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Dátum: 2011.04.18. 09:38:29
Idézet: MartinBV - 2011.04.18. 07:32:25
So the resistance is a percentage? Argh! I so love those full and covering explanations.

Thought "your resistance increases by this skill multiplied by 0,3." meant that a skill of 4 would reduce whatever it affected by 1.2, so it would be 10-1.2=8.8 rounded to 9.

I guess if it's a percentage it makes the resistance skill pretty useless, those effects are low anyway, so 1-2% is not going to make any difference.

I have to agree that this (yet) another one of those "far to little information available in game" situations.

As to the usefulness of resistance, I believe it is designed to compensate for the increase in secondary effects by Thaumaturgy, not to remove the secondary effect completely. If this is the case, you would probably need a large amount of Resistance to see a large decrease, in the same way that you need a lot of Thaumaturgy to see a large increase.
Dátum: 2011.04.15. 13:21:44
What is the name of the artist Robert Cummings?
Iggy Pop
Rob Zombie <-- Marked as correct
Mick Jagger
Ozzy Osbourne

Really strange and ambiguous question. There is an actor named Robert Cummings, known professionally as Bob Cummings.
There is also a Heavy metal musician, Rob Zombie (born Robert Bartleh Cummings).

I think what the question should have been is:
What is the artist name of the heavy metal musician Robert Cummings?

But these days all kinds of questions seams to get through.
Dátum: 2011.04.15. 11:54:07
How hot is the centre of the sun?
approximately -250,000 degrees celcius
approximately +1,000,000 degrees celcius <--- Marked as correct
approximately +250,000 degrees celcius
approximately +1,000,000,000,000,000 degrees celcius

All I can find is that the temperature of the sun's core is more than 10 million K, and some sources says 15 million K (there are some uncertainty as to the exact temperature of the core). 10 million is not approximately 1 million.
Dátum: 2011.04.02. 16:34:05
Who was the bounty hunter Bobba Fetts father in Star wars?
Barry Fett
Jango Fett
Terry Fett
Jerry Fett

Boba Fett is a clone of Jango Fett, so no answer is really correct.
Dátum: 2011.03.29. 17:01:37
Familiars: you get this creature trained. It's base level will equal your level at the time of purchase. It's normal level starts at 1, but advances faster than other pets, until it reaches it's base level. You can't squeeze or release it. Additionally, each familiar have a unique ability (see description). For start, you can have only 1 familiar, and it counts towards the leadership limit. Later on there will be a relic which makes it possible to increase the familiars base pet to yours (by decreasing its normal level by the same amount).

I assume the last sentence should be:
Later on there will be a relic which makes it possible to increase the familiars base level to yours (by decreasing its normal level by the same amount).

And where do you get this item?
Dátum: 2011.03.28. 18:10:15
Idézet: FriendlyCheese - 2011.03.28. 17:46:41
Which one is a chemical change?
melting ice
chopping onions
boiling alcohol
exploding a fire cracker <--- marked as correct

boiling alcohol AND exploding a fire cracker both involve chemical change! 100% alcohol might be sligtly different but still a change!

"In a chemical change, bonds are broken and formed between different atoms."(1)
"A chemical bond is an attraction between atoms"(2)

In the first, second and third answer bonds between molecules are broken, such a change is usually refereed to as a change of state or physical change (3).
While it isn´t always easy to differentiate between a physical and chemical change, I would say that the processes in the question are clearly one or the other.

And this is actually not my question.

1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_change
2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_bond
3) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_change
Dátum: 2011.03.26. 16:47:21
Idézet: ImLittleJon - 2011.03.26. 14:33:31
Idézet: MartinBV - 2011.03.26. 08:57:23
You can only drain SE if they have SE to drain, so if the character has 0 SE on him/her you will not drain any.

That was it, thanks. Anyone know if transcendal projection protects against soul drain too? I.e. if they have, say, 100 SE on them, with a couple of levels of TP, the duel reward will be 0 SE, and I'm guessing they will also be immune from soul drain.

