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Hozzászólások - Viridel

Dátum: 2010.08.05. 19:06:57
Idézet: D00ml0rd - 2010.08.05. 05:16:42
they have short and long corners in soccor? dont think so.

From a Corner Kick, the kick can go Long (into the box) or Short.

in Field hockey they do, long corner is taken from the corner position of backline and sideline and a short corner is taken on the backline but only a few yards away from the goal box.

Fair enough - FIELD hockey is the better example.

ice hockey is only played in a couple of countries, field hockey is a world wide sport:)

good question allbeit maybe the hockey could be changed to field hockey.

Keep in mind who plays THIS game - North America & Europe - Ice Hockey is the far more "popular" sport.
Dátum: 2010.08.05. 03:54:53
Suggestion for the box:

Have an End-Game. No standard server should last more than a year.
Dátum: 2010.08.05. 03:51:45
Idézet: Kethios - 2010.08.04. 12:13:32
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.08.03. 18:49:05
Is there a plan for an End Game? It would be nice to know whether all the building and development will lead to a definite conclusion and victor.

No. This game has no end planned yet. I don't think the admins even plan an ending for Doomlord. They'll improve it and implement new features with time.

Hmmm... So it is rather pointless to be the #1 Clan, or even the #1 player... Kinda puts a damper on trying to be the best, and really creates a disincentive to buy Stones - since having no End Game makes patience more viable. I know, personally, I don't want to play a game that just goes forever.
Dátum: 2010.08.05. 03:32:59
In which sport are there long corners and short corners.

Answer given as Hockey, should be Soccer. Hockey is just a completely wrong answer.
Dátum: 2010.08.04. 19:56:48
The bidding for the Dornodon gyűrűje item was won by...

Yeah, same as above post.
Dátum: 2010.08.04. 18:09:46
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.08.04. 04:11:29
Not sucks, just dont think its an easy ride. I lost thousands of se from lost 20% bonus because i have to evaluate this kind of questions. Still, its part of the job so i accept it

So, as a Mod, you get a 20% Hunt Bonus?
Dátum: 2010.08.04. 17:44:03
haw many teeth are there minimum in a dental ceramique bridge ?

a) A couple of spelling issues
b) The answer to this isn't on Wiki, and I'm not hunting thru dental spec. charts to find an answer
c) How exactly is my life enriched by knowing the answer to this?
Dátum: 2010.08.03. 20:44:02
Idézet: IMMORTAL DOOMLORD - 2010.08.03. 20:05:07
i did that before and i still can't see my luck in YOUR CHARACTER,i don't know is it because i am lvl 2,or i am blind

" Luck: Luck is an ability which cannot be developed directly from soul-energy, like other abilities. Luck is increased automatically when you build for your clan. It counts in many ways, for example: - In duels it is randomly decided who goes first, but the luck ability affects it! - In battles there is a minimum and maximum chance to hit: sometimes even the greatest warrior can miss the target and the clumsiest fighter can be successful. If you are luckier than your opponent, your minimum and maximum to hit ratio will increase and his (or her) minimum and maximum to hit ratio will decrease. - The really lucky Doomlords and Doomladies will find bigger than average monsters (that means more soul-energy, too) more often. - Sometimes you can loot special relics from the terrible monsters coming through the Dimension Gates. Luckier you are, the more often... "

Luck and level has no connection between. Your luck depends on your building, if you never built anything, your luck will be zero.
The above description tells you quite exactly what luck does.
1.) In combat, it affects minimum and maximum hit chance. The base for this is the luck difference of the combatants. For example, if both of you has a luck of 100, no one gets favored by Fortune. But if your luck is much higher than your opponent's, then your minimum and maximum chance to hit is increased, as is your opponent's decreased. Some more experienced players consider luck to be one of the most important abilities.
2.) During hunt, sometimes you find tiny monsters (they give less than average SE) or huge ones (they give more than the average). If your luck is high, you will have a slightly bigger chance to find huge monsters, and smaller chance to find tiny ones. But be warned, luck has very small effect on this, don't expect a spectacular result when your luck increases by 10.
3.) The chance for loot in Dimension Doors is a direct result of your luck, although there is a cap to this chance somewhere between 20 and 30%, but you need quite high luck to reach this cap.
Dátum: 2010.08.03. 19:44:50
Idézet: IMMORTAL DOOMLORD - 2010.08.03. 19:11:10
how can i improve luck?

