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Oldal: 123
Dátum: 2010.03.18. 15:33:42
Idézet: TheLion - 2010.03.18. 15:21:29
Idézet: Hunglo2 - 2010.03.18. 14:31:20
Can anyone tell me where is the spelling mistake as there is none.

Robert Block wrote a book about a motel and it's murderous owner named?

Hotel California
Dew Drop Inn
Murderers Row

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Spelling mistakes in question or answers.
Your question has been evaluated.

Should be "Robert Bloch"?

Plus as i put in the other post (which mind you this didn't need to be posted in 2 different areas) It's in this instance is actually spelled ITS, with no apostraphy.
Dátum: 2010.03.18. 15:31:14
Idézet: Hunglo2 - 2010.03.18. 14:40:48
where is the spelling error???????????????

Robert Block wrote a book about a motel and it's murderous owner named?

Hotel California
Dew Drop Inn
Murderers Row

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Spelling mistakes in question or answers.
Your question has been evaluated.

The "Its" you are looking for is I T S with no apostraphy. It's mean it is, other then that i do not see anything wrong.
Dátum: 2010.03.16. 16:44:09
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.03.15. 06:03:15
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.03.14. 19:06:27
Idézet: RajPL - 2010.03.13. 14:33:34
I find the Quiz very hard because the answers are mostly always from Europe.

Most of the players started in Europe so its natural these questions are more. But as a lot of players from the US log in game, the questions will start to get more variety.

No. They won't. Amerocenttric questions get booted while Eurocentric (especially Eastern Europe) questions get approved. Until the entire quiz system is moved to International Peer Review, nothing will change.

This is very true. American sports,movies,etc questions get shot down. While european novels,war battles, movies, etc get approved. And lets not get me started on the bible. I have NEVER been religious and find it the biggest hoax of all time. And short of me spending more time looking the answer up then i have to answer the question i am never going to get one of these questions correct.
Dátum: 2010.03.15. 23:31:02
Who is not a Dragon Highlord in the Dragonlance novels?
Lord Soth

What! How would i know.
Dátum: 2010.03.15. 18:17:14
Idézet: Boar - 2010.03.14. 19:37:28
Which national team has NEVER won the Olympic Games until 2009 in soccer?

Why should we know all of those countries achievements in football? Specific question! Delete please!

What does a polar bear not eat?

And how can they eat a whale?

What animal has the most powerful bite?
Snapping turtle
American alligator

Just matter of view... The snapping turtle's bite is the most powerful compared to its size...

Watch the discovery channel every once and a while and you will know that polar bears paws are so big and powerfull they can lift a full sized, living whale staright out of the water. The soccer question i totally agree with.
Dátum: 2010.03.15. 18:12:56
Idézet: Hyannis - 2010.03.15. 08:43:15
Viridel - to some extent, I agree with you. One of my first questions I posted was, In which English County would you find the oldest Officer's Training camp called Sandhurst? I believe this is a legitimate question to ask, but it was rejected on the grounds that 'only a specific group of people would know this'!!! Yet, I am asked to name the first person to sign the US Independence document. Being British and brought up in a British school system, we Brits were not taught about American History. We were taught British History especially WWI and WWII.

My argument to this is that ALL questions should be allowed through UNLESS there are spelling mistakes in the question/answer OR the answer is a bit dubious. WE can ALL learn each other's History and Culture. The internet is a great source for learning so why not use the tools for EVERY question that is asked.

And i agree with you except if people cannot figure the answer to just any question out it will get removed and be deemed as a bad question anyway. Which is garbage.
Dátum: 2010.03.15. 18:08:58
Who was the Micheal Jordan famous co-player in Chicago Bulls during their NBA dominance era?
Shaquille O'Neal
Jeff Hornacek
Scottie Pippen
Clyde Drexler

Just saw this question. And forgive me if i may be wrong. But shouldn't this read- Who was michael jordan's famous co-player on the chicago bulls during their nba dominant era. ? Or keep everything but change in chicago bulls to on either way that sentence is not proper.

To me seems like if i am right this shouldn't have even been allowed in.

