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Re: Quiz errors
2701. hozzászólás - 2011.04.15. 05:43:34
In the Philippine flag blue means peace and red means war what does the three stars on the flag mean?
the three stars mean the countries that conquered philippines
the three stars mean the three main products of the philippines
the three stars mean the heroes of philippines
* the three stars mean luzon,visayas and mindanao

In my opinion geografical names should be start with capital letter: Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao
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Re: Quiz errors
2702. hozzászólás - 2011.04.15. 11:54:07
How hot is the centre of the sun?
approximately -250,000 degrees celcius
approximately +1,000,000 degrees celcius <--- Marked as correct
approximately +250,000 degrees celcius
approximately +1,000,000,000,000,000 degrees celcius

All I can find is that the temperature of the sun's core is more than 10 million K, and some sources says 15 million K (there are some uncertainty as to the exact temperature of the core). 10 million is not approximately 1 million.
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Re: Quiz errors
2703. hozzászólás - 2011.04.15. 13:21:44
What is the name of the artist Robert Cummings?
Iggy Pop
Rob Zombie <-- Marked as correct
Mick Jagger
Ozzy Osbourne

Really strange and ambiguous question. There is an actor named Robert Cummings, known professionally as Bob Cummings.
There is also a Heavy metal musician, Rob Zombie (born Robert Bartleh Cummings).

I think what the question should have been is:
What is the artist name of the heavy metal musician Robert Cummings?

But these days all kinds of questions seams to get through.
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Re: Quiz errors
2704. hozzászólás - 2011.04.15. 15:25:42
Which of the following elements is heaviest?

Now this is really a good question, and it depends on how you define heaviest.

I it one atom/molecule we are measuring, or is it one unit of a given volume? normally the latter would be the case.

cadmium - Density (near r.t.) 8.65 g/cm^3 Standard atomic weight 112.411g/mol
lead - Density (near r.t.) 11.34 g/cm^3 Standard atomic weight 207.2g/mol
mercury - Density (near r.t.) (liquid) 13.534 g/cm^3 Standard atomic weight 200.59g/mol
tungsten - Density (near r.t.) 19.25 g/cm^3 Standard atomic weight 183.84g/mol

So lead has the highest atomic weight, while tungsten is the heaviest for a given vlume.
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Re: Quiz errors
2705. hozzászólás - 2011.04.15. 15:53:01
In a deck of cards, which is the only king without a moustache?
King of Clubs
King of Spades
King of Hearts
King of Diamonds

I bet this is true for most standard card decks, but as always there are exceptions!

This king of hearts has a moustache! So this question is probably not true for all decks. (People who check this question with their own playing cards might find different answers.)
A hozzászólást Wtfakkeltje módosította 2011.04.15. 15:53:24-kor
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Re: Quiz errors
2706. hozzászólás - 2011.04.15. 17:30:56
What name is the term "Oxidation" more commonly known as?
Rusting <- marked as correct

Yes rusting is oxidation, but so is coffee turning bitter, butter turning rancid, coal or most other fuels burning, and a host of chemical reaction, so rusting is oxidation, but oxidation is not necessarily rusting.
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Re: Quiz errors
2707. hozzászólás - 2011.04.16. 08:46:32
Do all adult elephants have large tusks?
All adult elephants except female African elephants have large tusks.
All adult male elephants have large tusks.
All adult elephants except female Asian elephants have large tusks.
All adult elephants have large tusks.

"Not all the male Asian elephants have tusks; the tendency is genetically determined. " www.honoluluzoo.org/indian_elephant.htm

That leaves me guessing as that is not an option!
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Re: Quiz errors
2708. hozzászólás - 2011.04.16. 08:47:44
What does FEM stand for?
Focal Element Morphology
Finite Element Morphology
Finite Electricity Method
Finite Element Method

There are more than 100 FEM abbreviations!
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Re: Quiz errors
2709. hozzászólás - 2011.04.17. 12:55:52
How do you name the actor in the movie "Mad Max"?
Mel Gibson <- marked as correct.
Sylvester Stallone
Antonio Banderas
Tommy Lee Jones

Er, uhm, I don't. I guess his parents did.
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Re: Quiz errors
2710. hozzászólás - 2011.04.17. 18:39:40
the word "all" should probably be removed from the elephant tusk question's answers, but ''In Asian elephants, only males have tusks, but both males and females of African elephants have tusks and are usually less hairy than their Asian cousins."

