Idézet: Phalanxii - 2010.08.05. 18:37:17 Another entity question... the different batches of equipment... am I offered the equipment of the first aswell as the second batch if I do enough to get the second.
Does that equipment selection get depend on the final level monster I defeat? What level would that need to be? If I do +2 on every battle, do I get the second batch (or +3 getting the third batch etc)?
Going up 4500hp every three levels is tough :/
Do not rush, beating 3 levels higher every time may give you more options at the end, but it might take too long to actually beat 15 to get there. The items you get are powerfull even at lower batches. So just follow your characters strength to determine how fast the entitys level will rise. (btw, you get all the batches below the highest you achieved, so if you reach batch 3 by level 15 you see items from batch 1 to batch 3)
The equipment depents on the last level of the monster you defeat. I am no sure how the ranks go but i got the feeling you will need to beat a round number of monster levels to change batch (so make the number 15 entity be level 60, 70 etc)