Felhasználónév: Jelszó:

Hozzászólások - Bartessica Slam

Dátum: 2013.09.09. 06:01:45
Hi deadstar,

if I have it right; than you can see that right away.
If you go to the "normal" Duel/challenge screen; than you'll see the "left over". As far as I can see; these are indeed non-participating players... .

Dátum: 2013.08.10. 17:21:27
Hi Miklos,

I've made indeed the same reflection as Sbart did; why isn't this put under "adventure skills".

Anyway, the reason I wanted to make a remark is; why only EH can benefit this AA-skill? Would you please (re)consider to unlock this ability also for DD-players?
Thx for your answer.
Dátum: 2013.07.08. 07:06:10
Hi Cruel,

sorry; you're right... premium doesn't change this fact.
Dátum: 2013.07.07. 17:02:28
Hi Cruel,

same thing here ! But think about the low level players and the non-premium ones please.... for them it's a real "blessing" to get this reward.
Dátum: 2013.06.24. 22:03:54
Hi Stromboli,

this so called "bug" looks like the same issue I had. Just to be sure; try to log in from another computer and look if you got the same problems... I didn't

If you don't have this issue upon another computer; than it's your PC/browser having a "data dump" problem.
So; most likely it's your browser (?explorer?); you can do 2 things:
1. Use firefox instead
2. Use upon a regular basis "Ccleaner" : Ccleaner.com

Dátum: 2013.06.23. 21:26:40
Dear Furby,

most of us won't say you're wrong; though from point of view of the designers; it gives them a fantastic added value in income... and that's the real reason of this event.
(The less players we are; the more income/player they need to keep on running this "free" browser game.)
Dátum: 2013.06.11. 08:47:10
Hi Phatboi,

yep, that's possible
When having a championship; the game/designers make(s) a "dummy" from active champ.players out of the last (past) championship. This is purely to make the game work. So; yes it can be perfectly well be that you were fighting your "mirror" (so to speak) and yes; you can lose from yourself (due to eg. luck or penalty).
(Somewhere deep in this forum you can get more information if wanted)
(And indeed you cannot skry this *dummy*)

I hope this helps you out a bit,
Dátum: 2013.06.04. 09:22:26

is there any information in regard of the/a next promotion (before or during Ruler of the Planet)?

Thanks for your reply,
Dátum: 2013.05.25. 15:33:29
... Hi Trackur,

one of our clanmembers did notice the same;... ahummmm I was telling him/her that he/she would need some glassess... seems an Elf can be mistaken too ...(*humiliating*) rofl
Bottem line, yes, it might be a bug.

Elvenwind (E.)
Dátum: 2013.05.24. 23:11:43
Hi Enbjork123,

please check "Help Request"; the message just under yours; ... there you can find the explanation by Miklos.

Quote :
our programmer has added mage tower level 20+ bonus to the reward calculation as well, but for a brief time, this messed up the calculation for some, now it should be correct.

Dátum: 2013.05.22. 15:42:45
Hi Piko,

just to check... you didn't challenge or duel just before you attacked a dragon?
Because the -xx% penalty is really working upon this attacks against the dragons.

Dátum: 2013.05.21. 15:39:56
Aaaaaahhh... now I understand.

Thx Sbart.
Dátum: 2013.05.12. 10:08:25

I know one use AP to do this event; but as the Quest capture pets isn't working in this event; I might have a compensating idea:

Why not make it possible to let the "critical hit"and "critical spell" counts as valid; after all we are fighting in this (AP)-event , isn't it?

(Furtermore; it's needless to say that due to this handicap; the ToD and Task is corrupted during this event.)
Dátum: 2013.04.21. 17:03:14
Good thinking Tracker,

maybe even a new (specific) type of potion that is usable in any kind of ToD, Task, adventure ... or even event(s). Because most of those things are related to your actual level; and do not count any more beyond this actual low level.

Designers note: eg.: HP of Healing potion = basic level of potion x (1+ players level)/100

Dátum: 2013.04.15. 22:21:36
Q: 18 February 2011: Which country has the world record “without government”?

Explanation: ... indeed like you say; "The record time for being without goverment."
Dátum: 2013.03.06. 16:46:54

Dátum: 2013.02.19. 16:05:49
Hi Miklos
Hi Beholder Ltd,

Hi Kalann,

it all makes sense, I wouldn't be too afraid for that ... but... always a but...

It is a serious drawback indeed for a fresh starting member to build eg. 2.5M SE before having ANY benefit at all...
So; could it be done to work things out in % of building benefit(s)?

Total SE to fill into Soul well : 2.0M SE
Torture Chambre of clan is eg. @ level10

The newbie builds for eg. 0.2M SE; than he/she gets TC at level 1 as "benefit"
The newbie builds for eg. 0.6M SE : than he/she gets TC at level 3 as "benefit"

I really wonder if the programmers could implement this !!

Dátum: 2013.02.03. 18:58:31
Just a small remark/question:

"Is it me; or should there be an explanation under the rewards?"

I know; I have the feeling that it's all in the same order as mentioned upon "rewards"; but still I find it a quit tricky one.
Dátum: 2013.01.31. 17:23:26
Hi Yuggoth,

I cannot "claim" my feeling; but I see not only a higher amount of "pets trapped"; but also a higher income/squeeze.
So, I'm pretty convinced Beholder did change some "luck" during the Xeno-event

Dátum: 2013.01.30. 10:49:37
Hi Proleter,

if you are not at the maximum of your level in trade; than it would be best to send a PM to "Help" (right upper corner, highlighted in yellow)
If you are at the maximum though; than indeed MB would not be an option (any more).
