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Hozzászólások - ChaoticGemini

Dátum: 2010.04.20. 04:45:23
I have several thoughts on this question. Just because the bill is no longer in circulation does not mean Cleveland was erased from all of them. Very few Americans even know who is/was on any bill over $100. It's an international game, so imagine answering the question about another currency. (i.e. What image was on the reverse of a Canadian $50,000 bill?)
Dátum: 2010.04.17. 17:31:29
It could be misspelled, but "lamentation" would still come before "Lemon"
Dátum: 2010.04.17. 17:28:47
Skills you added just to complete quests or skills you don't use can be forgotten. You get part of the SE back and the price of adding new skills will go down.
Dátum: 2010.04.16. 19:34:18
I don't know the motivation for everyone, but I know a player like that. He doesn't like to duel, but he likes hunting. Since he has no desire to duel, why waste SE on equipment.

On the other hand, I have switched to old equipment too when I don't care if I am attacked. The number of people that attack and give 0 SE with experience on a regular basis can be a pain. So, I will strip down to low equipment in the hopes that I loose to those kind of attacks. Sometimes I just reduce my spell to conserve SP. I also send my pets to the kennel so they don't loose moral when I don't need them. I don't have low stats, but I still can appear to be an easy target at times.
Dátum: 2010.04.15. 06:46:55
Click the "Quiz" button on the left side. At the top of the screen click "Forward to Quiz Olympics – rules, entry, results" and there you will see the button to begin.
Dátum: 2010.04.13. 17:00:52
Idézet: JKP3nt - 2010.04.13. 14:44:30
How many known species of mammals lay eggs?


The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Your answers are ambiguous or wrong to this question.

I think that almost anyone would understand this question, and it isn't as if 100% of people should get it right. I realized that there were actually 2 ORDERS, not species, so should I rephrase it "As known in the year 2010 after the known birth of Jesus, homo sapiens were aware of how many orders of Monotremes among mammals?"

Hate to say it, but your snide question would be wrong because Jesus wasn't born 2010 years ago.
You figured out the problem. When you said "species" the answer is more than 4. When you say "order" the answer is 2.
Dátum: 2010.04.11. 14:17:51
I find it odd that in world 2 I collected 11 pieces in a few hours. On world 1, my soul husker has less followers than my w2 soulhusker, plus I dropped 4 points in the climbing skill and after 3 days of major hunting and dueling I only have 9 pieces.
Dátum: 2010.04.11. 04:48:59
There is snow on Kilimanjaro. There have been a ton of news stories recently about experts that expect it to disappear within 15 to 20 years, but it is there now, so all your answers are true.

Edit: Someone could argue that "Kilimanjaro is an inactive volcano" is the false statement, because it is actually 3 inactive volcanoes, but that is stretching it. If you phrase your questions differently, you could actually make several interesting questions out of your answers.
Dátum: 2010.04.10. 05:16:54
Idézet: Jaina - 2010.04.10. 04:03:10
What kind of standards are used when judging questions?

Since your question is about books, I will address that. Since it is not possible to know every book and author ever published, I personally look for some kind of award associated with it. (That is, if I can even find the book.) There are so many literary awards that if a book can't manage a single one than why should an international audience be expected to know it. I don't know what other evaluators do, but I figured a line had to be made somewhere. I still feel there are too many "special interest" books getting in the database, but I couldn't think of another way to draw the line. I would be happy to take suggestions for better book guidelines.
Dátum: 2010.04.10. 05:07:34
I think all rejected questions will show 100% correct. At least, all mine do.
Dátum: 2010.04.10. 05:05:37
This the answer I see for a duck in cricket: a batsman's score of nought (zero)
Dátum: 2010.04.10. 01:15:24
Look at the entire evaluation!!! It says it is already part of the database. With that evaluation, you do not get marked for a bad question. It is simply sent back to you to write something else.

While we're talking about things already in the database....Just about everything that can be asked about doomlord, capitals, Stephan King, Metallica, Guns 'n' Roses and greek gods has already been asked. Continuously resubmitting the same question will not change your evaluation.
Dátum: 2010.04.09. 17:19:46
I found an odd glitch. I set a hunt for 20 minutes. After 5 minutes, it listed two hunts at the same time.
It only took one action point, but gave me SE and XP for both.

hmm, I can't get an image to display, so here's the link:
Dátum: 2010.04.09. 16:45:29
Those questions are both already in the database.
Dátum: 2010.04.08. 18:50:16
I have heard this riddle the way it is written many times. I have never heard it the way you wrote it. Same logic. Morning = early life; mid-day = middle life; evening = end of life.
Dátum: 2010.04.08. 08:08:12
Evaluators can't change the text. Only a moderator can.
Dátum: 2010.04.07. 16:51:18
I got your question this time Viridel. There was more written than just your question. Be happy I gave you a spelling error with the opportunity to fix it.
Dátum: 2010.04.07. 14:00:13
Pet absorption is not cumulative. You get the average absorption between all your equipped pets. So, I believe that would make your absorption 48.
Dátum: 2010.04.06. 21:32:10
I check that it is correct by either British or American English.
Dátum: 2010.04.06. 15:14:22
I can't see in to another evaluators mind, but here are some thoughts so you are not left completely in the dark....

Idézet: DieMaster - 2010.04.06. 12:26:09
What song did Led Zeppelin not sing?

This could have had the evaluation because things that are not are more difficult than things that are. To put it another way, listing four songs and saying which song did Led Zeppelin sing is better than asking what they didn't sing.

Idézet: PerrinAybarra - 2010.04.06. 12:46:15
The most popular MMORPG that has over 11 million players is?

This is a question whose answer could easily change. Plus, other online games seem to get the the "special knowledge" evaluation. I don't see any spelling errors, so the evaluator may have chosen the spelling error evaluation so you are not penalized from writing another question.

Idézet: Magik - 2010.04.06. 07:57:17
What is the name of the e-mail service provided by Google?
Yahoo Mail

I don't really see spelling mistakes here and I'm not sure what to guess at the problem. Email and e-mail should both be acceptable. On a minor note, I think the second service is usually written as "Gmail" but that should not be the sole rejection reason. I suggest a resubmit on this question.

Idézet: D00ml0rd - 2010.04.05. 22:56:55
After having a very good question rejected ( what country sees the sun first each day answer IS New Zealand )

Hmm, I just looked up the details of this one and there seems to be a lot of disagreement. I guess the answer depends on what source of information you believe since there are credible sources citing different answers.