too specialized (just IMHO).
Idézet: Random - 2011.07.20. 10:22:36
If someone has a problem with the map event's reward write an email to customer service: info{kukk}doomlord{ponty}net

Please include what the exact problem that the world, which character.
Dátum: 2011.07.21. 13:53:48
Misleading here is use of "sodium" both to specify an elementary compound (metal sodium) and element in compounds (usually in form of sodium ions). For sure, metal sodium will kill if somebody eats it (even though it is pretty difficult to do) or will cause severe chemical burns in contact with skin, eyes etc.

On the other way, in form of salts it is essential for living organisms to function. This is meant in the question by stating "when combined". In the links you have found the word "ion" or "compound" is just omitted.

So, from my point of view, the question may be not strict enough for the competition in Chemistry, but is fine for this game quiz.
Dátum: 2011.07.17. 16:42:32
Re: News
12. post - 2010.03.01. 11:21:46

- If you already have the maximum amount of ring/necklace focus crystals, you will find broken relics instead, which can be sold to the soul-huckster for soul-energy.

I think, it is about this.
Dátum: 2011.07.17. 14:48:45
According to rules, the only way to get a platinum reward is to be in a winning team and have got a corresponding gold reward before.
Dátum: 2011.07.17. 14:46:26
Well ok, "small group" was wrong expression, my bad and forget it. I mean that it is not a piece of common knowledge, but rather gives advantage to a group of people based on country of residence, but not on their knowledge.
Dátum: 2011.07.16. 21:09:27
What TV game show requires contestants to start their responces with "What is..." ?
The Price is Right
Family Feud
Wheel of Fortune

Maybe it's well known in US (I am sure, it is - according to a long wiki page) - but I believe it is one of the questions "answer to which is known by a small group of people". That is, it is not readily known by audience outside the US.
Dátum: 2011.07.16. 20:59:26
Here was my mistake. For some half a minute
Oldal: 123456