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Topic neve: Ruler of the Planet
much likedDancerFérfi
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
141. hozzászólás - 2013.06.18. 22:44:05
What happens if you already have the chain of dread?
Do we get a stronger version?
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
142. hozzászólás - 2013.06.19. 12:04:10
First !

24 hours!

Good luck to the rest
it figures ....
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
143. hozzászólás - 2013.06.19. 22:12:11 (Válasz Dancer #141 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Dancer - 2013.06.18. 22:44:05
What happens if you already have the chain of dread?
Do we get a stronger version?

Actually the chain should disappear and you get a special Medal of Dread instead. If you complete the whole pyramid again, you get your chain back.
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
144. hozzászólás - 2013.06.20. 02:39:15 (Válasz ardent #142 hozzászólására.)
And how many RDs did you use? CAuse NO EFFEN WAY DID YOU COLLECT 150 SHARDS in ONE DAY

Yes, that's right, Beholder Ltd, Wombat is still pissed at the innocuous peurile pathetic penalties that apply to the use of RDs. That 56 tasks can be completed in less than 36 hrs by the use of RDs just so that an egomaniac can buy a title...oh wait, that is the European way isn't it. BUY TITLES!!!

BAh, Humbug
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
145. hozzászólás - 2013.06.20. 02:43:57 (Válasz Hatsepsut #143 hozzászólására.)
And why are half of the Crystal Horde still hidden in their cave in W3. Makes completing the duel challenges drag out as I refuse to use RDs (unlike others) on things I bloody well can do!!!
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
146. hozzászólás - 2013.06.20. 08:22:33 (Válasz Hatsepsut #143 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Hatsepsut - 2013.06.19. 22:12:11

Actually the chain should disappear and you get a special Medal of Dread instead. If you complete the whole pyramid again, you get your chain back.

Not very clear for me. I am low level player and I am participating this event ONLY due to Chain of Dread as reward for 4th floor. I have NO chance to finish whole pyramide, even 4th level is costly for me.

So I have Chain of Dread from previous pyramide and if I will be able to finish again 4th level to qualify for new Chain of Dread - as a result - I will have one Medal of Dread ( with absolutly unknown stats ) instead better Chain of Dread ? OOOOOPS
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
147. hozzászólás - 2013.06.20. 08:48:24
Currently I have 2 Subplasma detectors. It says they're working till May, 20 2013 and then disappear. Yet I have two of them and I'm not sure if they are working to help me with quest.
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much likedDancerFérfi
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
148. hozzászólás - 2013.06.20. 10:50:48 (Válasz Furlozza #144 hozzászólására.)
The Mask has disappeared and I got the medal, but still have the chain.
Will it disappear when I get the next chain?
But the mask always had a date that it would run out, the Chain does not.
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
149. hozzászólás - 2013.06.20. 14:12:46
congrats to dolp for completing pyramid in world 1 (what a record, that too within 3 days)
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
150. hozzászólás - 2013.06.20. 15:11:21
At the end of the event, you will get a second Chain of Dread. In my case, I had a lvl 130 (Startling Chain of Dread) and got a lvl 140 (Amazing Chain of Dread). You also get another Mask of Dread to replace the older one, which gets transformed into a Medal of Dread

Congrats. Your timing really took me by surprise. Now I gotta beat it in 6 months

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Re: Ruler of the Planet
151. hozzászólás - 2013.06.20. 19:55:24
Thanks Cruel, gratz to you too

Out of all the events, this is the one that needs a complete rework. It is STILL an AS spending contest to reach the top (the quest with killing 3 pets NEEDS to go, it is totally unfit since pets have 60-70k hp and it is impossible to kill someones pet unless he/she lets you).

Oh, by the way Cruel, good luck winning this event in 6 month, I sure won't be around, I tend to leave games once the servers get lonely (world 2 has 400 players AT most and only about 150 take part in events). Owners and developers should really think about a world merge or something, this game is way to good, don't let it die !

Anyways, good luck to anyone who wants to beat my 24 hours record
it figures ....
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
152. hozzászólás - 2013.06.21. 07:06:44
Congratulations, nice job!

Yes killing pet has to be arranged it's hard to do accidentally...

Yes, we are thinking about a merge, just have to figure out how to implement it.
It is important that player who play on several servers can still play their characters, but these players can't interact rule wont get harmed.
Probably it will do it the way that you still log into world1, world2 etc. but championships, events, duel lists will be common, but you can attack your own characters. Also if a duel has a character from W3 then W3 rules will apply to loot.
After the merge, we can start a new world for those who wants to start competition from the beginning.
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
153. hozzászólás - 2013.06.21. 15:09:44 (Válasz Miklos #152 hozzászólására.)
I fully disagree. Killing pets MUST stay as it is. This is the only challenging task in the whole event (maybe squeezing a lvl 80 pet could be considered challenging too, as you need to train it for months). All the others are just a matter of saving a ton of resources.

Regarding the merge, I agree it is necessary and I like your proposal Miklós. People with more than one char would be able to keep them all as long as they didn't interact at all (I believe you meant "you can't attack your own characters"). Regarding the "peaceful rules" from W3, you might give people the choice to stay under those rules or move to normal rules.

