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Oldal: 123456789
Dátum: 2014.01.28. 16:10:37
I have 2 pets over level 100 for becoming minions, and the other 7 pets are level 41. They got that way from exercise and a large amount of Further training..
Now I am of the mind that if I want to spend my temple crystals on my pets then I should be able to max out my minions on the first day of this event!!!! btu obviously they feel that it woudl be an advantage to do so, so they are making it so everyone would start out with the same level minion and have to build from there..
Dátum: 2014.01.16. 18:31:50
Congradulations Cruel01 on your glorious victory of the Pyramid of glory.

it would appear that focusing on the task at hand, instead of complaining about it on the forums, was the right strategy
Dátum: 2014.01.14. 17:23:52
on another side note, you get 145 AS from the temple, so if you do the first 2 rows without using a decree, you can use a decree on every level after that for free..

so for fuck sake Ardent... quit the god damn game already... no one likes you!
Dátum: 2014.01.14. 17:15:05
I already had to use 1 decree because I am 90k XP away from leveling and already completed all my tasks... oopse

other than that, I find this version of the temple VERY doable... last time if you couldn't complete a task you HAD to use a decree or just say "screw it" and not complete the temple... this time, it get WAY easier over time and since I don't care about time this is a fun event.

however, 3x level 50 pets is another one that no one can do without a decree... I don't even have enough temple crystals to level pets that far! I foresee myself having no problem completing this in 3 weeks and getting all the rewards with only using one more decree for the pet quest... AND, you can use SE for the decree if you are not a premium member.

some people just need something to complain about.
Dátum: 2014.01.08. 13:30:11
first of all this event totally sux on every level..... Secondly, I think it shoudl get easier as it goes... do you want to be Ruler of the planet? pay up! if like everyone else you want to sit it out for the first week then you can still complete it and get the rewards...
as for the level 80 pet, you will need him to feed to your minion.
Dátum: 2014.01.03. 14:13:18
Talk to us Miklos....
Dátum: 2013.12.30. 13:56:28
so how about the peple (like me) who spend 400 AS on the 4 new relics 5 days before you came out with the rewards for spending AS? there is NOTHING left to spend AS on to get those higher rewards because I already bought everything. the only option would be to buy 400 AS worth of pet items and sell them back for half price
there is 3 hours left for that and I am not going to do it.
Dátum: 2013.12.29. 12:26:56
Idézet: Amaterasu - 2013.12.29. 07:09:23
The platinum is a limited commodity, therefore you can possess only 200 platinum at once.

Daily offer
500 Platinum

Can we have more than 200?

yes, I now have 710 Platinum which means I had 210 before that
Dátum: 2013.12.21. 20:39:23
Idézet: Cruel01 - 2013.12.21. 18:57:59
Let's disregard our war for a second. At the end of the day, it's just a couple hours of soul well anyway. Conceptually, allowing support in a war is just stupid.


War is the exact time to do it! A clan is there to suport each other and work as a team.. I know BoxOfdouche doesnt uderstand that concept but I thought you would... a war effects the whole clan (not very much though) so that's why Lone hero doesnt work becasue it's not just about one person.
You are welcome to join us if you want
Dátum: 2013.12.21. 18:26:16
Idézet: Cruel01 - 2013.12.21. 18:08:30
Support should be disabled in times of war. As a matter of fact, it is quite odd that it hasn't been always like this, given other defensive features (like Transcendal Projection) get deactivated for wars .


Or better yet, no it shouldn't you're winning anyway.
Dátum: 2013.12.18. 11:56:25
Idézet: ardent - 2013.12.18. 08:51:42
Can't use ducat potions, still getting this message

"During the Landragor event you can't use this item!"

Please Fix it, ty!

