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Hozzászólások - dark22

Dátum: 2010.10.03. 03:52:54
Idézet: ChaoticGemini - 2010.04.07. 14:00:13
Pet absorption is not cumulative. You get the average absorption between all your equipped pets. So, I believe that would make your absorption 48.

Sorry for necroing this but I m not sure I understand how this works.
So if the pet absortion is just an average what is the point in having more than one pet in the fight?
If this is true it is better to have 1 pet with absortion on 40 than 4 with 35.
But if every pets absortion is counted and added why would it use average of their absortion instead of just using exact numbers for each one added up?
Dátum: 2010.10.03. 03:31:09
Thats exactly the problem as Viridel wrote. When you take in consideration top 20 players list and compare it to the horde ranks you see that it is almost same. There are more than double emerald players there and the difference in total SE is more than double, next horde in top 20 is saphire and guess who is second in the total SE in the event.

But my main bad thing about this event, beside the poor (or lets say the same) rewards for top list players vs. horde players, is that the event is forced on players.
We have heard about 10 times the line "if you don't like it don't participate", but what if you CAN'T participate? Is it the same? well answer is no.
For example on one newer world I started late and have went for a strange strategy, making my character builder until higher lvls.
So now I am in situation where I have to buy 5 mana potions per day on low level because I have 400 SP and have to use boost few time a day (lvl 40) for different purposes. And my mana regeneration is halved because I can t beat the 1 gnome a day needed to make it normal.
So I either have to suffer with it or say "screw it" and change my strategy just so that I can TRY to be able to defeat gnomes while spending AP which are crucial to builder and as a reward I would get ability stats which are again useless to builder.

/rant over
Dátum: 2010.10.03. 01:46:54

Learning Level 56: expert hunt - During your hunt, you can select the larger species more efficiently. As a result, the random factor of your prey's size decreases. The skill also increases the SE you acquire when hunting. If your skill is at least half of your level, you should expect +5% SE average.

❖Learning Level 60: epic specialization - Each level of this skill decreases the time between two attacks on an epic creature by 1 minute. Maximum level is 50, at that point you can attack the epic once every 10 minutes. The skill decreases the spell damage of the epic monster, half percent per level. Mind boost has no effect this skill. At maximum you also get the bonus of reducing the regeneration of the entities (level 2 epic monsters)
Dátum: 2010.10.01. 18:05:02
It does that automaticly, try to swith to just one horde and you ll instantly see people with 80%/60%
Dátum: 2010.09.30. 15:46:49
I don't think its about the -1 sec hunt Kethios (3 lvls of elementary and you get 10 zarknod medals worth of hunting seconds) nor the 10 ducats, its mostly about the prestige. I watched lists closely while admireing the people that were constantly on both lists, wondering how much SE they have put in this event.
And now I as emerald player have the same medal as Spin with about 1/8 of SE invested.
I know that main reward were Ability points but there should be a way of knowing that someone totally killed the event just by looking at his/her profile, with the same effect as when you check a character with champ/quiz medals:)
Specially when there are people with 2 medals.
Dátum: 2010.09.30. 01:50:25
by my observations people are released from torture chamber around 4 a.m. game time. You can be in as many torture chambers as the number of your lost duels while defending that day.
Dátum: 2010.09.29. 22:05:16
That sucks for non emerald players. So if you want to get the medal it is cheaper to just switch your horde to emerald and kill 30 gnomes than to try to stay in top 10 in any category... There you go w2 and w3
Dátum: 2010.09.26. 23:40:59
Beutiful pair of emerald maned pegasuses
Dátum: 2010.09.23. 03:13:26
Who elected you as a non-paying users spokesman? I like how the game deals with differences between paying and non paying customers, its quite easy to be better than paying one when you play for free if you know what are you doing. At the same time there is enough of bonuses you get when you pay not to feel as if you re paying for nothing.
Bottom line is if you don't like it, quit bitching for free stuff, and find your self a better free game.
Dátum: 2010.09.20. 21:53:43
Its math, its not like there is someone who hates you and calculates the amounts on paper. Its not probable that the calculations are wrong, best way to see what you lack is to ask your clanmate what is the difference in your SE input. Modifier depends on horde as well, so if your clanmate (pawn of loyalty) is different horde that can be the answer.
Dátum: 2010.09.16. 00:30:43
"What is the use of a lightning rod" or something similar. ( I ll add when and if I get the question again and I hope I wont)

correct marked answer is:

To reduce the probability of a lightning strike..
While at the same time there is :

To attract lightning

What am I missing here? If anyone would know how to reduce the possibility of a lightning they would be very rich (beside the tools farmers use, but they do it to break clouds, not to affect lightning.

