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Re: Sugestion box
661. hozzászólás - 2013.07.20. 10:42:33 (Válasz Slaymaker #660 hozzászólására.)
Your best bet is to check the (sapphire) clans whose soul-well isn't full ~ because that means at least one clan member is active and using the soul-well to build. I just checked, and a few such clans with relatively low soul-wells do exist

You'll still have to build 180-500K SE to get in, but that kind of building is doable in a few months of active play - you'll probably be level 20-25 when it's done.

Also, remember that a higher soul-well means better buildings ~ generally speaking, the higher the soul-well, the more bang for your buck, in terms of better bonuses and more game options.
W1 - Kalann
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Re: Sugestion box
662. hozzászólás - 2013.07.20. 22:46:36 (Válasz Kalann #661 hozzászólására.)
ok , but not being in a clan-- dont know yet what the building entails ect.. do you mean they can admit you to a clan to build their buildings while u fill your soul well requirements-( not seen a soul well yet either)
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Re: Sugestion box
663. hozzászólás - 2013.07.20. 23:14:08 (Válasz Slaymaker #662 hozzászólására.)
First, check this website for general knowledge :

It's a bit messy, but full of useful info. Knowing how the game works sure can't hurt you.

Second, the soul-well :
The soul-well of a clan serves 2 functions :
- The cap of a clan's soul-well is the amount of SE a new member will need to build (to fill the soul-well) to use the other buildings of a clan.
- The soul-well can be used to build by members of a clan with enough votes. The soul-well regenerates to it's cap over time, so the soul-well is in fact a building SE generator.

So, if you check a clan page and you see :
Soul-well: 82.786 / 589.245

That means 2 things :
- You'll have to build 589245 SE to enter the clan.
- Some bloke in the clan recently built 500K+ SE from the soul-well. This is of interest to you, because it means that at least 1 player in the clan is active ; if you apply to the clan,you know that there's someone on the other side who can accept you in.

To find a list of clans : Click "Highscores" (middle left) and then "Clans" (high right).
W1 - Kalann
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Re: Sugestion box
664. hozzászólás - 2013.07.21. 18:58:26 (Válasz Kalann #663 hozzászólására.)
thanks for the explanation! tried to find out more on this forum , but nothing explained it-- so a long time till one can get in a clan--- got it.
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Re: Sugestion box
665. hozzászólás - 2013.07.21. 22:33:51 (Válasz Slaymaker #664 hozzászólására.)
Doomlord plays long term. I've been at it for over 2 years, and at level 90+, still have a few options to unlock.
That being said, it has also kept my attention for over 2 years, just to say that there's a steady increment of stuff to strive for

About clans ... well, you could just create your own, or check to see if there are any active clans with a lower soul-well.

IMHO, you'd still be much better off sweating the extra effort and aiming for a clan with at least decent foundations (prerequisite : Academy 10+ in the list of the clan buildings, 7+ if you're only aiming for a stepping stone to a bigger clan).
In the medium term, it really pays off. With my most recent character, I step-stoned in a medium clan (soul-well : 200KSE), grabbed a few skills, and then joined one of the bigger clans (soul-well : 2.5MSE). I was a little over level 30 when I finished the second soul-well, and ... well, lets say it payed off handsomely
W1 - Kalann
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Re: Sugestion box
666. hozzászólás - 2013.08.09. 09:04:33
"We added some new AA abilities to the game:
Magic absorption. If your magic ability is at least 200, your spell absorption increases, in ratio with your magic and level.
Dance of death. When determining if your opponent can execute you, first, we subtract your execution skill from his.
Dimensional energies. Increases soul energy received in adventure battles.
Awareness. When someone steals burnt-out stones from you, the stolen amount is reduced, depending on your thievery skill."

Why is Dimensional Energies, which clearly affects Adventures, classified as a "Space-time control skill" AA ability? Would it not make more sense to put it under "Adventure skills"?
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Dimensional energies
667. hozzászólás - 2013.08.10. 17:21:27 (Válasz Sbart #666 hozzászólására.)
Hi Miklos,

I've made indeed the same reflection as Sbart did; why isn't this put under "adventure skills".