And then this one-

Mario Bava and Lamberto Bava are?
Famous Spanish pirates
Italian TV cook-shiefs
Italian movie directors
Famous Spanish politicians

What is a shiefs? Did it mean chefs? And if so the answer is for the most part stupid as there is a bigggg difference between a cook and a chef. But if there is such thing as a shief strike this lol.
Dátum: 2010.03.14. 08:53:58
I finally got a good question and now that i can ask another one i notice that my good question is now bad? And the reason being is it said 75% of the people couldn't find the answer. What in the world is thier search engine that this question can not be figured out.

What is considered to be the oldest animal ever?
2- alligator
3-sperm whale

Now i have typed this question into google,IE,wickipedia,answers.com and a few others and it all comes up with 1 answer. The answer mind you i will not tell but can tell you the right answer is over 400 years old. So can anyone tell me why it cannot be found?

Resubmitting cause off the arguement.

Dátum: 2010.03.13. 22:42:23
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.03.13. 18:54:28
There are numerous ways of distinguishing the continents:

The seven-continent model is usually taught in China and most English-speaking countries. This is what you have in mind

The six-continent combined-America model is taught in Latin America, and most parts of Europe including Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain.

So you cant be absolute about that, as long as the answers are not confusing (since either way the answer is America) there is no need to remove the question.

I agree with this but would like to add that more ppl see it as a 7 continent model then a 6 continent model. So the fact that there are multiple models should deem this question to be removed. Because only a specialized group off people would agree to the answer.
Dátum: 2010.03.13. 19:20:47
I finally got a good question and now that i can ask another one i notice that my good question is now bad? And the reason being is it said 75% of the people couldn't find the answer. What in the world is thier search engine that this question can not be figured out.

What is considered to be the oldest animal ever?
2- alligator
3-sperm whale

Now i have typed this question into google,IE,wickipedia,answers.com and a few others and it all comes up with 1 answer. The answer mind you i will not tell but can tell you the right answer is over 400 years old. So can anyone tell me why it cannot be found?
Dátum: 2010.03.12. 04:34:58
Sorry mate that you have your panties in a bunch but if you do not care much for american things you might want to take yourself out into the woods and piss off. Because i am pretty sure if your car is acting up your going to blame it on the americans for inventing the car. And if your plane is late on take off thats americas fault for inventing the airplane aswell huh? I could go on but your not worth my time anymore. Fact of the matter is if the damn dictionary is going to have the correct spelling in it you better change your spell checker because i looked up all of the words you used as a reference and ALL of them came up in mine. Good luck mate hope something american pisses you off again.
Dátum: 2010.03.11. 16:26:17
Plus there are no commas in the dates.
Dátum: 2010.03.11. 16:21:52
Just saw a question I believe should not have been allowed in. It asked in the bible who killed able. Of course the correct answer is cain. But my problem with this is only a certain group of people would know this wouldn't they? Not everyone reads the bible or believes in that religion to know. I may be wrong on this and am not making a big deal about it. But do believe this shouldn't of been allowed.
Dátum: 2010.03.10. 13:00:36
Grab a dictionary mate, grab a spell checker. Grab what ever you want. Fact of the matter is you never proved your point. You wanted to cry about americans and thier english instead of making your point. And you still haven't made your point. You go tthe horns because you felt the need to belittle me because i live in the states. Maybe it should be a lesson to you to try and prove your point next time and not blame other people when things do not go your way.
Dátum: 2010.03.09. 17:18:16
Actually you just made my comments come true not the other way around. Your cocky english attitude decided to bring a disgust for america into a conversation instead of just proving your point. Fact of the matter is don't be mad that my english is better then your english. Has nothing to do with me being an american because i am a italian dumbass. But we don't respect you english idiots anyway so i guess i have something in common with the americans aswell. Keep crying about your english maybe it will get you someweres. And to answer your funnies comment, not only is it referred to as a cartoon in america it also means jokes. So take you bs wanna be dictionary and hoof it on down the road mate cause noone cares about your bs! Because if you even knew what you were talking about an AMERICAN dictionary has all of the differences posted in it. So no matter who looks the damn word up it is going to come up both ways. So make a valid point or stfu!
Dátum: 2010.03.08. 12:11:34
Look mate fact of the matter is there are not a huge amount of differences when it comes to SPELLING of any of the top 4 english languages. The majority of the problem comes from dialect, conjugations, speakings. I'm just saying your crying about the issue isn't much support for your issue. Just because my english is much more recognized as a proper english don't go making excuses to why your question might have been put out. If you have some secret word that we americans do not recognize then maybe you have a point. But until you have a valid complaint stop making excuses. This by no means is a debate. You felt the need to battle ppl who had nothing to do with your problem.
Dátum: 2010.03.08. 00:01:24
Druid just to let you know it was not the british that invented what we call english. As i do not see any difference in british english and ENGLISH i do not understand why you would bring in a disgust of us on the other side of the POND lol. So if you want to complain about the english language talk to 10 different races that created it.
Dátum: 2010.03.07. 17:30:03
Idézet: JKP3nt - 2010.03.07. 16:57:10
I figured that out later, but it is still ambiguous, yes it is possible and probable that Motorola sold the first Mobile PHONE, but it does not specify what a mobile IS, it could be a Mobile Music player (I would doubt it) or some type of transportation vehicle. Anyways, it still requires specific knowledge

