Re: Quiz errors
3561. hozzászólás - 2013.04.09. 22:09:59 (Válasz TheLion #3558 hozzászólására.)
3561. hozzászólás - 2013.04.09. 22:09:59 (Válasz TheLion #3558 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: TheLion - 2013.04.04. 20:48:45
It's not ambiguous at all. It says "in binary", and 10 is a perfectly good binary number (two). I don't know why you think that 0010 is somehow a better binary number than 10 - there's no reason why binary numbers should have leading zeroes added, any more than decimal numbers. Given that phrase "In binary" the question is quite unambiguous and has only one correct answer ("100").
Just another one to be picky about
In binary, what is 10+10?
Technically, shouldn't it be 0010 + 0010 as not to be confused with the decimal equivalent of "10+10"? As it is written, the question seems to be asking what is 1010 + 1010 which would be 0001 0100 or the decimal equivalent of 20. Therefore this is ambiguous at best.

In binary, what is 10+10?
Technically, shouldn't it be 0010 + 0010 as not to be confused with the decimal equivalent of "10+10"? As it is written, the question seems to be asking what is 1010 + 1010 which would be 0001 0100 or the decimal equivalent of 20. Therefore this is ambiguous at best.
It's not ambiguous at all. It says "in binary", and 10 is a perfectly good binary number (two). I don't know why you think that 0010 is somehow a better binary number than 10 - there's no reason why binary numbers should have leading zeroes added, any more than decimal numbers. Given that phrase "In binary" the question is quite unambiguous and has only one correct answer ("100").
Pontszám: 5