W3 : Haakon : Xeno combat medal received.
W2 : Azanael : Medal of Doom NOT received.
On another note ...
W1 : Kalann : I very much doubt that removing the Xeno-specific quests will motivate players to finish it.
Also, take note that there were 5 stupidly strong Xenos which exist solely because of 2 players (not that I fault them). As both of them seem to be pretty uninterested in butchering their Xenos, that means that lower level players have to kill these Xenos instead (there still 4 of them alive, at around 80% HP each).
Now, personally, I'm a pretty strong player for my level, and yet these Xenos deplete my HP in only 5 attacks. Even counting for Magic Regen, that's a miserable 10 attacks before having to rest, so lets's say that's 20 attacks daily.
(Don't mention potions, I'm an EH player, attacking Xenos is already a waste enough as it is)
In case you didn't notice, it seems that most players have come to the same sad conclusion I have : it's just not worth the effort.