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Hozzászólások - MartinBV

Dátum: 2010.05.29. 20:16:22
Another set:

How many legs have 2 dogs 1 cat and 3 ducks ?

Non, legs have neither dogs, cats, nor ducks, on the other hand dogs, cats and ducks have legs. It's plain bad English, the question should be "How many legs does 2 dogs, 1 cat, and 3 ducks have?"

The 3 pyramids resemble the position of 3 stars in ...

Ok from the possible answers I was able to deduce that it must be the Giza pyramids, but there are other pyramids in the world, Chich'en Itza, also has 3 pyramids, these are stepped pyramids though.

How many "o" do you hear when you pronunce "Doomlord" ?
1 < marked as correct

The issue with this question is the definition of the sound "o"
It can be argued that both 1, 2, and 3 "o" are correct. In English "oo" is for the most part pronounced distinctively different from a single "o" but is this still an o sound?
Dátum: 2010.05.29. 16:04:04
Just did again, and guess what I found: two different answers to the question, one image has orange, blue, purple, and yellow, the other has orange, blue, purple, and red.

My complaint is not that it's to difficult to google the answer (btw. since when was the quiz a google test) but that the answers are to close, the options lists 6 colours, and you have to remember them all to get it right, without google, as 2 of the wrong answers list 3 correct colours. It's the same as with time-spans like: 1991-1994, 1992-1995, 1993-1996, 1994-1997.
Dátum: 2010.05.29. 11:41:20
How many skeletal muscles are there in a human body?
Over 470
Over 580
Over 960
Over 630

Since the body has around 639 skeletal muscles three of the answers are correct. 639 is over 470, 580, and 630

In Transformers who played Mikaela Banes?
Shania Twain
Megan Fox
Courtney Cox
Jessica Alba

The question is to vague, it should state whether it's a game, a book, or a movie, and more importantly the release year, to make it explicit what's is being asked for.

The colors the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles wear are...
blue, black, red, orange
blue, purple, red, orange
blue, black, red, brown
blue, purple, red, brown

The answers are a bit to close to be anything other than expert knowledge.
Dátum: 2010.05.27. 15:06:52
How many zeros are in a trillion?
If you live in the US it's 12, if you live elsewhere it's 18. Oh and it's bad English, should be: "How many zeros are there in a trillion?"

Which Pokemon is widely known as the mascot of Pokemon?

Er how is this not specialized knowledge

How long did the Dust Bowl last?
1934 to 1940
1933 to 1941
1934 to 1938
1933 to 1939

These numbers are far to closely spaced, if I had known about it I would have known that it was in late 1930's and all of these are.

What is the name of music festival in Novi Sad, Serbia?

First it's bad English, second it's close to being specialist information.
Dátum: 2010.05.27. 14:56:35
Idézet: Dedhed - 2010.05.27. 11:47:23
Not so much as an error, but more a question about a question...

Which letter drive is no longer used by computers?

/B drive

but there is also "/A drive" listed as a possible answer.

my question is - do computers still use /A drives(floppy disks)?

I thought they were also obselete I have bought 3 PCs in the last 4 years (not all for myself) but none of them had floppy disk drives.
found this on another site:

You May Need To Buy A New Computer If...
•...your processor speed is less than 1.0 gigahertz (GHz). Most operating systems and application software these days demand a lot from your system. A speedy processor will help you browse the Internet, run your word processor and play games with ease. On a Windows PC, click the Start button, then Control Panel, then System to see your processor information. If the speed is listed in megahertz instead of gigahertz, see if any friends need a new anchor for their fishing boat.
•...your computer has less than 512 megabytes (MB) of RAM memory. Again, the System Properties window will show how much RAM is installed. I recommend at least 1GB (1000MB) of RAM for smooth and speedy performance. Go for 2GB of RAM if you're running Vista.
•...you are running a version of Windows that begins with a "3" or a "9" (Windows 3.1, Win95, or Win98). These versions lack the security features and technological advances required for safe computing and protection from identity theft. If you have a Mac that's NOT running OS X, the same applies.
•...you have a monitor that's 14-inch or smaller. Most websites will not display properly on an old 14-inch monitor, and the larger 17-inch models are now standard.
•...you try to install a program and you get the error "Operating System not supported."
•...you try to upgrade the Operating System and get an error message that the hardware is not supported.
•...your computer has no USB ports. Most peripheral devices such as the mouse, keyboard, printer, scanner and external hard drives now use USB connections.
•...your computer has a 5.25 inch disk drive! Actually if you have even a 3.5-inch floppy disk drive, you may qualify. Software has outgrown the floppy disk, and the mere presence of a floppy drive on your machine may indicate that it's time to take it out back and shoot it.

