Tarantula correct answer changed to: Minor or no side effects. Is true some can have severe reaction but the question asks MOST humans. But is true that the effects are wider than just a bee sting.
C++ q changed as suggested to compiler
AC/DC: Correct answer is now Dave Evans
Scotland is part of the UK of Great Britain. So no offense to them comes from calling their gratest city British.
Tone changed to ton
Phoenix q removed
Ghurkas q now reads: The Gurkhas are from...
Cell phones q now reads: Which statement is ture about a cell phone in direct contact with your ears? Also minor spelling in answers fixed
Diamond q now reads: What is the only way to completely destroy a diamond? Also nuclear bomb is no longer an answer.
CG diamond q: If what you say is true, feel free to change the q. I am not an exclusive database editor
Palmetto q: Removed gun as an option
Cast the first stone q: Actually it seems Jesus never said these words as most ancient manuscripts do not contain the alleged event with the woman. Propably added later to Johns gospel. Q removed
Maize q: True, it is the same word. But is also true that if you plant maize, you can get sweet corn.
Q is ok
Wonders q: Another of those q i prefer not to specify all details. When we say exist, it means you can see it mostly in its original form. You cannot say the great temple in Jerusalem still exists because a part of its wall is still standing. Same about Artemis temple.The pyramid on the other hand is pillaged and partly damaged but mostly it stands as it did thousands of years ago.
Cut injuries q: Removed Rapier
Wind caves q now reads: What state is the Wind Cave located? The rest are named Cave of Winds. Wind Cave system is only in Dakota
The Bill of Rights is the collective name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. So any further amendments are not part of it. Even at the link you provide, you can see the first 10 clearly marked under bill of rights, the rest under different column
Liberty q: Is there a larger COPPER statue? If not the q is ok, it asks the largest of that material, not the largest in general
Antipodean q: The term was made up from Northen Hemisphere perspective so the meaning is ok. Like medical terms, medical personell might be the only ones using it, rest of the world does not. But if you get a q asking the meaning of a medical term, correct answer is how those that made the term mean it.
Hammurabi q: Clay tablets removed and it now reads: What was a way Hammurabi's Code was published?
Dolphins sex q: Removed BOTH (yes, 2 identical from the same person) questions
Asian games and economy questions spelling fixed
China influence: I am puzzled also, anyone care to post a link, preferably someone with a bit of East Asia history knowleadge?
Blood Elf q: A few more wrong answers and it will be gone, is curently at 33%. For statistical reasons we prefer to leave hard q go like that if they are close to it.
G-20 is ok, again do not go for details. Ofcourse it means group of 20, but when you ask such a q the correct answer everyone expects is the one given. Any other group of 20 people will not be called G-20
Big bang: Seems you are right but due to Wikipedia unreliability i prefer more data before changing this q