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Re: Ruler of the Planet
154. hozzászólás - 2013.06.23. 19:08:58
I've said it before and I'll say it again: It is the PENALTIES what need to be changed. The event is not supposed to be a walk in the park, but a test of stamina (resources saved and used) and planning.

Let's be quite honest. After the first event it was patently obvious that the penalties were inadequate and didn't penalize those who used RDs as much as actually DOING the tasks. That is all the change that is required in this event. Let those who want to set records spend their way to the top, but have penalties that reflect the short cut. That is, to put it bluntly MAKE THE PENALTY FIT THE RD'd TASK!!!!

If this means that you RD 100 hunts, you are penalised 500 minutes or 8.33 hrs. 200 hunts and the penalty is 16.66 hrs. Hey guess what... the players that use Hunters Loots gain... what... over 496 and 992 minutes respectively. The squeezed pets tasks..... well, if you haven't figured out by now how to get pets squeezed and the Lvl 80 pets squeeze? Umm, wasn't that is the last RotP? And wouldn't it make sense to have a pet of that level to squeeze? or at least a newbie to replace an old one.

If this event is to become a TRUE Ruler of the Planet event, then re think the penalties, or else it just becomes a boring who-can-spend-most-so-that-ego-can-be-ignored-by-the-rest-of-us event.

Alternatively, credit those who do complete the event for 0 or1 RD. THEY are the TRUE RULERS.
The ONLY Wombat on W3
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
155. hozzászólás - 2013.06.23. 20:13:34
Can you clarify the penalty for using less than 4 RDs in the current RotP event?

I thought there was no penalty for 0-3 RDs used. It seems that there is a time penalty, even if you don't use an excess of 3 RDs.

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Re: Ruler of the Planet
156. hozzászólás - 2013.06.23. 21:26:40 (Válasz Furlozza #154 hozzászólására.)
Dear Furby,

most of us won't say you're wrong; though from point of view of the designers; it gives them a fantastic added value in income... and that's the real reason of this event.
(The less players we are; the more income/player they need to keep on running this "free" browser game.)
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
157. hozzászólás - 2013.06.24. 03:39:18
Hi E

I played a game called Tagoria, where the developers took a good game and opened up the cashcow and the game went downhill so fast as to become boring, cause the only way to win ANYTHING was to buy gold and the same applied with character development. I don't want to see this game go the same way.

There were at one stage over 20 different worlds and I still get emails from them saying that they have opened up a new world and old characters can be transferred to it. Shame really, cause the community of players was a great one.

I guess it is finding the right balance between cash and player satisfaction that developers have the greatest problem in coming to grips with, cause I can see the same thing happening here with Miklos' reply to the joined worlds.

Maybe the idea would be have a separate "race to the top" category for those who want to beat it in 24hrs, and have the rest fight over the Ruler title thereby giving the two different players different but similar goals within the one event. Oh and the RDs used in the Race component would count triple in the Ruler (*WEG*) and be listed separately.

Basically as it stands what the programers are saying is you are all equal, but this is a new way to buy stuff, so spend your SE and we'll give you rewards and if you are lucky enough to get a rewards by doing it the dumb (read cheap) way... well, aren't you a lucky cuss.
The ONLY Wombat on W3
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
158. hozzászólás - 2013.06.24. 13:31:53
That should change it to see who can do it the most efficiently. Keep track of the time, but more importantly the amount of resources used. So that way al the those AA abilities to find archems ect that are otherwise useless will come in handy.
I understand that this would require a lot or figuring out but they have 6 months if you complete the even in 2 days using 1200 AP's that should be a lot less than someone who took a week but only used 400 aps and 100 duel points ect. Hunters loots should have some negative affect becasue it increases your time.
Efficiency doesnt sell ancient stones though so it would have to change the whole meaning of this event

P.S. I trained a pet from the end of the last pyramid and it was only level 60 and useless, and I use strong bones every level so I never have an "old" pet to squeeze. So that quest is stupid
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
159. hozzászólás - 2013.06.24. 15:21:52 (Válasz Trackur #158 hozzászólására.)

Re:squeeze level 80+ pet

I too trained a pet for this expected task and like you used Strong Bones when required. I also had it wear a Ruby mind-stimulator from day one and put all animal skill points into 'intelligence' and just got him to level 62. Of course, I didn't actually start him til after Easter since he is an Easter Rooster, so I had the choice of either squeezing an RD or a mature pet.

From our clan forum:

"So, there goes my 172 level pet... *sigh*

Oh lookie:

"You squeezed 661500 soul-energy from the pet. (you found 10 catalyst essences)"

Ah well, ya win some, you gain a lot LOL

Next time I WILL have a low level L80+ pet, cause have already started his growth, equipped as previously stated and with AAs ready for the level boost.

Oh and I now have two pets that will grow and strengthen as they use the additional skill points from the Kennel.

Ummm anyone else notice how things sorta tie-in and relate? Sorta like the Pyramid, ain't it?
The ONLY Wombat on W3
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Re: Ruler of the Planet
160. hozzászólás - 2013.06.25. 11:15:58
Maybe rewards/relics (or a three tiered Relic) that are only achieveable by completing, say 40/60/70 levels without using any RD's, would make it more tempting for the players that do want to play the pyramid as a challenge?
Not such a money spinner, but the "free" players would at least feel a little more rewarded?
A hozzászólást Dancer módosította 2013.06.25. 11:51:40-kor
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