[edit - typo]

I have several issues with that question:
1st. The question is badly worded, should be "Witch drive letter is no longer used on computers?"
2nd. The answer is: no drive letter is used by computers, some operating systems use drive letters, it's not native to computers.
3rd. You can still find computers using two floppy disk drives.
Dátum: 2010.05.27. 05:11:14
How many neutrons have deuterium in nuclei?

The answer to this question is 0, neutrons do not have a nuclei, they are part of most atoms nuclei.

The way this question is worded it asks makes it ambiguous at best, for the answer marked as correct to be correct it should be:
How many neutrons does deuterium have in its nucleus?
Dátum: 2010.05.25. 15:08:38
What has a direct effect on the tides?
The Sun
The Moon <- marked as correct

The Sun also have a direct effect on the tides. It is less than the moons effect, but by no means indirect or insignificant. Try google "Spring Tide"

Which ability score affects the speed of your life point regeneration in Doomlord?
constitution <- marked as correct

This is both right and wrong, your life point regenerate at set fraction of your total each second this fraction is not affected by either of the options. But the number of life points actually regenerated being a fraction of your total is affected by the total and thus by your constitution.

What is the capital of Peru?
La Paz

The correct answer to this is "a city" the name of that city is Lima. (there are other similar questions)
Dátum: 2010.05.24. 19:14:42
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.05.24. 14:23:55
Idézet: MartinBV - 2010.05.24. 07:15:09
I have a question regarding duels, the faq states that two evenly matched players should should each win around 50% of the duels between them. There is one player that have the same weapon and spell as me, and all abilities within one or two points difference, mine being the higher, (he does have a higher execution level than me). He has attacked me several times, and won every single encounter (only one of them to execution).
Being in sapphire horde he should hit harder than me, but he does not only hit harder, he hits more frequently as well, as does his pet, he rarely misses while I, and my pet, miss at least half the time. The normal outcome of the encounters is that he has caused around 2 times the damage I have.

I can't see his hatred level, but it must be very high if it is the cause for this difference, and his duel victories does not suggest that he has hatred to my horde.

So what can be causing this difference?

Please post the names of both you and the player you attack. Its the only way to answer your question since i have to see personally all the aspects of both of you.

Since writing the above I have "won" two fights on points but lost them to execution, and I noticed a difference, the fights won on points (or almost won) were when I had not been fighting 3 times or more within the hour prior to the attack, so to me it seems that the fatigue factor also counts when being attacked.

Could this be the case?

Dátum: 2010.05.24. 07:15:09
I have a question regarding duels, the faq states that two evenly matched players should should each win around 50% of the duels between them. There is one player that have the same weapon and spell as me, and all abilities within one or two points difference, mine being the higher, (he does have a higher execution level than me). He has attacked me several times, and won every single encounter (only one of them to execution).
Being in sapphire horde he should hit harder than me, but he does not only hit harder, he hits more frequently as well, as does his pet, he rarely misses while I, and my pet, miss at least half the time. The normal outcome of the encounters is that he has caused around 2 times the damage I have.

I can't see his hatred level, but it must be very high if it is the cause for this difference, and his duel victories does not suggest that he has hatred to my horde.

So what can be causing this difference?
Dátum: 2010.05.19. 20:55:50
Idézet: Gamer - 2010.05.18. 12:29:41
Idézet: MartinBV - 2010.05.17. 19:18:48
I have searched through the forum for a full explanation of the effect of infection, but there seem to be a few different versions, so what are the benefits of 0% or 100% infection?

Combining them all gives this list:
If you are 100% infected:
you can fight all doomlords/doomladies even those of your own horde.
get more SE from duels.*

If you are 0% infected, you get:
+5 to your abilities
the potential to loot more SE from infected players (based on the difference between infection levels) ??**
the ability to take your skills 5 points ABOVE MAX***

*You will get 50% more every duel.
**You are right, the additional percent of looted SE is equal to the percentage of the opponents infection.
***You can take one above max with 5 points with mind boost. Beside it from level 68, 78, 88 you can improve one-one additional skill above max without the mind boost.

Thank you for the clarifications.
So you do not get the ability to take all skills 5 above MAX, but one extra skill above max, from certain levels.
Dátum: 2010.05.18. 03:31:11
When duelling more than 2 times in an hour (3 with acceleration) you get a line similar to this one:

You will be in a perfect condition in 10:10 time.

In this context the word "time" makes no sense, would be more correct if it was:

You will be in a perfect condition in 10:10 minutes.
Dátum: 2010.05.17. 19:18:48
I have searched through the forum for a full explanation of the effect of infection, but there seem to be a few different versions, so what are the benefits of 0% or 100% infection?

Combining them all gives this list:
If you are 100% infected:
* you can fight all doomlords/doomladies even those of your own horde.
* get more SE from duels.

If you are 0% infected, you get:
* +5 to your abilities
* the potential to loot more SE from infected players (based on the difference between infection levels) ??
* the ability to take your skills 5 points ABOVE MAX

Witch of these effects are correct? anyone able to verify?

