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Hozzászólások - Cruel01

Dátum: 2011.01.13. 17:16:56
What if we do Level ^2 * 50 equals 1build point?
This means a lvl 41 player would need 84,000 manacon for every point and a lvl 50 would need 125,000.
This would give an advantage to strong builders and still keep lower level players in the dispute.

P.S. I am not a builder so I don't know if the figures I am presenting make sense. If not, the formula can be changed a little. If ^2 is too little, we can change to ^3, etc... The important thing is that lvl 21, 31, 41, etc... cannot have a disadvantage when comparing to 30, 40, 50, etc...

Dátum: 2011.01.13. 15:38:28
In most cases, it is IMPOSSIBLE to have proof of external software utilization.
Take the clicker for example. How will anyone ever be able to prove that it was not me clicking in the buttom every second for 2 hours?
What they can do is assume that it is humanly impossible for someone to do what I described and use their judgement to ban a person even without proof.
And let's be honest here. I understand some of you are friends with the defendant, but if the situation Doomlord presented is true (and the GM can check if it is), it is simply humanly impossible to hit him 1 second after leaving immunity.
This rule applies to other external programs also. Most of them will simply do what a human can do, but faster and without the need to live a life.

In my view, the definition for the permanent ban is taking that long because the GMs don't have proof (and never will). They are just deciding if they have enough evidence to permanently ban even with no proof.

Dátum: 2011.01.13. 15:21:00
The crystal must be reusable and expire. The idea of having it expiring right after the next event is excellent because whoever wants to keep them will haver to "defend his title".
In the original list of prizes, there was nothing about the infection but if any prizes are going to include that, we should definitely have the option to increase or decrease it. I still have my "reward" from Zarknod to reduce the infection which I will never use.
The focus crystals should give +%SE instead of +3/5/7/10. And it should be like CA, without affecting the opponent. +10 SE for a dueler is REALLY useless!
Regarding the medal, why not just define the + amount and let the player choose which skill he wants to increase. If it is +10, the player will opt +10 of whatever skill he wants. This would be a one-time choice though. No regret option.
The idea of giving prizes to losers is dumb in my view. A loser, as the name indicates, is a person who lost. This person can't win something for losing, otherwise, it wouldn't be a loss.

Regarding the manacon argument, I am a duler but I agree that high manacon players shoud have an advantage in the building competition. BUT ONLY USE IT ONCE A DAY. The compromise is required!

Please refer to my previous post to understand that the loss for duelers exists is not small.

Dátum: 2011.01.12. 15:47:36
Hehe. I agree that this post was a little weird.
If you cheat/steal, you should know you are assuming the risk of being banned/arrested. Otherwise, most people would choose that route.

Dátum: 2011.01.12. 03:39:39
I gave some more thought on the SP matter and you guys are right. Duelers would probably be able to use the manacon once a day.
Therefore, I believe the building contest will end tied with many people getting either 21 or 42 points (depending on the rules).

Regarding the compromise, you are wrong. Duelers don't like XP that much. In my level, I do 400 SE average for every 21 XP when hunting and 1,000 SE average for every 17 XP when dueling. I believe the event battles will give me a similar ratio SE/XP than the one I get hunting (if I recall correctly, Zarknod was like that), which is not very good for me.

Dátum: 2011.01.11. 20:02:21
In my view, duellers won't compete with builders because they simply can't afford to spend all their Mana with building.

Dátum: 2011.01.11. 18:04:06
I don't see why all the fuss about this builders x duelers thing?
In order to get the 1 point with manaconstruction, the player has to use it with FULL MANA.
I am not sure any dueler is going to sacrifice all its mana just to get this 1 point, specially because no dueler will be expecting to win in the building contest anyway (I know I won't).

So, at the end of the event, the builders who decide to participate will have to compromise by not building for the clan and the duelers will have to compromise by getting a lot of XP for few SE in the battles.

In my view, it is very fair.

Dátum: 2011.01.11. 00:31:00
Thank you very much!
I will invest on it then

Was surprised by the limt on CA though. Specially because the description of the Skill doesn't mention anything (and it definitely should!!)

Dátum: 2011.01.11. 00:20:45
Regarding the building aspect, I see that the maximum prize will be granted to who has more than 40 points. But isn't it only one point a day for 3 weeks, totalling 21 points max?!
Unless 2 points are possible (manaconstruction + SE). In this case, some people might do 42 points. Is it the case?