Use the "Quick Search" function in the upper right, and search for "Luck". I guarantee that will improve your luck - at least in finding an answer to a question that has been asked many times before.
Dátum: 2010.08.03. 19:09:02
Idézet: ImLittleJon - 2010.08.03. 18:14:41
Would this question be accepted as is? If not, what's the minimum context that would need to be added? (I'm sure it's bumping up against the character limit already)

If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood / Who ya gonna call? If it's somethin' weird and it won't look good / Who ya gonna call?

The answer, of course, would be Ghostbusters.

As long as all four answers were movies / movie characters, I wouldn't have any issue with it. Quite a clever question.
Dátum: 2010.08.03. 19:01:41
War broke out on 7/13 @ 19:46, the battles are even as of 8:03 @ 20:59 - it's been three weeks, and a Draw should be declared... Why isn't the system processing this?

All the more reason to implement a "Offer a Draw" button on the War page. So when diplomacy actually works, we don't need to waste two weeks tip-toeing around each other for a Draw that doesn't actually process on time!

Admin - feedback on this one, please!
Dátum: 2010.08.03. 18:53:16
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.08.03. 10:30:26
What is he like?
He is quite clever.
He likes vegetable.
He is tall and fat.
He is fine, thanks.

? At least i got it right

Proof that being a Mod kinda' sucks.
Dátum: 2010.08.03. 18:49:05
Is there a plan for an End Game? It would be nice to know whether all the building and development will lead to a definite conclusion and victor.
Dátum: 2010.08.02. 17:41:38
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.08.02. 17:08:22
It would make a lot of people happy if an admin could focus on this part of your company. Like a manager of doomlord. I wouldnt dream of telling you how to run your business, just a thought. After all you are no different than any multinational company right now, you have customers from all over the world. A person assigned to focus on handling these everyday issues of doomlord will free the rest of you and get more people happy by letting them know you are listening.

Dátum: 2010.08.01. 20:15:43
Idézet: ImLittleJon - 2010.07.30. 19:26:38
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.07.28. 15:19:09
According to the book, The Hobbit, what is the answer to the riddle Gollum is unable to guess? What is in Bilbo's pocket?

Wow... And this isn't specialized knowledge?

Within the demographic of people who play online computer games? Hardly.

Yet questions about Comics and card games (like Magic) are usually refused... Seems somewhat hypocritical.

I just think that asking about the answer to a riddle in a book (not even a recent movie) is too small a detail. And note I said "Specialized", and I doubt you can honestly disagree.
Dátum: 2010.08.01. 20:09:14
Idézet: Czernovski - 2010.07.31. 08:29:59
How many members had the Fellowship of the Ring at the beginning?


The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
According to evaluators the answer is an uninteresting lexical knowledge.

I really thought that this question would already be in the database... But I really didnt expect that it is an uninteresting lexical knowledge...

It's a great movie... In fact, I watched it exactly one week ago... And I couldn't answer this with any certainty.
It's just way too intricate a detail in a massive trilogy.
Dátum: 2010.08.01. 20:03:24
Idézet: ImLittleJon - 2010.07.30. 19:31:42
Idézet: Miklos - 2010.07.28. 20:47:48
Nice ideas, thank you, will look into it if we can implement some!

Oh, I see how it is. Viridel and I post suggestions with no reply, but along comes a cute, pink muppet with a vicious karate chop, and suddenly you're looking into implementing her suggestions.

You noticed that too, eh? I've just given up on the Admins in this game... Easier that way. Anything more is a pleasant surprise.
Dátum: 2010.08.01. 19:57:05
Is there an "End Game" plan? I can't see the game remaining all that interesting after year(s) of play.
Dátum: 2010.07.29. 05:44:13
Who stopped Attila the Hun?
Marcus Aurelius

Attila the Hun and the invasion of Italy stopped at Rome by Pope Leo
Pope Leo threatened Attila with the power from St Peter, the Prince of the Apostles, if he did not turn back and leave Italy unmolested. Attila the Hun ...

The later anonymous account of the meeting of Leo I and Attila,[35] a pious "fable which has been represented by the pencil of Raphael and the chisel of Algardi" (as Gibbon called it) says that the Pope, aided by Saint Peter and Saint Paul, convinced him to turn away from the city.[citation needed]

Dátum: 2010.07.29. 05:41:58
Idézet: daktarus - 2010.07.28. 20:45:30
let alone the spelling diff between deer and deere how can you compare a lawn mower to an animal?

Because it's a SLOGAN, not a DESCRIPTION...