Anyway, the reason I wanted to make a remark is; why only EH can benefit this AA-skill? Would you please (re)consider to unlock this ability also for DD-players?
Thx for your answer.
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Re: Sugestion box
668. hozzászólás - 2013.08.11. 11:10:13
quite uncultured character e4 crystal it to be inserted winner ?
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Re: Dimensional energies
669. hozzászólás - 2013.08.12. 00:28:48 (Válasz Bartessica Slam #667 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Bartessica Slam - 2013.08.10. 17:21:27
Hi Miklos,

I've made indeed the same reflection as Sbart did; why isn't this put under "adventure skills".

Anyway, the reason I wanted to make a remark is; why only EH can benefit this AA-skill? Would you please (re)consider to unlock this ability also for DD-players?
Thx for your answer.

No, because DD players already get half exp for adventure battles

Dimensional Energies is to adventures, what Useful hunt is to hunting : a way for EH players to (somewhat) compensate for the advantage DD players have in these activities.
The next one around will be for DG monsters (and maybe entities )
W1 - Kalann
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Alchemist page leads to confusion
670. hozzászólás - 2013.08.17. 15:48:21
The button to turn 50 APs and 10 DPs into an essence is too close to the button to make the Green essences, using the catalysts. I have already lost APs and DPs several times by clicking on the wrong button. One easy way fix it is to simply move one of them to the bottom of the page.

A hozzászólást Cruel01 módosította 2013.08.17. 15:50:35-kor
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Re: Alchemist page leads to confusion
671. hozzászólás - 2013.08.18. 20:01:18 (Válasz Cruel01 #670 hozzászólására.)
Will correct that for you.
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Re: Sugestion box
672. hozzászólás - 2013.08.21. 11:33:58
We added a separator line for you, I hope this will be satisfactory.
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Re: Sugestion box
673. hozzászólás - 2013.09.25. 12:37:30

suggestion for lazy people like me : is it possible to add a multi buying in huckster ?
could be usefull for potions ^^

(if such a option exist, sorry, haven't seen it...)

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everyone's favoritejanyemm
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Re: Sugestion box
674. hozzászólás - 2013.09.25. 14:52:01
Misc - Acceleration - Comfort functions

You can make multi-buying / for items where available like common potions / if you already purchased mentioned Confort functions . Sorry, I do not remember price, purchased long time ago.

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very popularJohannes Buckbeak
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Re: Sugestion box
675. hozzászólás - 2013.09.25. 22:09:14
Talking of multi-buys - I would really appreciate a multi-increase option on skills and AA points. If you want to increase a skill by (say) ten it can get really tedious, especially if it is down near the end.
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Re: Sugestion box
676. hozzászólás - 2013.09.26. 06:59:54 (Válasz janyemm #674 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: janyemm - 2013.09.25. 14:52:01
Misc - Acceleration - Comfort functions

You can make multi-buying / for items where available like common potions / if you already purchased mentioned Confort functions . Sorry, I do not remember price, purchased long time ago.


found it and bought it ^^
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Re: Sugestion box
677. hozzászólás - 2013.09.26. 15:06:41 (Válasz Johannes Buckbeak #675 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Johannes Buckbeak - 2013.09.25. 22:09:14
Talking of multi-buys - I would really appreciate a multi-increase option on skills and AA points. If you want to increase a skill by (say) ten it can get really tedious, especially if it is down near the end.

That's an excellent idea! I fully support it. And the same must be valid for Abilities. By the way, implementation should be pretty easy since this same "technology" is already used in the lvl 60 W4.

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Re: Sugestion box
678. hozzászólás - 2013.09.26. 15:51:25
We can do it in the future, I think the reason why it wasn't implemented so far, we did not want to make the interface more complicated (many people play the game from phones).
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Re: Sugestion box
679. hozzászólás - 2013.09.30. 14:11:18
Maybe you could enable this option only for pcs. As I said, it should be quite simple and very useful on certain occasions. I am sure most people would have appreciated to have this option during the War of the Hucksters, for example.

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Re: Sugestion box
680. hozzászólás - 2013.10.01. 07:39:24 (Válasz Miklos #678 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2013.09.26. 15:51:25
We can do it in the future, I think the reason why it wasn't implemented so far, we did not want to make the interface more complicated (many people play the game from phones).

I can understand that it would be troublesome for people playing on a small screen, so why not just make it an Option under Settings? If you don´t tick the option everything is as now, if you do tick it you also gain a "+5 button" next to the "+1 button".
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