I've said it before and I'll say it again: It is the PENALTIES what need to be changed. The event is not supposed to be a walk in the park, but a test of stamina (resources saved and used) and planning.
Let's be quite honest. After the first event it was patently obvious that the penalties were inadequate and didn't penalize those who used RDs as much as actually DOING the tasks. That is all the change that is required in this event. Let those who want to set records spend their way to the top, but have penalties that reflect the short cut. That is, to put it bluntly MAKE THE PENALTY FIT THE RD'd TASK!!!!
If this means that you RD 100 hunts, you are penalised 500 minutes or 8.33 hrs. 200 hunts and the penalty is 16.66 hrs. Hey guess what... the players that use Hunters Loots gain... what... over 496 and 992 minutes respectively. The squeezed pets tasks..... well, if you haven't figured out by now how to get pets squeezed

and the Lvl 80 pets squeeze? Umm, wasn't that is the last RotP? And wouldn't it make sense to have a pet of that level to squeeze? or at least a newbie to replace an old one.
If this event is to become a TRUE Ruler of the Planet event, then re think the penalties, or else it just becomes a boring who-can-spend-most-so-that-ego-can-be-ignored-by-the-rest-of-us event.
Alternatively, credit those who do complete the event for 0 or1 RD. THEY are the TRUE RULERS.