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Re: Quiz errors
2501. hozzászólás - 2011.01.30. 14:54:28
Which US State has the cities of Athens, Sparta, and Rome?
Georgia <- marked as correct
New York <- also here
New Mexico

There are several cities and towns in the US named Athens, Sparta, and Rome, and in both Georgia and New York there are all three.
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much likedPhalanxii
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Re: Quiz errors
2502. hozzászólás - 2011.01.31. 16:26:00
What is the SI prefix for one-billionth of a unit?

Whilst nano seems the more obvious answer, pico can be a billionth when using the long scale system.

What kind of animal is gnu?

Whilst the question is correct, there's no consistency, they should all be at the same level of classification (so antelope should be mammal).
A hozzászólást Phalanxii módosította 2011.01.31. 16:30:09-kor
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Re: Quiz errors
2503. hozzászólás - 2011.02.01. 11:57:37
what creature on Earth has the biggest eye?
the cow
the horse
the whale
the octopus

Squid has largest eye, not octopus
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
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Re: Quiz errors
2504. hozzászólás - 2011.02.02. 00:03:40 (Válasz Wolfstone #385 hozzászólására.)
eny mine myneee moah chatch a ti ger by his toe
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Re: Quiz errors
2505. hozzászólás - 2011.02.02. 13:53:30
Before Titanic was released, what was the highest grossing movie in the United States?
Independence Day
Jurassic Park
Star Wars

Already complained about this one, 16 pages ago!
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Re: Quiz errors
2506. hozzászólás - 2011.02.02. 14:21:34
What is the most deadly animal in world? (by kills on humans)
1. snakes
2. sharks
3. hippopotamus - according this question this is the right answer
4. crocodile

I know hippos are very dangerous and it was also my gues, but consider the deaths of humans snakes are worldy more dangerous in my opinion...but moreover the MOST deadly is Mosquito imho.

My guess is this:
1. The Mosquito

Due to malaria carrying parasites transferred by the mosquito, it is responsible for the deaths of more than two million people per year. In addition, Mosquitos are estimated to transfer diseases to more than 70 million people per year. Even in countries such as the UK, New Zealand, and Japan, where the more temperate climate has reduced mosquito bites to mostly an annoyance, they still cause some deaths every year.

take a look at it please
Wicked - W2 - diamond
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much likedHempImpNő
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Re: Quiz errors
2507. hozzászólás - 2011.02.04. 00:48:53
What is the slowest mammal on earth?
three toad sloth

the answer is three 'toed' sloth, because he has 3 toes, not because he has 3 toads!
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Re: Quiz errors
2508. hozzászólás - 2011.02.04. 05:20:00 (Válasz HempImp #2507 hozzászólására.)
Quite right Hemp
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Re: Quiz errors
2509. hozzászólás - 2011.02.05. 05:37:03
nevermind. i'm wrong.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2011.02.05. 05:38:42-kor
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Re: Quiz errors
2510. hozzászólás - 2011.02.05. 07:41:41
Who won the Award of the Hungrian Best Football PLayer of Year 2010?
Ottó Vincze
Ádám Komlósi
Zoltán Gera
Balázs Dzsudzsák

Who cares. A non-Hungarian might not even heard any of them. Not to mention accents in their names.
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very popularBartessica Slam
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Re: Quiz errors
2511. hozzászólás - 2011.02.05. 10:41:05
The following question has a default into it:
"The theme for the British TV show "Jonathan Greek" is a variation on which classical piece of music?"

Must be:
"The theme for the British TV show "Jonathan Creek" is a variation on which classical piece of music?"

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Re: Quiz errors
2512. hozzászólás - 2011.02.05. 11:26:27
Dr. Who's weapon of choice is the...?
Empowered Boxers
Sonic Screwdriver <- marked as correct
Sonic Pistol
Plasma Rifle

Hope this shows up on google soon, because I was not able to find the answer through google.

I did find the sonic Screwdriver, on the wikipedia, but it is not described as a weapon!

So this question should fall into the specialist knowledge category.
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Re: Quiz errors
2513. hozzászólás - 2011.02.05. 15:15:18
In the Lord of the Rings novels, which two characters are brothers?
Aragorn and Faramir
Frodo and Sam
Gandalf and Sauron
Boromir and Denethor <- marked as correct.