I´m not sure, but I don´t think so. Numerous times I have drained small amounts with attacks, but then gained nothing from the win. I always interpreted this as the opponent had some SE on them, but enough TP to protect it.
Dátum: 2011.03.26. 11:13:22
Sorry seems I didn't make my self clear as to what I feel is inconsistent, it's the fact that the time for when I increase the Adventure skills, oblivion, and transplantation in relation to other skills affects how much they cost.

Let's say I increase Climbing from 5 to 10:
If I have 500 "normal" skills and full transplantation it will cost me 21 825 SE
If I have 550 "normal" skills and full transplantation it will cost me 23 700 SE

And yes, I know it's how it's designed to be, but seems odd to me, when the time of adding the 5 extra adventure skills has no bearing on the cost of adding those extra 50 "normal" skills.
Having the Adventure skills in a totally unrelated group not affected by transplantation, but affecting the cost of each other, would seem more logical to me.

I agree that is odd, but it is not a bug, but a feature, i.e. that is how it is supposed to work according to the programmer (even if we do not agree with it).

About the Soul-draining: The target have to have SE on them to drain any, and I believe that there is some kind of "max drain per day" (like there is for Creative affinity, see http://doomlord.wikidot.com/skill1), but I can´t find anything about it right now.

As an overall bug I would like to add that many abilities/skills/etc (like Creative affinity, Soul draining) have hidden limitations on them that are not in the official explanations of them. It would be very nice if there could be added an official "Game manual" that explains all abilities/skills/buildings/items/item abilities in a bit more detail.
Dátum: 2011.03.25. 15:00:03
Idézet: Miklos - 2011.03.25. 11:59:56

To clarify things, I give you the EXACT figure for the SE and XP reward during the event:
Winner of a duel gets FIX SE and XP, depending on the defeated players level:
SE: ( level * 39,67 ) * (0,5 + EH * 0,015). If the winner is member of the diamond clan, he/she gets +5% bonus
XP: (2+level)*0,273.
So the only things which modify the SE are level, EH skill, and diamond clan bonus.
The defeated player does not lose any SE.
Some explanation of the figure:
Since everyone have to do a hunt to be able to do a duel, the goal was that players with either disadvanced dev. and energy harness get roughly the same average SE/XP ratio from the total of 1 hunt and 1 duel. That's what the above figure fulfills.

Another addition: invisible hunts will give only 0,5 event point.

We will begin the programming next week, hopefully we are done with it and testing in 2-3 weeks, and thats when you can sign up for the event.

So EH does not give any extra XP from the Event battle?
And what effect, if any, does things like Creative Affinity and Bonus SE from duels (from certain items) have on Event battles?
Dátum: 2011.03.25. 09:46:28
"For crystal members the Ramparts, Training Grounds, Necrofun Focus bonus should be maximum - their level/3"
Maximum - lvl /3 means that the higher the lvl, the lower the bonus. It has to be wrong.

I think they mean that the level of the buildings is equal to 1/3 of the level of the clone. So a level 30 clone has a virtual Ramparts, Training grounds, and Necrofun focus of 10 while a level 45 clone has all three at level 15. Otherwise it doesn't make sense.

I already have 2 gold relics from map event. Will the relics from this event count as extra? Example: I have gold neclease of bargain. Will the relic granding +trade skill give me extra bonus, or i cannot choose this reward?

Pretty sure that the Relics with the same name will not stack, same as with the Relics from the Map event. This does put a limit on how many times these Relics can be used for events.

About the Teams: I agree with Cruel01, it might get a bit strange with the teams. If I join a Team with many players, I will have fewer targets. But if I join a small team, or the team gets to small, it will be difficult to get enough wins (team wins, not personal wins). But I will have to think a bit about it.
Dátum: 2011.03.24. 17:33:16
Idézet: Kethios - 2011.03.24. 17:01:48

1. The original crystal clan won't count but most likely we'll be able to attack them. Additional crystal clans are required to give duel preys for lower level players participating.

2. I'm not sure but in my opinion new crystal clans will be added. Like Crystal clan with lvl 5-10 members, another with lvl 11-20 etc.

