Hozzászólások - Sacrosanct
Dátum: 2011.05.17. 17:39:09
when do you get the 50 EH skill ? at level 4? cuz at start you don't get anything yet.
Quiz -> Quiz errors
Dátum: 2010.12.11. 10:39:32
just got this question
"which of the following fiction characters is not human"
some answers given were
White Fang (marked correct)
Lord Dracula (this is ALSO CORRECT)
so the question needs to be re written. Lord Dracula USED to be human, but stopped being human the minute he became undead, thus no longer being human, but becoming something different entirely.
"which of the following fiction characters is not human"
some answers given were
White Fang (marked correct)
Lord Dracula (this is ALSO CORRECT)
so the question needs to be re written. Lord Dracula USED to be human, but stopped being human the minute he became undead, thus no longer being human, but becoming something different entirely.
Dátum: 2010.11.16. 03:15:27
this was my question.. why was it not accepted? it's very easily found.
What letter in the NATO spelling alphabet is also a month?
N. *** (marked right as this would be November)
M. (this would me Mike, clearly not a month)
A. (Alpha, clearly not a month either)
D. (Delta, also not a month)
The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
nothing Bad or Incorrect about it.
What letter in the NATO spelling alphabet is also a month?
N. *** (marked right as this would be November)
M. (this would me Mike, clearly not a month)
A. (Alpha, clearly not a month either)
D. (Delta, also not a month)
The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
nothing Bad or Incorrect about it.
Dátum: 2010.11.15. 23:50:13
Idézet: D00ml0rd - 2010.11.14. 19:14:40
Not really no... I was the one who did the experiment with her very early on in the game because i contacted her for pointers to gain more loot, and I am certainly not a farm account.
worked my arse off to get CA up to do the experiment at the time. and yes i lost a lot of SE (look at my stats.. lost over 100k from the experiment, but also gained 135k or so back FROM her) so in the end I was the one who gained most from it.
We found out that a lot of times what we gianed and lost was not even close to getting double of what we should have gotten.
we did mesage each other back and forth about our wins, and when she attacks me now and wins, i still send her back what i lost this time around
I also did some experiments with someone to take a look at how the looting works and this was one of the conclusions, I couldn't however determine what determined the effectiveness of the skill.
wow u have players that purposly let you loot from them so u can experiment on how to take more from them? i smell farm account
wow u have players that purposly let you loot from them so u can experiment on how to take more from them? i smell farm account
Not really no... I was the one who did the experiment with her very early on in the game because i contacted her for pointers to gain more loot, and I am certainly not a farm account.
worked my arse off to get CA up to do the experiment at the time. and yes i lost a lot of SE (look at my stats.. lost over 100k from the experiment, but also gained 135k or so back FROM her) so in the end I was the one who gained most from it.
We found out that a lot of times what we gianed and lost was not even close to getting double of what we should have gotten.
we did mesage each other back and forth about our wins, and when she attacks me now and wins, i still send her back what i lost this time around

Quiz -> Quiz errors
Dátum: 2010.10.26. 22:23:21
Just got a question that asked
What is the inside of a pencil made out of? (or something along those lines)
few answers included
LEAD (marked correct)
and others.
Who ever passed this question needs to look up what a pencil is made out of... because it is NOT LEAD... that means every pencil in the world would be a little toxic stick and give EVERY child in the world Lead poisoning!!
"lead" pencils are made up out of GRAPHITE!
Discovery of graphite deposit
Some time before 1565 (some sources say as early as 1500), an enormous deposit of graphite was discovered on the approach to Grey Knotts from the hamlet of Seathwaite in Borrowdale parish, Cumbria, England.[1][2][3] The locals found that it was very useful for marking sheep. This particular deposit of graphite was extremely pure and solid, and it could easily be sawn into sticks. This remains the only large scale deposit of graphite ever found in this solid form.[4] Chemistry was in its infancy and the substance was thought to be a form of lead. Consequently, it was called plumbago (Latin for "lead ore").[5][6] The black core of pencils is still referred to as lead, even though it never contained the element lead.
mods strike again /sigh
What is the inside of a pencil made out of? (or something along those lines)
few answers included
LEAD (marked correct)
and others.