It could also be a mobile RIG. Which were the first Mobiles to be installed in cars. You just couldn't dial out. So trucker lingo comes into effect. You should have said mobile phone.
Dátum: 2010.03.06. 04:21:25
Just saw a question i know is wrong. It asked-

Which one of these did the canadians invent-
1-the bible
4-dont remember lol

The correct answer was lacrosse but this is just dead wrong. I cannot believe a answer so simple as this was got sooo wrong. Fact of the matter is Indians created lacrosse and french men exploring saw this and named it le crosse, For the stick. Lacrosse was invented by the Iroquois and Huron Peoples.

Iroquois (-kwoi', -kwoiz').
A Native American confederacy inhabiting New York State and originally composed of the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca peoples, known as the Five Nations. After 1722 the confederacy was joined by the Tuscaroras to form the Six Nations. Also called Iroquois League.
A member of this confederacy or of any of its peoples.
Any or all of the languages of the Iroquois.

Wyandot, or -dots, also Wyandotte or -dottes. AKA huron peoples-
A Native American people formed of groups displaced by the destruction of the Huron confederacy in the mid-17th century, formerly located in Ohio and the upper Midwest and now living in northeast Oklahoma.
A member of this people.
The Iroquoian language of the Wyandot.
[Wyandot wãdát, tribal name.]
Dátum: 2010.03.04. 02:46:46
Idézet: nerdears - 2010.03.03. 21:20:35
Most people know it as "Ring Around the rosey, pocket full of posey, ashes, ashes, we all fall down"!

I haven't had this question yet nor did I write it, but I do know it is about the black plague and the actual rhyme (or as close as I can remember) is:

"Ring a ring of roses, pocket full of posies (I think), achoo, achoo, we all fall down" and refers to the protection they tried to use against the plague.

Does this help with the question and answer? I don't know what answers were given and I don't know what the actual question is.

Also, I happened to know this without looking it up, but I doubt it is common knowledge.

The story goes in 1347 people sang this song because of the plague. The "ring" refered to the round red rash. The "a pocket full of posies" was the flowers ppl carried for protection. "Ashes" was a corruption of the sneezing sounds. And " all fall down" were the dead. It has a lot of variations. Amung the one we all know, the one listed above, there are also.

Ring a ring a rosie,
A bottle full of posie,
All the girls in town,
Ring a little Josie.

Round the ring of roses,
Pots full of posies,
The one stoops the last,
Shell tell whom she loves the best.

Ring-a-ring o' roses,
A pocket full of posies,
One for jack, and one foe jim,
And one for little moses.
A-tischa! A-tischa! A-tischa!

Ring, a ring o'roses,
A pocket full o' posies,
Up-stairs and down-stairs,
In my lady's chamber-
Husher! Husher! Cuckoo.

BUT the actual history of the meaning is up to interpritation. All of these version are said to be from around the same era. But noone has any idea the true meaning of any of them.

The actually meaning wasnt even published until 1961. And by that i mean it was never published before this date that this song refered to the black plague.

Many believe the songs derived from religious bans on dancing. And that adolescents would play these songs as games in which rings were involved. They even had more the one dance or game. "Little sally saucer" was also a song compared to this one.

So in the end songs like this and a tisket a tasket, hey diddle didle and even i am a little walrus all have no particular meaning. So to say it is for SURE this song is derived from the black plague actually is false.
Oldal: 123