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Re: Quiz errors
961. hozzászólás - 2010.04.18. 15:09:08
I bought it and it's costly, but I use it for hanging only, what am I?
A pair of Earings
A Painting
A Car
Can't remember the 4th answer

I have a problem with this question. The way it is writen leaves you to assume a single Item and not multiple items by use of the word IT. In the way that the question is writen a Painting would be the correct answer as it is A painting. But A Pair of Earings is marked as the correct answer. The problem being the word Pair, which implies more than one item, which makes it inconsistant with the question.
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Re: Quiz errors
962. hozzászólás - 2010.04.18. 20:19:47
if a bumble bee stung a bumble bee on a bumble bees bum what colour would the bees bum be ?
bumble bees dont sting <--------- system answer

bumble bees can sting, just cos most of time they dont sting it doesnt mean they cant.

simple google search on bumblebee sting could have avoided another incorrect question in system but its n ice to see so me peopl eget away with it...
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averageMike HawkFérfi
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Re: Quiz errors
963. hozzászólás - 2010.04.19. 05:06:42
A brick weighs 2kg and a half brick, how much does 2 bricks weigh?

a. 8kg <======= this is supposedly the the right answer
b. 2kg
c. 12kg
d. 4kg

maybe i didn't do the math right, but half of 2kg is 1kg so how do they get 8kg out of it, I keep getting 6kg for the weight of 2 bricks.
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Re: Quiz errors
964. hozzászólás - 2010.04.19. 13:44:15 (Válasz Mike Hawk #963 hozzászólására.)
your math is wrong.. If X is the weight of an brick:

x=2+x/2 therefore x= 4. => 2x = 8Kg
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
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Re: Quiz errors
965. hozzászólás - 2010.04.19. 16:33:38
the quesiton is formulated WRONG, if a brick weighs 2kg, that means 2 would weigh FOUR kg.

the part that says "and a half brick" makes no sence in that sentence! the sentence should say "half a brick weighs 2 kg", or "a brick weighs 2 kg AS a half brick" to make the correct answer 8kg.

the way the sentence is formulated now makes no gramatical sence whatsoever, so it is IMPOSSIBLE to calculate the right answer from a mathimatical sentence that is asked wrong.
I am the Dragon!!! Before you you RIGHTLY Tremble!
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Re: Quiz errors
966. hozzászólás - 2010.04.19. 21:03:07
uhh say WHAT?? thought this was an ENGLISH version... why on earth would THIS question be passed as a good question??? I have no clue how to even answer that.... you guys REALLY need to get new evaluators!!!

"pe ce loc a incheiat romania la haltere in 2010?"
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Re: Quiz errors
967. hozzászólás - 2010.04.19. 23:53:58
Who is known as the father of Sociology?
Max Weber
Emile Durkheim
Auguste Comte
Karl Marx

Foundations of the academic discipline
Main articles: List of sociologists and Timeline of sociology

Though Comte is generally regarded as the "Father of Sociology",[14] the academic subject was formally established by another French thinker, Émile Durkheim (1858–1917), who developed positivism in greater detail.

One Question, Two Answers, Three (at least) Lousy Mods, Four (hundred) irritated Users
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Re: Quiz errors
968. hozzászólás - 2010.04.20. 07:48:22
The closest black hole, known as V4641 Sgr, is how far from earth?
2,700 light years
875 light years
1,600 light years
1,350 light years

"Originally thought to be positioned approximately 1,600 light years (around 9,405,600,000,000,000 miles) from Earth[1], later observations showed it to be at least 15 times further away."

The answer should be 24,000 light years.
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Re: Quiz errors
969. hozzászólás - 2010.04.20. 07:57:30
What doesthe latin word 'parce!' mean?
help me!
save me!
kill me!
spare me!

The translations of these four phrases are: succurro mihi; servo mihi; iuguolo mihi; parco mihi
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Re: Quiz errors
970. hozzászólás - 2010.04.20. 08:22:45 (Válasz Elgoran #960 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Elgoran - 2010.04.18. 11:08:44
My mother and I had a child. Who is my mother?

My brother's grandmother
My son's grandmother <-- marked correct
My son's sister
My aunt

Logic of this question escapes me, but it can be my not-so-good command of English...