Who ever passed this question needs to look up what a pencil is made out of... because it is NOT LEAD... that means every pencil in the world would be a little toxic stick and give EVERY child in the world Lead poisoning!!
"lead" pencils are made up out of GRAPHITE!
Discovery of graphite deposit
Some time before 1565 (some sources say as early as 1500), an enormous deposit of graphite was discovered on the approach to Grey Knotts from the hamlet of Seathwaite in Borrowdale parish, Cumbria, England.[1][2][3] The locals found that it was very useful for marking sheep. This particular deposit of graphite was extremely pure and solid, and it could easily be sawn into sticks. This remains the only large scale deposit of graphite ever found in this solid form.[4] Chemistry was in its infancy and the substance was thought to be a form of lead. Consequently, it was called plumbago (Latin for "lead ore").[5][6] The black core of pencils is still referred to as lead, even though it never contained the element lead.
mods strike again /sigh
Dátum: 2010.10.13. 17:52:25
soo.. any answer yet why my question was rejected?
this was my question.
A full moon is ____ times brighter than a half full moon.
why has it been rejected twice because "there are spelling mistakes in the question or answer" when there clearly are NO SPELLING mistakes...
that question is formulated correctly with correct grammar.
would love to hear where the mistakes are.
this was my question.
A full moon is ____ times brighter than a half full moon.
why has it been rejected twice because "there are spelling mistakes in the question or answer" when there clearly are NO SPELLING mistakes...
that question is formulated correctly with correct grammar.
would love to hear where the mistakes are.
Dátum: 2010.10.11. 23:24:19
this was my question.
A full moon is ____ times brighter than a half full moon.
why has it been rejected twice because "there are spelling mistakes in the question or answer" when there clearly are NO SPELLING mistakes...
that question is formulated correctly with correct grammar.
A full moon is ____ times brighter than a half full moon.
why has it been rejected twice because "there are spelling mistakes in the question or answer" when there clearly are NO SPELLING mistakes...
that question is formulated correctly with correct grammar.
Quiz -> Quiz errors
Dátum: 2010.09.28. 00:12:15
just got this question that needs to be deleted ASAP...
"What is punishable if attempted, but not punishable if commited?"
the correct answer to the question was
uhh OK.. what country is that in that if you attempt to kill yourself it is punishable by law? Because IT IS NOT WHERE I LIVE THANK YOU!!
so delete this question as it is NOT the same in every country!!
"What is punishable if attempted, but not punishable if commited?"
the correct answer to the question was
uhh OK.. what country is that in that if you attempt to kill yourself it is punishable by law? Because IT IS NOT WHERE I LIVE THANK YOU!!
so delete this question as it is NOT the same in every country!!
Dátum: 2010.09.21. 16:46:25
seriously??? my question got rejected because "only a special group of people might know the answer" ??????
Which of the following actors/actresses does NOT play in The Lord of the Rings trilogy?
Liv Tyler.
Viggo Mortensen.
Elijah Wood.
Kate Winslet.**
was my question... you can look this up in a few seconds... not to mention if my question was rejected WHAT ABOUT ALL THE OTHER HUNDREDS OF MOVIE QUESTIONS THAT GOT PASSED??????
you guys are getting rediculous with your evaluators
Which of the following actors/actresses does NOT play in The Lord of the Rings trilogy?
Liv Tyler.
Viggo Mortensen.
Elijah Wood.
Kate Winslet.**
was my question... you can look this up in a few seconds... not to mention if my question was rejected WHAT ABOUT ALL THE OTHER HUNDREDS OF MOVIE QUESTIONS THAT GOT PASSED??????
you guys are getting rediculous with your evaluators
Quiz -> Quiz errors
Dátum: 2010.08.30. 23:43:07
just had the following question.
