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Re: Xeno wars
381. hozzászólás - 2012.07.12. 17:31:10
Can someone check my character in both w1 and w3, I'm sure I didn't get medals (same number as before xeno, and in w1 I should get one I didn't have before). Same username
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Re: Xeno wars
382. hozzászólás - 2012.07.12. 22:20:55
never received my xeno medals...
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Re: Xeno wars
383. hozzászólás - 2012.07.13. 09:24:10
Sorry for the inconvience. We repaired it.

You can recived the Xeno medal, if you enter the Xeno menu.
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Re: Xeno wars
384. hozzászólás - 2012.07.13. 12:50:35
Thanks for quick answer!
I got mine in w1, but still nothing in w3. So, either I got that medal the same second the xeno is over, or I didn't get it at all. I just know that last day of xeno, I had x medals, and I still have x. I don't know my number before xeno, sorry.
And almost forgot - talking about squeez medals.
A hozzászólást Yuggoth módosította 2012.07.14. 15:27:53-kor
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Re: Xeno wars
385. hozzászólás - 2013.01.14. 19:56:17
When fighting Xenos for APs, can I complete the "15 lesser monsters" quest?
When fighting Xenos for APs, can you find BOAS and thus complete the "find boas" quest?

I admit Im just a little bit lazy to thoroughly search the forums, but I think this could help also some other people

Thanks for answers
Wicked - W2 - diamond
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Re: Xeno wars
386. hozzászólás - 2013.01.15. 07:56:21
Can we use Archgems when fighting Xenos for AP?
Can we find Subplasmas when we fight Xenos for AP?
Can we find Archgems when we fight Xenos for DP?

Found a Sub-plasma when attacking the Xeno for AP.
Found an Archgem when attacking the Xeno for DP.
But in 100 AP battles I have not spent a single Archgem, even though I have seen seen quite large SE gains (but not as big as a Gigantic creature with Archgem).

Managed to use an Arch-gem when attacking the Xeno for AP (and get the appropriate amount of SE).
A hozzászólást Sbart módosította 2013.01.16. 07:32:09-kor
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Re: Xeno wars
387. hozzászólás - 2013.01.15. 09:53:56
Can we start the event on the date it was announced on ? I know I am slightly trolling but you have to admit it is a legitimate question, taking into account you have a history at delaying events
it figures ....
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Re: Xeno wars
388. hozzászólás - 2013.01.15. 10:01:45 (Válasz ardent #387 hozzászólására.)
Xeno wars will star today 14 o'clock
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Re: Xeno wars
389. hozzászólás - 2013.01.15. 10:34:29
Thank you for the insurance, really makes me feel better it will be on time and all the resource saving plan is going to come to fruition
it figures ....
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Re: Xeno wars
390. hozzászólás - 2013.01.17. 17:40:17
Why do these Xeno's have to hit so hard? do they really need to do 5k damage? How many AP's do you expect us to use on these guys.
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Re: Xeno wars
391. hozzászólás - 2013.01.31. 12:19:27
Is it something done to the luck factor in squeez during xeno? I squeezed around 30-40 without single essence...
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very popularBartessica Slam
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Re: Xeno wars
392. hozzászólás - 2013.01.31. 17:23:26 (Válasz Yuggoth #391 hozzászólására.)
Hi Yuggoth,

I cannot "claim" my feeling; but I see not only a higher amount of "pets trapped"; but also a higher income/squeeze.
So, I'm pretty convinced Beholder did change some "luck" during the Xeno-event

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Re: Xeno wars
393. hozzászólás - 2013.02.01. 02:17:08 (Válasz Bartessica Slam #392 hozzászólására.)
Don't furget folks that if you are building the prisons you are also increasing your luck. As for the number/SE of squeezes... seems about normal to me... in my case from 8K to 17K and all amounts in-between... (if ya knows what I mean)
The ONLY Wombat on W3
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Re: Xeno wars
394. hozzászólás - 2013.02.01. 12:51:17
And how much essences?
number/SE is ok, but flow of essences is loooow
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Re: Xeno wars
395. hozzászólás - 2013.02.02. 00:56:15
I'd reckon that essences are about the same... and when it comes to what is required, exactly the same: not the ones I want LOL

(I am not one of these folks who meticulously records all actions and results to get more detailed info about the game. What I do know is that there has been slight improvements in squeezing returns and general SE from hunting [more plus size beasties plus am leveling up quicker lately]... and finding things, but that can all be put down to the rate of building I am currently doing therefore increasing my luck
The ONLY Wombat on W3
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Re: Xeno wars
396. hozzászólás - 2013.02.03. 18:58:31
Just a small remark/question:

"Is it me; or should there be an explanation under the rewards?"

I know; I have the feeling that it's all in the same order as mentioned upon "rewards"; but still I find it a quit tricky one.
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Re: Xeno wars
397. hozzászólás - 2013.02.04. 19:44:46
When will the medals be awarded?
Not received mine yet.
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Re: Xeno wars
398. hozzászólás - 2013.02.05. 10:48:17 (Válasz Dancer #397 hozzászólására.)
I'm in the same situation.

Ok, I've got it now!
A hozzászólást Dzsokipuding módosította 2013.02.05. 10:50:06-kor
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Re: Xeno wars
399. hozzászólás - 2013.02.05. 13:23:34
Everybody can get the missing medals, if he/she log in the xeno page!
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Re: Xeno wars
400. hozzászólás - 2013.02.05. 14:08:04
nope, no medals on the Xeno page.
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