Elgoran - This question relates to Genealogy or the family history. Firstly, I did not set the question, but just giving you my opinion on the question. My mother had a child and that child grew up and married and had a child. Assuming that the latter child is male, it answers the second part of the question. The son's grandmother is the father's mother. I hope this helps.
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Re: Quiz errors
971. hozzászólás - 2010.04.20. 15:02:49
This makes it in:
Actor Andrew Shue also played professional soccer (football). In its inaugural season, what US Major League Soccer club did he play with?
San Jose Earthquakes
Columbus Crew
DC United
Los Angeles Galaxy

Yet this gets bounced:
What NHL (National Hockey League) Team does Sidney Crosby Play for (2010)?

Pittsburgh Penguins
Philadelphia Flyers
Detroit Red Wings
New York Rangers

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
According to evaluators only a special group of people might know the answer.


"Sid the Kid" scored the Gold Medal Winning goal in the Olympics. He is the face of the NHL. His team won the Stanley Cup last year........ You pass my question about "the only Slovenian in the NHL"... But bounce this???

And there isn't a racism problem here?

Seriously - I would LOVE the Admins / Mods to explain this to me.
A hozzászólást Viridel módosította 2010.04.20. 15:05:50-kor
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Re: Quiz errors
972. hozzászólás - 2010.04.20. 16:08:39
Which of the below vegatables is NOT related to the 'deadly nightshade' family?

It's supposed to be vegetables.
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Re: Quiz errors
973. hozzászólás - 2010.04.20. 17:13:03
I was just asked "what is the most common place name in the us" so i found the answer on WIKI.
it was franklin, that was an option so i chose it.
only to be told incorrect, and the answer was Washington.

Washington is only no.7 in the list ....

so BAD question.....
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Re: Quiz errors
974. hozzászólás - 2010.04.22. 00:17:13 (Válasz Miklos #1 hozzászólására.)
aargh my question has an misspelled answer if I renounce the question can I resubmit the question or do I give up the right to ask a question?

Afro Samurai
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Re: Quiz errors
975. hozzászólás - 2010.04.22. 01:23:30
Who was the Anciernt British King Canute?
He burnt the cakes
He fought Robin Hood
He married Queen Guinevere
He stood on a beach and ordered the tide to go out

Firstly, it's Ancient. Secondly, shouldn't it say "What did the Ancient British King, Caunte, do?" or something similar?

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Re: Quiz errors
976. hozzászólás - 2010.04.22. 03:16:35
What was the tank mostly used by Germany in WWII?

and the answer is Tigress

its a bad answer

man... who knows little history that know... germany never has enough tanks... lol everyhere from france - ussr - africa - italy - normandy... always overpowered and overnumbered by men technic and tanks by the allies...

the tiger tank was the most 5th produced tank in germany...
1st Pz Kpfw IV
2nd Pz Kpfw Panther ( Pz Kpfw V )
3rd Pz Kpfw III
4th Pz Kpfw II
5th Pz Kpfw Tiger I (PzKpw VI )

eg. Erwin Rommel in africa never had any tiger tank...

so the good answer for this Question is

Pz Kpfw IV "panzer 4"
A hozzászólást Thantalas módosította 2010.04.22. 03:19:00-kor
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Re: Quiz errors
977. hozzászólás - 2010.04.22. 03:54:11
On the podium who stands Highest?
1st <-- marked correct
The judge

..... huh?

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Re: Quiz errors
978. hozzászólás - 2010.04.22. 14:36:06
"The Mount Madaras how hight is?"

need i say more?
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Re: Quiz errors
979. hozzászólás - 2010.04.22. 18:24:22
What can go up a chimney down but not down a chimney up?
An umbrella
Santa Claus

Come on......
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Re: Quiz errors
980. hozzászólás - 2010.04.22. 20:05:45
What is the oldest commsiioned vessel (or something like that)
Answer - HMS Something or other

USS Constitution is a wooden-hulled, three-masted heavy frigate of the United States Navy. Named by President George Washington after the Constitution of the United States of America, she is the oldest commissioned naval vessel afloat in the world.

Well done Mods.
Pontszám: 5
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