So there will be X new Crystal clan members where X is the number of players that participate in the event?
And there will be something like 6-7 "new" Crystal clans, one for each 10 levels of players?
Dátum: 2011.03.24. 15:48:14
Just so that I am sure on how the event is constructed:
* Every time I hunt (every Ap spent) I get 1 Event point (EP)
* 1 EP+1 DP gives me one fight in the Event
* If I fight another player I get 1 Win and my team gets 1 Win - If I fight a crystal clan member I get 1 Win and my team gets nothing
* Depending on my number of wins I get a reward - and only one reward
* These rewards are partially the same as the ones from the Map event (I assume they don't stack since they are the same)

* The benefit from the teams is that I can get a better reward with fewer wins
* Players on the top team + top 10 overall + top 10 healing potions used get an extra Item: Medal of the Hucksters

So questions:
1. What happens with the "normal" crystal clan during the event? Does it count? Does it go away for the duration of the event?
2. Are the "new" crystal clan members part of any clan? If so, can you declare a war on that clan?
Dátum: 2011.03.21. 23:12:43
Idézet: Gumpskin - 2011.03.21. 20:32:56
Why can some who is 5 (or more) levels above me attack me, but I can't attack someone one level below me? Am I missing something?

You have to change the setting under the Duel tab ("Set duel points").
When you start the game it is set for 30 Duel points per day but only allow attacks against the same or higher levels. You can change it to 15 DP/day, and attack lower levels.
Dátum: 2011.03.17. 11:56:50
Idézet: Gemini - 2011.03.17. 11:51:46
In how many countries is portuguese the official language?

I only count 8:
Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe

There are 8 countries and one special administrative region (SAR) of the People's Republic of China (Macau). Since the question specially menations countries, it is a bit ambigious.

(Note, this is not my question)
Dátum: 2011.03.15. 13:39:58
Idézet: Inv_ - 2011.03.15. 13:21:09
A hunter that saves up 800 ap gains close to 0 se until the event. that means other players that hunt daily grow stronger and pwn the other guy. The events rewards for being in top10 are so no worth saving up resources. In all the events so far you could meet the minimum requirements even if you start with 0 ap and dp. I believe that someone who saves resources for events gains no advantage over people who use theur resources daily.

Not true for an event like Zarknods awakening, where the rewards were quite substantial and totally dependent on how much resources you spent (and some luck). The minimum number of battles you had to do to get all Relics was quite high, in the order of 300 (so 600+enough SE to fight, if you won all your battles).
Even the Xenos event gave quite good rewards for Top 10, or do you think that my 5% more Buidling than yours doesn't add up over time? (Yes, medal of doom adds building above max skill)

Also, a good hunter doesn't get pwned, since he never has SE on him when he can get hit.
Dátum: 2011.03.15. 13:35:26
Idézet: Miklos - 2011.03.15. 12:35:27
A very clever observation. This effect is not intended. The purpose of the game is that you can play all the time, use up resources freely, and sometimes the monotony gets broken by an interesting event. But yes, as things stand now, many events encourage players to save up resources. We let people use up these saved up resources for several reasons:

1.) If you already have a lot of Apts and Dpts saved up, it means the game's pace is a little faster than you are comfortable with. That is, very likely you are never going to use them up, and it makes you feel that you "lose" something. With events, players have a chance to "catch up", to use up these leftovers.

Not going to say no to that, but a player could "catch up" at any time, but with the current model you gain more by catching up during an event.

2.) Often, events require a specific number of actions. Even with careful planning, it's hard to tell how much resource will a player spend (and have available). Allowing them to use up saved up respts is a way to ensure that anyone who wishes can achieve the maximum reward.

I see the problem with this, and I don't have any specific suggestion for how to deal with it. A general observation is that if the event is not based around the quantity of performance but instead around quality, the entire problem goes away.

Lets compare the Xenos event with the Championship (yes, the Championship is a kind of Event, one that happens every month). For the Xenos event the player want to save up as much as possible and then spend all resources during the event, while for the Championship you want to spend everything before.

