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Re: Quiz errors
2621. hozzászólás - 2011.03.17. 11:51:46
In how many countries is portuguese the official language?

I only count 8:
Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe
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Re: Quiz errors
2622. hozzászólás - 2011.03.17. 11:56:50 (Válasz Gemini #2621 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Gemini - 2011.03.17. 11:51:46
In how many countries is portuguese the official language?

I only count 8:
Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe

There are 8 countries and one special administrative region (SAR) of the People's Republic of China (Macau). Since the question specially menations countries, it is a bit ambigious.

(Note, this is not my question)
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Re: Quiz errors
2623. hozzászólás - 2011.03.17. 16:30:09
How do you tell the difference between a male and a female earthworm?
The females carry a worm purse.
There is no difference.
The males are fatter than the females.
The males are longer than the females.

The answer says that there is no difference between males and females, but in fact there aren't even males and females. The worms are hermaphrodites.
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Re: Quiz errors
2624. hozzászólás - 2011.03.18. 04:24:13 (Válasz Wtfakkeltje #2623 hozzászólására.)
Hence no difference

Any worm can become male or female, so it is not wrong to ask how you tell them appart.
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Re: Quiz errors
2625. hozzászólás - 2011.03.18. 04:27:10 (Válasz Gemini #2621 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Gemini - 2011.03.17. 11:51:46
In how many countries is portuguese the official language?

I only count 8:
Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe

Agreed, official countries are only the 8 you mentioned. Macau cannot be considered a country anymore.
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Re: Quiz errors
2626. hozzászólás - 2011.03.18. 13:42:38
What does the Greek phrase "Ta biblia" translate to?
Little papyrus books
Old book

"Ta biblia" literally means "the books". There is nothing about size or material in it, so you couldn't say it means little papyrus (even if Greeks only make little papyrus books).
Greek τὰ βιβλία ta biblia "the books"
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Re: Quiz errors
2627. hozzászólás - 2011.03.18. 16:54:21
How long ago was the Big Bang (supposedly)?
10.3 to 13.9 billion years ago.
13.3 to 13.9 billion years ago. <- marked as correct
13.3 to 10.9 billion years ago.
10.3 to 10.9 billion years ago.

This number has changed several times in the past decade, so it might change again, and the answers overlap so that the current estimate fall within the range of two of them. The wikipedia claims the age is 13.75 ± 0.11 billion years

Which is not made from crude oil?
rubber * <- it can be

Rubber is made from tree sap or from crude oil.
Glue is made from various substances some of which can be extracted from crude oil.
Plastic can be made from crude oil or from plant fibres.
Petrol... well research is under way to produce it from biological sources.
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Re: Quiz errors
2628. hozzászólás - 2011.03.19. 12:06:44 (Válasz FriendlyCheese #2546 hozzászólására.)
This is still appearing.

Idézet: FriendlyCheese - 2011.02.15. 19:23:39
Who was the First Prime Minister of Great Britain?
Tony Blair
Sir Winston Churchill
Sir Robert Wagpole
Baroness Margaret Thatcher

No doubt Nappleon was a friend of this Wagpole character that history has forgotten (apart from the useless question adjudicators, of course)

Sir Robert Walpole has a claim to the title but it was not used generally until the 20th century!
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Re: Quiz errors
2629. hozzászólás - 2011.03.19. 14:04:45
What is the ground edge of a chisel called ?
The answer given as correct is 'bevel'
In fact the ground edge of sa chisel is the blade or cutting edge.
Bevel edge refers to the side of a type of chisel, differentiating it from a mortice chisel which has vertical sides.
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Re: Quiz errors
2630. hozzászólás - 2011.03.21. 03:40:03
what is the largest chinatown in europe? correct answer is marked as london, but the source i found say it's paris <http://www.simonseeks.com/blog/best-chinatowns-around-world>. can anyone confirm one way or the other?
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Re: Quiz errors
2631. hozzászólás - 2011.03.21. 17:41:52
OK! Let's try this one again: (has been reported 3 times already, and is still here)

In the Lord of the Rings novels, which two characters are brothers?
Aragorn and Faramir
Frodo and Sam
Gandalf and Sauron
Boromir and Denethor <- marked as correct.