Of the characters listed that would be Boromir and Faramir, Denethor was their father.
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much likedPhalanxii
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Re: Quiz errors
2514. hozzászólás - 2011.02.05. 23:26:20
In the Second World War, which of the following beaches was not invaded by the Allied Forces?
Omaha beach
Club beach
Sword beach
Gold beach

This question is too broad, I'm sure there were lots of beaches that weren't invaded. Yes, it's easy to google Omaha/club/sword/gold beach invasion, but really it should be which of the following beaches were invaded by the allied forces in WW2.

Dr. Who's weapon of choice is the...?
Empowered Boxers
Sonic Screwdriver <- marked as correct
Sonic Pistol
Plasma Rifle

Maybe it's my location (in the UK) that causes a search of 'sonic screwdriver' to come up with 10 immediate associations with Dr. Who, but it's certainly not a weapon so should be more accurately described as a tool.
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Re: Quiz errors
2515. hozzászólás - 2011.02.05. 23:41:51
in the question about which Apollo mission was aborted, "return" is incorrectly spelled with an 'e' on the end.

for the question, "Who is the main character in TV series Spin city?" michael j. fox is listed as correct, but he is the main actor not the main character.
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very popularBartessica Slam
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Re: Quiz errors
2516. hozzászólás - 2011.02.06. 15:14:58 (Válasz Wormtail #2510 hozzászólására.)
You are right,

but I need to say that a lot of American foodball, soccer, baseball, etc. etc. questions are too! Not to mention questions of a tv broadcast in USA... how can one (=non USA-people) answer these? And yes Google brings a lot... but not all.

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Re: Quiz errors
2517. hozzászólás - 2011.02.06. 22:39:15 (Válasz Wormtail #2510 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Wormtail - 2011.02.05. 07:41:41
Who won the Award of the Hungrian Best Football PLayer of Year 2010?
Ottó Vincze
Ádám Komlósi
Zoltán Gera
Balázs Dzsudzsák

Who cares. A non-Hungarian might not even heard any of them. Not to mention accents in their names.

To top it off, googeling the question did not yield any result and only after reading through the wikipedia page for Balázs Dzsudzsák did I find that he won the "Hungarian Footballer of the Year: 2010"
So wrong title of the award, mispelling, and not googleable. How should we non Hungarians be expected to find the answer in under 5 minutes?
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Re: Quiz errors
2518. hozzászólás - 2011.02.07. 04:42:21
Where does one even begin to find this one? If there really was a completely universal programming language, wouldn't all the others be obsolete?

Which programming language is supposed to be completely universal?

Haven't we had enough of these computer language and advanced chemistry and biology questions? I loved the quiz in the game, but why should we all have a M.S.? I understand that I may not be "into" every question, but it's gotten trivial. What happened to the interesting facts and general knowledge? I don't really care if some people never get a question accepted if it means everyone else has to deal with their trivial, bad grammar, misspelled and sometimes errant answers. Ugh, I think I'll walk away now before I get myself into trouble.
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Re: Quiz errors
2519. hozzászólás - 2011.02.08. 15:01:48
What time of day is considered "midnight"?
4:00 am
5:00 pm
12:00 am <- marked as correct
12:00 pm

This is not correct 12 Midnight is considered midnight, there is no such thing as 12 am of 12 pm, this question has been reported before, but apparently someone still considers it a good question, if so please give reference to any reliable source why this should be the case.

I have found both 12 am and pm as midnight on the web, and all reliable sources I have found states that using 12 am or pm to signify either noon or midnight is ambiguous.
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Re: Quiz errors
2520. hozzászólás - 2011.02.08. 16:25:58 (Válasz MartinBV #2519 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: MartinBV - 2011.02.08. 15:01:48
What time of day is considered "midnight"?
4:00 am
5:00 pm
12:00 am <- marked as correct
12:00 pm

This is not correct 12 Midnight is considered midnight, there is no such thing as 12 am of 12 pm, this question has been reported before, but apparently someone still considers it a good question, if so please give reference to any reliable source why this should be the case.

I have found both 12 am and pm as midnight on the web, and all reliable sources I have found states that using 12 am or pm to signify either noon or midnight is ambiguous.

At least in the US, schoolkids are taught that 12 am is midnight, and 12 pm is noon. For us, this is the hard and fast rule, and it is not ambiguous at all. Since this is an international game, though, the question should at least specify the country.
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