Felhasználónév: Jelszó:

Hozzászólások - stekkos

Dátum: 2010.11.21. 05:26:28
Martin is right, current means nothing in a quiz that you can get the question 2 years down the road. But there is more: UK is not the only country issuing pound notes (i.e. Egypt). Even within the UK, Scotland for example has its own pound notes.

Ofcourse is not that hard to tell which country you mean, but still we cannot take it for granded consider the variety of players in the game
Dátum: 2010.11.21. 05:17:19
All map relics are taking your skills over the max. But if your skill is not at least up to the level of the bonus, it will not give you the full power until you increase it.

So if you get the golden reward for trade (+30):

If your trade skill is max, you get 30 points over the max
If your trade skill is 20, you get only +20 until you make it at least 30. Then you get the full power.
Dátum: 2010.11.19. 19:39:52
Where is the last residence of the Virgin Mary located?
Damascus, Syria
Izmir, Turkey
Rome, Italy
Burgas, Bulgaria

2 problems: The sources i check all say Ephesus Turkey. Also not all agree that this location is what you say so you should add "...according to..."
Dátum: 2010.11.19. 04:52:11
Sorry i change the subject back to what this topic is about, but the masterfull architecture II description is still saying max level of training and ramparts 25. What is the new max?
Dátum: 2010.11.19. 04:40:56
Ok, am done. Here is the new repeatable quests list

Increase the level of your pets by 10!
Hunt down 20 lesser monsters!
Destroy 25 creatures coming through the Dimension Gate.
Stun your opponent 40 times in your duels you initiate!
Squeeze the soul-energy of a pet which is at least level 20!
Get 7 items from dimension gate opponents!
Get 20 burnt-out ancient stones in your hunts!
Deal 15 critical spell damage in duels you initiate!
Complete 15 adventures from now on!
Destroy 2 entities from now on!
Deal critical damage 60 times in a dual you initiate!
Dátum: 2010.11.18. 19:40:03
I will as soon as i am done with my current one
Dátum: 2010.11.18. 16:20:17
2 problems with new content:

1. Something is wrong with the description of AA skills. Except the Hungarian titles, when i choose one, the description is not correct, usually showing the same description for 2-3 skills

2. I started answering extra questions in quiz, but after i got 4, it stopped giving me more. I was not over the limit since i only had 50, not even close to 300
Dátum: 2010.11.18. 16:12:53
Who played "Valentino"?

Explain what you mean: Movie, theater, ballet, etc
Dátum: 2010.11.18. 16:12:18
I am sorry but i will not try to answer, this is for the questions i evaluate. Please post in the "my quiz question was rejected" topic
Dátum: 2010.11.16. 05:03:03
To explain a bit better what Dark is saying, your question is asking which letter in NATO is a month. Then in your answers you are using 2 letters not in the word NATO (D and M). Now i know why, you did not mean the actual word NATO but in fact the way military personell use words for each alphabet letter. (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta.... etc). Since most players will not understand that though, they would think you are asking which letter in the actual word NATO is a month, which will lead to a lot of complains
Dátum: 2010.11.15. 05:45:29
Indded, thank you Dark. We should really root the few remaining out and either change or delete them. Keep them coming
Dátum: 2010.11.15. 05:43:34
Please also note that i have noticed players taking advantage of my post to "steal" questions. I post there why i rejected a question, including grammar reasons. In several occasions i noticed a different player posting a corrected version of the same question soon after. Since i cannot check if it is the same one but with his W1/W2/W3 account, i have to accept it. But i do get it from the proper player also sometimes later, forcing me to give the already in database without being his fault. But in his point of view, i can imagine the frustration
Dátum: 2010.11.15. 05:38:05
I second that, this automated response scared me also the first time i saw it. When you realise it is nothing more than an automated message you realise it is not affecting anything and no redemption is neccessary. Personally i thing it should either be removed or changed to a more friendly version
Dátum: 2010.11.14. 18:46:30
I was just suggesting a future project, not an urgent one
Dátum: 2010.11.14. 15:57:52
Since on the quest hints i use skill references a lot, its good if you link those references to the corresponding skill page
Dátum: 2010.11.14. 15:26:31
So you do understand why they are not accepted. The ones you find are older than me or the rest of the evaluators, when there where mostly questions transferred from the Hungarian version. Ofcourse if you report them here the admin will delete them
Dátum: 2010.11.13. 12:28:57
What modifications to the repeatable quests you mean?
Dátum: 2010.11.13. 11:06:42
So the level 80 players will not receive 20 levels worth of AA, all will start collecting from 0?
Dátum: 2010.11.13. 10:59:42
These are the repeated quests

Achieve draws in duels at least 5 times!
Increase the level of your pets by 10!
Hunt down 20 lesser monsters!
Destroy 25 creatures coming through the Dimension Gate.
Stun your opponent 30 times in your duels!
Squeeze the soul-energy of a pet which is at least level 20!
Get 10 items from dimension gate opponents!
Get 20 burnt-out ancient stones in your hunts!
Deal 20 critical spell damage in your duels!
Complete 20 adventures from now on

And here are 3 more normal ones
Get 20 burnt-out ancient stones in your hunts!
Find and explore the Citadel of Wyhetrqaxx!
Complete 20 adventures from now on!
Dátum: 2010.11.13. 06:46:58
Ok, added hints for quests 1-12. Review them and i will wait for your comments before continuing