I just used mine 2 min ago. they must have fixed it.
Dátum: 2013.12.17. 13:13:52
were we supposed to get an Idol for completing the Zarknod event?
Dátum: 2013.12.14. 12:01:29
Now that the world are merged there are more than one Crystal clan. For example, corrently we are at war with Crystal Clan_1 but when you look at the duel page they are all just labeled Cystal clan even though they are in diffferent. The problem is that you cannot see which Crystal clan members you are at war with so you can target them first (you get more SE from the one you are war with)
Dátum: 2013.12.13. 11:55:50
Idézet: Miklos - 2013.12.13. 10:42:30
We had a very long exchange with Stiska. His problem was that after the merge, he found himself in the neighbourhood of some stronger players (it was much more complicated, about some people having top50 modifier for longer time etc, I don't go into details here). Finally I ask him what he suggest, what to do. I don't know why he found that question silly and offending.

you could have gotten rid of the tourture chamber then he wouldn't care about the stronger players.
Dátum: 2013.12.12. 14:57:16
Idézet: Stiska - 2013.12.12. 13:10:26
Well the time has come

Respect to you cruel no matter of our difference in opinion, you have been good leader and good friend (w4 specially). I cant play this way, if you are playing game you suppose to enjoy in it specially cause you are spending money for it. I am not dump to play something and give money while you are frustrated every time you log. Not only that, you complain and every time you complain you get silly answer after while like "Anyway, let's be constructive. What do you suggest? If you could change something, what would it be?" thats mean actually nothing will change dummass just stay in game , and actually they never changed anything. Elven my dear friend you are probably one of the best persons i found in this game. stay good and wish you all the best. maybe we found each other in some other game. Cale, darckk, scott and whole my tribe wish you the best. was proud to play by your side.
Miklos when you are writing me such mails be careful that if you want to keep some guys in this game dont make them stupid. I said to you that i will be here till end of this event but i obviously cant. You guys, moods make me leave after few years of playing and more then 50 medals gaining but actually i could say thanks to you cause if you didnt change this who knows when i would press delete button.


is it really about the money? I woudl spend 50 bucks a month playing whatever game came out at the time and then beat it and ned a new one.. I can spend maybe $20 a month here and it's been 3 years now!! .. I can blow 20 bucks by going somewere els for lunch one day, I might as well spend it instead on something I enjoy.... dont complain about the cost, fork up the cash and have a good time. You will enjoy the game so much more.
Dátum: 2013.12.11. 13:28:00
I like it, so if I understand correctly, if we get a level 120 fetish and have a level 400 pet, it can only ascend to level 120. Then through a regular routine of leveling pets to 20 and consuming them for the squeeze a level 20 pet quest we can get them to level 250 fairly quickly.
You had said that the Minion will gain the levels of the pet consumed, is that all 20 levels? you might have already mentioned that I will have to go look.... but the XP from battles probably wont be the main way to level the Minion anyway.

Question: I have pets that I have been leveling on the side for just such an event, I have used further training a bunch of times and it trains all my pets including those. Will further training have an effect on the Minion when he ascends, or just on pets that he would then consume?

EDIT: I see, it said that the Minion will get the XP from the pet consumed, not the levels.
Dátum: 2013.12.11. 13:15:52
Idézet: Vorinclex - 2013.12.11. 07:12:08
on the last phase, is it possible to get more than 1 epic treasure chest? or i have to use my previous ones to get another?

you are "supposed" to be able to have more than one epic treasure chest. in the past you could only have one.
Dátum: 2013.12.07. 23:48:49
Idézet: Ilyanna - 2013.12.07. 20:33:05
So far part of the reward for me is my infection drops by 5%. I'm at 100%. What if I don't want my infection to drop? Is it an absolute or will it be my prerogotive to chose that part of thes reward?

in past landrago event the -5% was a seperate button. so you just dont click it..... avoid the temtation!!!!
Dátum: 2013.12.07. 18:15:14
In this battle you have dealt a total of 46319 damage and have taken 87428 damage.
Your HPs dropped below 15% (-1 Action Point). You bandage yourself (+38697 hit points).

an Entity should NOT be able to do that much damage.... I dont care if it's level 319... if I am at full health it should have a max amount it can do... the entire first 50% of it's health this never happened once.. now that it's almost dead it happened twice in a row and I lost 2 AP's.
Dátum: 2013.12.06. 23:11:15
the Cyber bully is hurting feelings again....

Ardent the iron fisted bitch is showing her true feelings towards our hordies

Subject:Re: (no title)
Date:Today, 23:55:40
What? I did not leave anywhere, I am around to kick your rear! I'll attack you all until you all quit!
Oldal: 123456789