A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2011.04.17. 18:44:26-kor
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A question with an agenda
2711. hozzászólás - 2011.04.18. 06:29:56
Which of the following is not caused by smoking?
High Blood Pressure
Decreased Sexual Activity
Hepatitis B
Cerebral thrombosis

The answer the person is looking for is obvious, but the other conditions are NOT caused by smoking!!! Even as a non-smoker, I get tired of the agenda set by the anti-tobacco groups and it does not belong in the quiz.
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if it's on the internet, it must be true :x
2712. hozzászólás - 2011.04.18. 06:40:44
What explorer introduced pigs to North America?

The answer listed on the quiz and on internet trivia sites with known errors and made up answers says Christopher Columbus. All factual sources I can find (on- and off-line) list Hernando de Soto.
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Re: Quiz errors
2713. hozzászólás - 2011.04.18. 12:41:57
What is the NFPA?
New Funds Provisional Authority
National Fire Protection Agency
New Fire Policy Authority
National Firearm Protection Agency

As if these questions aren't bad to begin with since the answer could be any of them, but in this case, it is even worse since I believe the answer they want is National Fire Protection Association.
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2714. hozzászólás - 2011.04.18. 12:58:34
Which of the following character is mostly a star of silent films?
Rin Tin Tin <---
Mark Twain
Will Rogers
Lucille Ball

Rogers made 71 movies (50 silent films and 21 "talkies")
Rin Tin Tin - 11 silent movies plus at least 18 movies I count with sound and several episodes from a few different TV series.
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2715. hozzászólás - 2011.04.18. 13:15:45
Which ship is famous for transporting Napoleon to Saint Helena in 1815?
HMS Bellerophon
HMS Resolution
HMS Endeavour
HMS Dreadnought

The Bellerophon held him captive until it could meet the HMS Northumberland that transported him to St Helena.
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How does something like this make it in!!!!
2716. hozzászólás - 2011.04.19. 03:09:03
if you have zero soul energy,and you win a duel,how much soul energy do you get?
a lot
not much
a little
none <---

Horrible question with an incorrect answer since skills like creative affinity can give you more than you are holding, but that would also not be known by someone just starting the game.
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Re: Quiz errors
2717. hozzászólás - 2011.04.21. 09:55:51
pork/pig = beaf/ ______ ?

spelling: beaf should be beef
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Re: Quiz errors
2718. hozzászólás - 2011.04.21. 12:50:04
In a tunnel of darkness lies a beast of iron. It can only attack when pulled back. What is it?
A bullet in a gun
A rubberband
A train
A bear

Please remove this. It is utter nonsense. The bullet in a gun is not pulled back, the trigger is. Apart from that, there have been guns made in the past with buttons rather than triggers and other non-pullback methods of firing.
Pontszám: 5.50
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Re: Quiz errors
2719. hozzászólás - 2011.04.21. 15:02:30
Approx. how many stars can you see in the sky with bare eyes on a ordinary, clear night?
Around 25 000
Around 3000
Around half a million
Around 250

That depends on where you are when you look at the sky.

image doesn't seem to work, so here is the link:

I also found this bit of information:
The number of stars that you can see on a clear (moonless) night in a dark area (far away from city lights) is about 2000.

A hozzászólást Wtfakkeltje módosította 2011.04.21. 15:03:51-kor
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Re: Quiz errors
2720. hozzászólás - 2011.04.21. 15:05:59
Which of these buildings in Rome is famous for housing gladiatorial combats?
Circus Maximus

The Circus Maximus was also used for Gladiatorial combat despite being intended for chariot racing etc. Therefore 2 of the answers are correct. Please change this, thank you.
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