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Hozzászólások - dark22

Dátum: 2010.11.15. 01:21:37
I'd like to think that piggy is just a hardcore player, but to catch creative affinity issues there is too much work and even then you are not certain that you got everything right... (checking ones SE diff and number of duels then attacking him/her and again checking stats on scale big enough to catch slight differences would be odd at least, but possible).

Meanwhile Lydon is right about you, you are trying desperately to catch few brownie points. If you want to defend him/her do it with facts or your opinions, don't just boo everyone taking hit on her or cheer someone else on piggys side. You are not contributing.
Dátum: 2010.11.15. 01:13:38
Thx Caveat, as I said if the first one checks for bigger mistakes first the second one should not even get the question:) I get that sometimes "already part of database" can occur with 2 diff evaluators but the rest should not happen, as I like to think that my question being/having ambiguous answers does not depend on evaluators but on bad quality of question.
If I thought otherwise I d just feel that some evaluators have a pick on me;)
Dátum: 2010.11.14. 23:57:43
What is the OFFICIAL national flower of Japan?
Japanese apricot
there is none <-----------
cherry blossom

Dátum: 2010.11.14. 23:53:14
Suggestion to evaluators... If you are rejecting question cause of spelling please do check is the question also already part of database or wrong on any other way. Having question turned down cause of bad spelling then resubmiting again with fixed spelling to see it rejected again cause of ambiguos answers or "already part of database" thingy can be frustrating. Not to mention it is double work for you as well.
Dátum: 2010.11.14. 04:10:25
I m sorry maybe this is a wrong thread to spam stekkos ( ) but I have to ask... If all of you evaluators are instructed that no question with "none" or "none of the above" as posible answer is not accepted how the hell did the one asking about the Japanese national flower slip by? And its not only that there is "none" as possible answer it is in fact the correct answer?!

highly frustrating when searching for an answer that does not exist...kinda felt like me faking the ball throw to a dog and watching him helplessly search for it, cruel:)
Dátum: 2010.11.14. 00:21:52
Correct. And nothing adds more than basic rate bonus unless stated otherwise ( for example you have spectral manip at 100 and equip nothern ring (+2 spec man) and you would get no bonus at all. if you have that trade reward from map even it will clearly say that "skill can go over its maximum but not over basic number"
Dátum: 2010.11.13. 22:38:44
Thx Lottoferi, I learnt something new today. I still hope we will get answer to Stekkos question aswell.
Dátum: 2010.11.13. 22:24:48
Right but with an option that timer doesn't matter if the max pet capacity is reached
Dátum: 2010.11.13. 18:31:30
It was nice to hear from Miklos as we can't really know all the mehanics behind the game and difficulty level of implementing our ideas. Thanks Miklos and good job everyone;)
Dátum: 2010.11.13. 15:25:01
there is no such thing as addition duel point loss when fighting in less then 100% state
Dátum: 2010.11.12. 23:09:03
I think ImlittleJon showed enough circumstantial evidence to make his case. MsPiggy also stated that she is not a cheater.
You can't seriously ask players to show you proofs? What should mods do then, beside taking paychecks from the game every month ( -3 paying customers now , that is) ?
I feel that for a lot of people this matter is not settled, but no more proof can or need to be shown, it is time for in game mods do check logs and close this ugly story once and for all.
Dátum: 2010.11.10. 04:52:00
As you progress you will get items with more and more absortion (both magical and normal).
But for normal absortion pets are the best, as for magic absortion as Viridel said when you are lvl 50 and deal 1000+ damage with spell that 50 damage less taken becouse of magic absorter is not much of an issue. While on lower levels it can sometimes be difference between a loss and a win (although I personally wouldn't fight when 20 dmg +/- can make that much difference)
Dátum: 2010.11.09. 02:23:54
Button on Duel page to interrupt your rest would be nice instead of going to duel picking a target clicking attack then clicking rest then interrupt rest then find the target again and attack.

Maybe I am just too lazy:)
Dátum: 2010.11.09. 01:16:11
What is the name of the popular sauce that is made out of fruit?

Ketchup <--------

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Your answers are ambiguous or wrong to this question.

Juice is a drink and not a sauce, Hen is an adult chicken and Mayo is made primarely out of eggs.
Even if you don't know that tomato is in fact a fruit and not a vegetable, everyone should have heard "tomato sauce" phrase instead of ketchup at least once in their lifetime (or any time they saw foreign movie-australian for example). I try to write questions which can not be simply googled, but never use the "which is not" type of questions.
I always try to leave logic pathways in question that helps you answer even if you don't have a clue about the question...

I should probably just google top10 bestsellers from 1950, put name of the 6th author in the question and ask who he was next time I want to get rid of "ask question.." quest.
Dátum: 2010.11.09. 00:47:36
Best thing I heard for months:D
Dátum: 2010.11.08. 03:20:09
its 4.5 bill acct, the universe is a bit shy of 14 bill years old
Dátum: 2010.11.07. 22:02:29
You learn something everyday:) I noticed that last month it was held 6th so I assumed it is always around that date. Once a month few days after month starts
Dátum: 2010.11.07. 21:25:04
Champ is always on the 5th of the month
Dátum: 2010.11.07. 20:01:15
All good points, I agree strongly with the "core forum posters" thing, it was suprisingly easy to get any type of information on this forum that I could not find in game.
Dátum: 2010.11.06. 22:32:55
I think that he meant that if you don't click anything you will still get autosquezze but at no reactivation cost.
What I don't understand is why there isn't a box for that option and how the hell would default user suppose to know that?