Rods are in fact used to attract ligtnings to prevent it to hit anywhere else and cause damage.

minus 1 internet point and minus 1 point in logic understaning of question for moderator who left this slip.
Dátum: 2010.09.15. 22:37:51
Yeah that was exactly my point, you can t just pick someone good on higher level (urgod is 39 lvl) and say that he is cheater. On low levels I agree that there are obvious push accounts which are giving bad name to the rest of good spiders.

Oh and if someone is willing to get their push account to so high lvl that their actual character has an use of it I d congratulate them more than go beserk for cheating:D
Dátum: 2010.09.15. 00:34:52
Some spiders are just better than others. Simple as that, as with anygame it depends on how much time you invest in the game. You could have a farm list or you could have a farm list AND scry before attacking every time. That will change factor of sucees significantly. I hate when people are called cheaters just because they are good at what they do, and by watching few players in my clan I can see that they simply know what they are doing.
Next time before questioning is a player a cheater try to mail him first and ask for an advice. You d be suprised how many little tricks you can pick up and how friendly players are.
Dátum: 2010.09.12. 01:46:29
World 2 has not finished phase 1 yet as far as I know.
Dátum: 2010.09.10. 22:17:25
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.09.10. 05:33:06

Correct about the dual meaning of football but does the US actually have a football world cup? If i am correct is called Superball. Any thoughts Viridel?

They don't have a word cup, although they do tend to call their champion teams "world champions"
[baseball, am. football and NBA included].

Its superbowl dude:)

Idézet: tafty - 2010.09.10. 19:58:05
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.09.10. 10:14:22
Russians are Europeans. Russia includes other races that are not European but Russians are a slavic race like Bulgarians, Romanians, etc. So they most defineately are part of the European races

europeans refers to them being from europe
russia is in asia not europe
and then i guess if you want to think of it that way then the first people in alaska would be africains
since as best the scienctists can guess we all came from there
either way it is a wrong answer to the question

Russians declare themselfs as europeans, and that matters the most, as well as the fact that their capitol city is in europe as well as the population/km2 is by far greater in european part. Tell me how many blonde and blue eyed asians do you know? And that is stereotypical image of russians everyone has in their mind when talking about them.
Dátum: 2010.09.05. 03:48:31
Or with the infamous "draw quest" equipment:D
Dátum: 2010.08.29. 03:13:22
Well it is easier to have more used SE when you are lower level player (higher multiplier of used SE), but I m not so sure that it explains this fully, multiplier should not be that much different to make this kind of difference. Another thing is amount of killed gnomes in your example; someone somewhere said that to calculate final reward one devides number of killed beasts with number of SE builded (or the other way around, whatever), in this case with one player having less SE invested and more kills it should mean he gets less reward and he didn't?
Dátum: 2010.08.20. 21:17:09
I m really not sure what seems to be trouble with this event. I mean I fully understand the bad sides you bring but in my opinion there is just one downside in it; impact on players who don't want to participate together with their clans. If someone decides that the event is not worth it, he/she should not be punished with halved mana reg, nor the clans in general should feel the concequnces of it (slower SW filling).
About the charging pylons themselves there is quite an imbalance in lvl abilities that I can witness first handed as 32nd lvl on w1 and 9th on w2. There is no practical way for me to compete with higher lvl players which is kind of sad but it does not make the event useless, cause I can still grab the rewards from it.
About the winning ag gnomes/elves I win around 50% of my battles on lvl 8 with lvl 1 equipment (hunter) against lvl 13 enemies wich means it is really possible to do it within reasonable efford.
Dátum: 2010.08.19. 23:48:44
My luck is 98 (32lvl) and I found relic at 3rd or 4th win, now I m on 14 wins (due to mixed up stats my win ratio is somewhere about 60-70%) and have found 2 mana potions. So I d say that luck is a factor or I just got lucky pun not intended)
Dátum: 2010.08.09. 15:53:37
What form did fire form after merry and pippin lite it in LOTR. (will edit with exact question when I run into it again).

As this is first time I run into this question I'll assume that it is fairly new. I watched lord of the ring at least 2 times (every movie from series), and I really don't even have slightest idea on what part of the movie this is related to, not to mention what form did the fire form.
Few pages back on one of the quizz forum section stekkos made a good point about asking this kind of questions using ( lol) LOTR type of question to explain. In short if you have to watch the movie again and search for the answer of the movie related question , it is bad question, and then I get this question?
I don't mind googling every other historical on geog question, but I d like a fair shot on answering at least movie question about movie I saw twice without using google.