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Hozzászólások - Gemini

Oldal: 123
Dátum: 2011.04.23. 03:05:17
What does otaku mean?
A goddess
An ocean name
People with interests of anime or manga
A very smart person

In modern Japanese slang, the term otaku is most often equivalent to "geek", especially referring to computers. It can, however, relate to a fan of just about anything.
Dátum: 2011.04.19. 03:09:03
if you have zero soul energy,and you win a duel,how much soul energy do you get?
a lot
not much
a little
none <---

Horrible question with an incorrect answer since skills like creative affinity can give you more than you are holding, but that would also not be known by someone just starting the game.
Dátum: 2011.04.18. 13:15:45
Which ship is famous for transporting Napoleon to Saint Helena in 1815?
HMS Bellerophon
HMS Resolution
HMS Endeavour
HMS Dreadnought

The Bellerophon held him captive until it could meet the HMS Northumberland that transported him to St Helena.
Dátum: 2011.04.18. 12:58:34
Which of the following character is mostly a star of silent films?
Rin Tin Tin <---
Mark Twain
Will Rogers
Lucille Ball

Rogers made 71 movies (50 silent films and 21 "talkies")
Rin Tin Tin - 11 silent movies plus at least 18 movies I count with sound and several episodes from a few different TV series.
Dátum: 2011.04.18. 12:41:57
What is the NFPA?
New Funds Provisional Authority
National Fire Protection Agency
New Fire Policy Authority
National Firearm Protection Agency

As if these questions aren't bad to begin with since the answer could be any of them, but in this case, it is even worse since I believe the answer they want is National Fire Protection Association.
Dátum: 2011.04.18. 06:40:44
What explorer introduced pigs to North America?

The answer listed on the quiz and on internet trivia sites with known errors and made up answers says Christopher Columbus. All factual sources I can find (on- and off-line) list Hernando de Soto.
Dátum: 2011.04.18. 06:29:56
Which of the following is not caused by smoking?
High Blood Pressure
Decreased Sexual Activity
Hepatitis B
Cerebral thrombosis

The answer the person is looking for is obvious, but the other conditions are NOT caused by smoking!!! Even as a non-smoker, I get tired of the agenda set by the anti-tobacco groups and it does not belong in the quiz.
Dátum: 2011.04.11. 07:28:18
What does Armenia stand for?
A city in South America
An Apostolic church
A country in Eurasia
All of them

Bad Grammar. The choices make no sense with the question.
Dátum: 2011.04.11. 07:11:36
what is a cavalry?
a horse that has a pikeman riding on them
a man riding a horse
a horse that has a heavy armor
a horse that has a soldiers trained to ride on them <--

That is backwards. Cavalry is not the horse with soldiers, but soldiers that are mounted. In modern times, the horse part has even become irrelevant as it can be used for solderers trained to fight atop anything (i.e. tanks, humvees)
Dátum: 2011.04.11. 06:59:34
Which of the following countries are not neighbours with Romania?

From the choices, the answer is obvious, but the Ukraine has been independent for 2 decades.
Dátum: 2011.04.04. 02:47:35
Messi, Xavi, Ingesta are all players in?
Real Madrid

If the author couldn't even spell "Iniesta" correct, why should I be bothered to know the answer to yet another football/soccer question!!
Dátum: 2011.03.17. 11:51:46
In how many countries is portuguese the official language?

I only count 8:
Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe
Dátum: 2011.03.09. 14:26:02
How many members does a handball team have?
7+1 goalkeeper
6+1 goalkeeper
8+1 goalkeeper
5+1 goalkeeper

I find none of the above. Most common seems to be 14 players to a team; 7 Players play the game , 7 substitute
Dátum: 2011.03.05. 19:04:03
No, it does not, but it would save you a few SP on the mindboost.
Dátum: 2011.02.07. 04:42:21
Where does one even begin to find this one? If there really was a completely universal programming language, wouldn't all the others be obsolete?

Which programming language is supposed to be completely universal?

Haven't we had enough of these computer language and advanced chemistry and biology questions? I loved the quiz in the game, but why should we all have a M.S.? I understand that I may not be "into" every question, but it's gotten trivial. What happened to the interesting facts and general knowledge? I don't really care if some people never get a question accepted if it means everyone else has to deal with their trivial, bad grammar, misspelled and sometimes errant answers. Ugh, I think I'll walk away now before I get myself into trouble.
Dátum: 2011.02.05. 03:38:54
I agree with Cruel that the SE to XP ratio is terrible. I'm getting around 500 SE from the event for the same XP I would get thousands of SE for in regular play.

I would like to know:
Do players get the opportunity to get an item for their fighting AND building, as long as only one is a focus crystal and they are not the same item?
Dátum: 2010.08.17. 06:18:26
Idézet: Cezann - 2010.08.17. 04:31:19
Tried several of these battles, and it seems there is little or no benefit for casual players or builders. My opponents ate up the multiple APs and none of the fights were even close. Even if the actual SE spent is reduced the APs aren't. Even a decent luck isn't enough to help win against the AIs this thing generated. I don't have a chance against someone 5 levels higher in regular duels, but the AI is six? This penalizes non-megaduelists or low level even more than the regular game.

There should be no reason you cannot win to the AIs. On w2 I am not a fighter, in fact, I'm the 5th biggest builder. My stats suck and in two sessions, I managed 11 victories and the first relic. Yeah, I did loose some fights and action points, but I think it was well worth it and look forward to the future rounds.
Dátum: 2010.08.16. 19:43:28
Dátum: 2010.08.16. 18:21:05
If I recall, it is level 30. It will work with mindboost
Dátum: 2010.06.28. 17:18:29
Idézet: TheLion - 2010.06.28. 15:40:38
Had this one today - what comes before a fall?

Correct answer was given as Pride, but "Rise" was also available. To me, if you "fall" as in falling from a height, then you have to rise to such a height to fall from it. The question should be reworded or removed.

Just had the same question. All the choices were:

I can see all but embarrassment being an answer. This question should simply be removed.
Oldal: 123