Boromir and Faramir were the sons of Denethor!!!!
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Re: Quiz errors
2632. hozzászólás - 2011.03.21. 20:34:56
What was "Operation Valkire" ? <- misspelled: "Operation Valkyrie"
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour
Russian attack on Berlin
German attack on Great Britain
Attack on Furer <- marked as correct (Die Fürer)

This is not entirely correct.
Operation Valkyrie was originally developed with the full knowledge of Hitler, with the aim of using the Territorial Reserve Army of Germany to take control in the case of a breakdown in civil order.
The plan was modified to be used to take control after the July 20 Plot to assassinate Hitler. Naturally this modification was not done with the consent of Hitler.
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Re: Quiz errors
2633. hozzászólás - 2011.03.22. 13:09:12
Van Gogh painted a famous picture of flowers. What kind?
Water lilies

All go for sunflowers, of course. We can ignore Van Gogh's paintings of roses and liles, I suppose? 3 correct anwers and one wrong one? Surely some mistake?
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Re: Quiz errors
2634. hozzászólás - 2011.03.22. 14:16:02
Which of these is NOT a choosable game piece for the boardgame "Monopoly"?
top hat
basket *

For many versions of Monopoly non of the 4 options are coosable game pieces, the version I played as a child had different colours of cars.
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Re: Quiz errors
2635. hozzászólás - 2011.03.22. 21:30:44
which english county doesn't exist? east yorkshire is marked as correct, but The East Riding of Yorkshire is often referred to as simply East Yorkshire.
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Re: Quiz errors
2636. hozzászólás - 2011.03.22. 22:14:07 (Válasz manunkind #2635 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: manunkind - 2011.03.22. 21:30:44
which english county doesn't exist? east yorkshire is marked as correct, but The East Riding of Yorkshire is often referred to as simply East Yorkshire.

East Yorkshire is a non-existent county! It doesn't matter how people refer to anything. The Ridings of Yorkshire ceased to officially exist ages ago.

PS I live in West Yorkshire!
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Re: Quiz errors
2637. hozzászólás - 2011.03.23. 02:38:00 (Válasz FriendlyCheese #2636 hozzászólására.)
then we'll go with your answer.
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Re: Quiz errors
2638. hozzászólás - 2011.03.23. 09:44:29
How many of the months are named after a roman emperor?
*2 marked as correct
The answer is only 1. I have posted this before; July is named for Caesar who was the adoptive father of Octavian, who would become Augustus, the first emperor of Rome. Caesar was appointed dictator, which is much different to the Romans than an emperor.
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Re: Quiz errors
2639. hozzászólás - 2011.03.23. 10:02:46
Which fast-food chain is famous for their antenna balls?
Jack In The Box <-------- is the correct answer
Burger King

Seems much easier telling the rest of the world what the answer is rather than going through the whole '"famous" in one country in the world only' routine.

Nobody outside the USA, unless they had visited, would know this.
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Re: Quiz errors
2640. hozzászólás - 2011.03.24. 15:24:21
What happened to Jupiter in early 2010 that baffled scientists?
It got pulled into a black hole
It lost one of its ‘stripes’ <- marked as correct
It started to turn from a gas giant into a terrestrial planet
It started to shrink

I have reported this one before. The storms and stripes on Jupiter change and disappear, and new ones appear, on a regular basis, so no one was surprised let alone baffled that one of the stripes disappeared in early July 2010. No one, however, know what mechanism causes this.

And another repeat offender:
Who was the inventor of the rocket?
Sir William Congreve
Robert Goddard
Wernher Von Braun <- so he lived in China in the 12th century AD?

See this link: http://inventors.about.com/od/rstartinventions/a/Rockets.htm
A hozzászólást MartinBV módosította 2011.03.24. 16:00:34-kor
Pontszám: 5.50
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