Idézet: Kethios - 2011.01.14. 10:33:52 Idézet: Viridel - 2011.01.13. 20:44:28
The issue is that ManaConstruction counts the same whether the player has 10,000 SP and ManaCon level 50 - or 3000 SP and ManaCon level 1. The player with the higher totals has obviously invested far more to get the attribute & skill that high. Meanwhile a player who has invested in attacking attributes instead will be more successful on the attacking side, and in spite of a marginal (one skill level) investment in ManaCon, stands to receive the EXACT same benefit as someone who has invested FAR more on the Building side.
I was making maths and I ended up on this:
[event_start]=Option_1: The 1st duel/building determines further event play. Who fights first will not be allowed to use manacon, but will be allowed to build from SE.
[event_start]=Option_2:Who builds with manacon will lose the option to fight the creatures only having the manacon/build from SE options left.
It's an interesting concept, but I see three "failings":
1) There will likely be far more attackers than builders, and with the pass/fail approach, that means a lot of players may get absolutely nothing.
2) It doesn't address the loss of ManaCon to the Clan / how ManaCon will be utilized in value.
3) It punishes players who have built characters legitimately useful in both categories.
4) It reduces the potential winners of each Top10 list to those who pick that half of the event to start in.
a) When a Xeno is defeated at that level, Building opens up for ALL players at that level range (or vice versa, as the case may be). The Xeno must be defeated in both Attack AND Build before the players can move up/down to the next level
b) When ManaCon is L30, it can be used twice per day (but only once for the Clan) - simplest & best solution / Value, as said previously, Level*500 = 1 Build point.
c) With the "other half opening up" as per solution A, this somewhat remedies itself, but you could easily be in a situation where the "first half" of the creature takes so long to kill, there is no time to earn the 2nd half reward (or it is prohibitively expensive using SE only).
d) This may not necessarily be all-bad. However, a great blended character where the player is really dedicated to the event, still can't feasibly get on both lists, which is a little unfair to take away even the possibility.
It's an interesting idea, and one I would support, provided a viable opportunity exists for both halves, and the Clans don't get screwed.
Corrections that need to be made:
ManaCon has a point-to-point value based on the actual Build it provides - something to the effect of Player Level *500 = 1 Build Point
SE Building needs to have a precise calculation - something to the effect of Player Level *200 = 1 Build Point
Point fractions are allowed in the running total (like 30.55 Build Points)
Every Player Level *2500 of total building, the player gets the same potion as in the Attacking portion of the event
At ManaCon L30 - ManaConstruction can be used twice per day, once into the Clan, once into an event*
*this allows a Clan-oriented player to participate in the event, but not hurt the Clan by doing so - after all, the Clan does not suffer if a attacking-oriented player participates in the Attacking portion of the event, so why should it suffer if a player participates in the Build portion?
This will give every player - regardless of how they are designed - a viable opportunity to participate to their full potential.
About the 2 manacon/day. If we want to keep balance, there needs to be a "You arleady built from Soul Energy today" text if a player with lvl 30 manacon tries to use their 2nd option in the event panel. This would keep your suggestion working and prevent players gaining advantage. I know right?
Not sure what you're saying, as you mention both ManaCon and SE in the same sentence as "second ManaCon". To simplify it, once you use it for the Clan, "Build with Spell Points" disappears from the Clan Building options (same as it currently does), however the option still exists in the Event panel - also once per day, of course. Unless you're suggesting that if you use ManaCon, you canNOT build with SE as well... Which would be a bad idea, since the Top10 Lists would basically be invalidated since you're limiting possible contributions.