Dátum: 2011.01.10. 23:58:37
I have the exact same doubt.
I am thinking if it is worth to invest on EH and knowing if it comes before or after Afinity makes a HUGE difference.
Does anyone know the answer for this?

Dátum: 2011.01.09. 21:19:57
If there is any other post on that matter, I will also withdraw my monthly 30 euros from the game
Dátum: 2011.01.09. 00:03:11
Idézet: Miklos - 2011.01.08. 22:29:12

"What happens if I start the event at level 29 and go up to 32 during the 3 weeks?"
No, you will stay in the category you started off at the beginning. In any case, the epic you fight will be designed so you have a good chance to defeat it, regardless of your level.

Thank you Miklos.
Your answer left me a little confused though.
The original message said "Each category gets an epic opponent to defeat. If they win, they can help the next higher category. If that is dead as well, they can help the next lower category, etc." So I thought all players in one category would fight the same epic creature. Isn't it the case?

Also, when do you expect the event to happen?

Dátum: 2011.01.08. 02:28:06
Getting back to the clan penalty, it is clear to me that no clan should benefit from the actions of a cheater.
In the discussed example (and considering the mentioned player is actually guilty!!), the clan should lose at least 7mm from their SE (go to -7mm like when losing a war). This would be the minimum to be expected.


P.S. Just to emphasize: This should be applied to ALL clans who receive ANY benefit from a cheater.
Dátum: 2011.01.08. 01:22:54
What happens if I start the event at level 29 and go up to 32 during the 3 weeks?
Do I get to compete on 21-30 category like the championship, that only counts the moment of registration?

Dátum: 2011.01.02. 15:32:01
I believe you when you say the new evaluators are better.
But I would say that 80% of the questions are specific knowledge.
If the rules were to be applied in all the database, very few questions would remain and we would be answering repeated questions all day long.
In my view, "googlability" should be accepted as a rule. Otherwise, we will just keep pretending there are rules.


P.S. I have given up proposing questions during the previous evaluator's team "reign". Seeing a perfectly good question being rejected and having to answer horrible/WRONG questions right after was a big turn off. It is simply not worth to get double SE. Specially considering you can get ZERO if the evaluator so decides.
Dátum: 2010.12.31. 01:20:15
Maybe it has already been suggested, but why can't Premium players choose between 25% more AP or DP?
Being restricted to APs is not good for duelers.

Dátum: 2010.12.24. 18:08:27
I was agreeing with you. The equipment change, if made correctly, would make it much harder for the attacker to know the exact time to attack.

Dátum: 2010.12.24. 15:14:51
The equipment change definitely makes the human click approach harder...

Anyone interested in cheating will have access to dozens of softwares capable of supporting them. Once upon a time, I used to be a GM in a similar game and I was surprised by what some tools were capable of doing. And it was always a player who showed the software to us. I just named one very basic and well known tool. All cheaters know this one.

Dátum: 2010.12.24. 00:46:01
As Miklos said, it is very hard to catch "third party programs" cheating.
But in this particular case, it seems very obvious to me. To have that 1 second precision (and considering it happened several times, because we can't really discard luck once in a while), the person is probably just trying to attack non-stop until it is possible. My guess is that a software like the "autoclick" [link removed] is being used. It is a very basic program that simply hits a buttom constantly.

The problem is that it is very hard to catch someone because nothing stops the person from actually clicking in the duel buttom every second.

Edit: You know what? I was thinking a little more about the matter and isn't easy to know when the person will have more than 15% life just by knowing their current life and constitution? Maybe it won't be possible to have 1 second precision, but a 10 second precision is more than enough for any attacker to manually click in the duel buttom non-stop.


Edit: Kethios
Reason: Won't allow to post scripts.
Dátum: 2010.12.19. 15:54:27
I have played several games with open formulas in forums. Maybe they were calculated by players but they were never black boxes like Doomlord. For example, in another duel based game I used to play, I was able to see my % to hit in every duel. And that of course, enabled players to do the calculation.
Here, we don't know anything. If I want to be a mage, for example, can I just invest in IQ/Thau counting that my much higher stats on those 2 abilities will be enough to grant me the victory? Probably not, but it is not clear.

I am not criticizing your work. Quite the contrary. I think it is great!
Regarding the strength bonus, it is not clear to me.
"The strength bonus is a RND(Strength) value added to the melee damage"
What does this mean?