Don't see why this information should not be available either under rules or FAQ.
Dátum: 2010.05.11. 14:11:21
At the moment I'm using the 30 duel points/day option, so I'm only able to attack players with the same or higher level than me.
Can anyone tell me how much lower levelled characters I can attack if I change my setting to 15/day.

Would be nice with a public formula for this information, as changing back takes 48 hours.
Dátum: 2010.05.08. 08:43:13
Excellent work!!

I have a piece of information that I feel is missing both from your site (and the in-game description) of the Curse Pyramid: cursing a player costs SE, I believe it costs 10*lvl of the player being cursed.

Ty for your excellent site.
Dátum: 2010.05.06. 05:07:18
What does a Hybrid vehicle run on?
gas and electricity (marked correct)

The correct answer to this question is: "A combination of two or more fuels" today most hybrid cars run on a combination of electricity and gasoline (gas can be ambiguous) or diesel.
Note: I have pointed this one out before.

A compact disc is made of the material?
polycarbonate (marked as correct)

A compact disk is made up of 3 or more layers, the standard being 3: polycarbonate substrate, a reflective metalized layer, and a protective lacquer coating. Furthermore Polycarbonate is a polyester.
Polyesters include naturally-occurring chemicals, such as in the cutin of plant cuticles, as well as synthetics through step-growth polymerization such as polycarbonate and polybutyrate.

Which of the following have not had Moose introduced?
New Zealand

I would call this a specialized knowledge question.
Dátum: 2010.04.16. 19:41:02
3 more to the collection of not so good questions:
According to legend you cant see a vampire when you try to take a________?
photograph (marked as correct)
stake to it's heart
holly water to its face
cross in its face

Most legends that I know of does not say much about vampires and photos, but they do say something about vampires and mirrors. Those legends that do, don't say that you can't see the vampire when you try to take the photo, but that they do not show up in photos.

When did Robert Jordan die?

Witch Robert Jordan? in this case it's the author James Oliver Rigney, Jr. who's pen name was Robert Jordan, he died in 2007. But the question should be reworded or removed. Wikipedia, has 7 other Robert Jordans listed.

And finally:
What can you hold without ever touching or using your hands?
Your thumb
Your name
Your heart
Your breath (marked as correct)

This is not a good question, as you can be said to hold your name as well.
Dátum: 2010.04.09. 16:02:42
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.03.15. 19:09:51
Base level lets you know how powerfull your pet is, before you start leveling it. So if you have a pet base level 5 and actual level 20 and the next is base level 15 and actual level 10, then the second one will already have more HP, attack and absorption than the previous, even if the actual level is lower

Sorry, but I don't really understand the reasoning behind that conclusion. Is base level added to actual level, or is it some sort of multiplier? In the example both pets have the same total levels (base+actual).

Another question:
What are the attack, defence, and damage values for a pet?
Or how do I judge how much effect the pet has on the outcome of a fight?
Dátum: 2010.04.09. 15:30:25
In the description of a battle I got the following text:
You invoke the fire breeze spell as approaching your opponent.
This should be either:
You invoke the fire breeze spell as you approach your opponent.
Approaching your opponent you invoke the fire breeze spell.
Dátum: 2010.03.29. 21:48:29
My 1st question in this quiz Olympics was:
and the possible answers:
"", "", "", "", and "" (without the quotation marks) so that was my 1st error.

Then had a question about who starred in the film Oscar, non of the options was correct for the film I looked up, and since there were at least 3 films with that title, I didn't search through all of them.
Dátum: 2010.03.29. 16:47:57
Idézet: Valkyrie - 2010.03.28. 18:00:31
Idézet: Hyannis - 2010.03.28. 06:38:15
Which nation invented the tie? Options given Americans (America), Croats (Croatia) and two other nations that I can't remember. This is a bad question to begin with because it is an individual that creates or designs what we wear, what we use etc. The answer given was Croats (Croatia), which is incorrect. The father of the modern necktie was the American tie manufacturer Jesse Langsdorf, who in 1920 patented the all-weather wrinkle-free tie. The modern necktie is part of the evolution of men's neckwear that has taken place for hundreds of years. So the correct answer is Americans (America)

Sure it is. The God is also American, right?

Just did a little research on this as it seems to come up every now and again.
This question is indeed a bad question, not only because the correct answer isn't among the ones given: The neck tie can be traced as far back as the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Chinese. The modern version of the neck tie was not "invented" by the American Jessie Langsdorf, he did however create and patent the most common way of sewing the current day straight neck tie.
Historically the modern day fashion of wearing a neck tie was created by Parisians that has seen a Croat mercenary band wearing their traditional knotted neckerchiefs, during the Thirty Years' War. This is the fashion of wearing it though, not the tie itself, as this can be traced back much farther in history, and prehistory.