"Which is NOT a method of quitting smoking?"
some of the answers included:
Surgery (noted correct)
and 2 others ..
this question needs to be removed. Hypnosis DOES NOT help people quit smoking! Go take some Psychology classes, and one of the first things you will read about in psych 101 is that hypnosis does NOT work for smoking because smoking is not a psychological disorder thus, can't be cured by hypnosis, because it is a physical addiction.
"Which is NOT a method of quitting smoking?"
some of the answers included:
Surgery (noted correct)
and 2 others ..
this question needs to be removed. Hypnosis DOES NOT help people quit smoking! Go take some Psychology classes, and one of the first things you will read about in psych 101 is that hypnosis does NOT work for smoking because smoking is not a psychological disorder thus, can't be cured by hypnosis, because it is a physical addiction.
Dátum: 2010.08.05. 14:25:29
the clan High Council is recruiting a few members (lvl 10+) to join our ranks. We are looking for ACTIVE members, and builders especially...
We are working on getting our Dim Gate now (on crystalizer nr 2 atm).
Send a message to Malystryx/Salanea or Sacrosanct in world 2.
We are working on getting our Dim Gate now (on crystalizer nr 2 atm).
Send a message to Malystryx/Salanea or Sacrosanct in world 2.
Help -> Help request
Dátum: 2010.06.21. 23:18:18
Written by: Gamer2010.06.20. 00:09:10 [Quote this]Idézet: Tanstaff - 2010.06.19. 03:37:18
when i try to duel and attack another Doomlord - i get a message - no such battle exists - whats going on ?? - has happened 3 times in a row - thx
Was a bug, it's fixed now.
when i try to duel and attack another Doomlord - i get a message - no such battle exists - whats going on ?? - has happened 3 times in a row - thx
Was a bug, it's fixed now.
not quite yet.. i am still getting this message as we speak.
Quiz -> Quiz errors
Dátum: 2010.06.17. 16:01:28
just got this question... this should fall under the category "too mathematical" don't ya think? not only is it math based, but first you need to know laws of physics to figure out the right formula to compute the answer.
4800 watts at 120 volts = ??amps.
4 amps
.4 amps
.04 amps
40 amps **
4800 watts at 120 volts = ??amps.
4 amps
.4 amps
.04 amps
40 amps **
Quiz -> Quiz errors
Dátum: 2010.04.19. 16:33:38
the quesiton is formulated WRONG, if a brick weighs 2kg, that means 2 would weigh FOUR kg.
the part that says "and a half brick" makes no sence in that sentence! the sentence should say "half a brick weighs 2 kg", or "a brick weighs 2 kg AS a half brick" to make the correct answer 8kg.
the way the sentence is formulated now makes no gramatical sence whatsoever, so it is IMPOSSIBLE to calculate the right answer from a mathimatical sentence that is asked wrong.
the part that says "and a half brick" makes no sence in that sentence! the sentence should say "half a brick weighs 2 kg", or "a brick weighs 2 kg AS a half brick" to make the correct answer 8kg.
the way the sentence is formulated now makes no gramatical sence whatsoever, so it is IMPOSSIBLE to calculate the right answer from a mathimatical sentence that is asked wrong.
Quiz -> Quiz errors
Dátum: 2010.03.30. 14:38:59
What is the most poisonous animal in the world?
King Cobra
The Brazilian Wandering Spider
Death Stalker Scorpion
Box Jellyfish *
there is another question like this already in the data base, it also has box jellyfish in the answer (which is correct!) and another where the writer posed Dart Frog and stated that Dart Frog was the most poisonous animal in the world.
not only does that mean the question is already in the database, but that the one with Dart Frog as answer is WRONG.
King Cobra
The Brazilian Wandering Spider
Death Stalker Scorpion
Box Jellyfish *
there is another question like this already in the data base, it also has box jellyfish in the answer (which is correct!) and another where the writer posed Dart Frog and stated that Dart Frog was the most poisonous animal in the world.
not only does that mean the question is already in the database, but that the one with Dart Frog as answer is WRONG.