3.) Limiting resources only to that the player acquires during the event would conradict a bit with the current game mechanics, would make both rules and programming more difficult. So we allow this to keep things simple.

I don't see how limiting resources spent on an Event contradicts the current game mechanics. Of course you should be able to use your resources for the normal things (Hunt, duel etc etc), it's just the amount you put into the Event itself that could (should?) be limited.

Let's construct a simple, hypothetical event: The Grand Games.
During the Grand Games Doomlords compete against each other and compare their might. Each day a Doomlord (or Lady) can enter the competition in 3 of the 10 categories. These categories are then resolved once per day for the duration of the Games (10 days?) and the Doomlord who scores the most points get the better prices. Entering into a competition costs 5 DP and 5 AP.
So the event costs resources, but the amount can be tailored so that everyone can compete. It doesn't matter if you have 5 or 500 Ap when the Event starts, since the amount/day is limited. Instead the Event is about your Quality as a Doomlord.

4.) Lower level players have less APt and DPt regen per day, because they do not have the skills which increase these regens. Allowing them to stock up gives them a better chance.

Solved by having the amount of AP/DP going into the Event being low enough that low level players can afford it. Any extra resources that high-level players get are instead used for normal Hunts and Duels.

But, the problem is, that this leads to people some sitting on 7-800 Apts all the time, to make sure they stay competitive in the upcoming events. I am no sure that this is a real problem, but nonetheless, if you have any good suggestion how to change this - without making the system more complicated - I'm looking forward to it.

I'm not sure it's a problem either, but I thought it would be nice to have a discussion about it. Has this ever been discussed on the Hungarian forums?

And a nice change, a quick and concise administrator response. I like it.
Dátum: 2011.03.14. 17:24:27
There is a thing that has been nagging me for some time about this game. It has to do with Events* and how the rewards from them work. My problem is that they mostly use your normal resources, like Action points and Duel points, and you get rewards for doing a lot during the Event. The more you do during the Event, the greater your reward. The problem with this is that it encourages a certain play style:
- Between Events you save up AP and DP to spend them during the Event to get a bigger reward.

Is this the intention? Is this how we (the players) want it to be? Long periods of low activity and then a flurry of activity.

To me it just feels a bit strange, and I don't really think this is intended. Some ways to change it:
- If it is a fighting event (i.e. Xenos) there could be a limited amount of resources that could be used and the effort could instead be measured in how much damage you did (or even ratio of Damage caused/Damage taken)
- In the map event there could be a limit on the number of map pieces you could find per day

What do people think? Should the outcome of Events be dictated by how much we save up between them or could it be some other way?

* The Events I think of are mainly events like Zarknods awakening, The map and Xenos war.
Dátum: 2011.03.14. 17:23:48
This thread is for discussing the general mechanics surrounding Events in the game.
Dátum: 2011.03.11. 17:48:07
Idézet: MartinBV - 2011.03.11. 15:47:22
Just wonder where I can find such information? should be mentioned somewhere

P.s. I have 0+1 on building and -1 hunting time from a medal of doom, so never thought there was such a limitation. (except where mentioned for the item)

I think the Medal of Doom is a special case, it also allows the skill increase to go above the limit of the skill.

I don´t remember where I read about the fact that you needed to have the skill to increase it with items, but I remember that it was mentioned when the "Lady Alvariel´s medallions"-event started.

But yes, I agree, it is one of those "things in the game that are not that well documented"
Dátum: 2011.03.10. 21:33:10
From the Quiz: the aspects of evaluation (http://forum.doomlord.net/index.php/topic,14.0), first post:
"- Odd-one-out questions and questions about capitals are filtered. We have enough questions about capitals, thank you very much. Odd-one-out questions are always ambiguous, because any of the answers can be accepted from a certain perspective. Getting back to filtering, if your question is rejected, please don’t submit it again using spelling mistakes, because it will be rejected as well. Please accept that the system will not accept it. And please also note that any questions containing vulgar/offensive words are also rejected."