I hit level 60 a few hours ago and I have some questions on the alternative advancement capabilities:
Entity hunt:
For each ability level, you can attack one more entity than your level would allow.
Max. level: 20
Cost: 3
I didn't realise entities were level restricted? Does it mean if I invested 1 point in the AAC then I could then choose to battle entities 4 levels above my previous? This seems unlikely since at the max level I could choose to battle an entity 23 levels over my previous...
Also, what is resistance? Just general damage resistance, resistance to spell effects/stun/critical hits etc?
Increases your resistance by 1% per level.
Max. level: 5
Cost: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
If it's 1% reduction in all damage, why on earth is it so cheap?
EDIT: Also, the memory wipe, is that re-usable like the respecialization? As in, do you invest in the ability and then you can choose any ability you want to forget? Or is it a pay 3 AA to get rid of an ability each time you need to?
Memory wipe:
At the cost of 3 AA you can erase a choosen AA ability (but you wont get back the AA points spent).
Max. level: 1
Cost: 3
EDIT2: Is it a 20% per level increase in SE from DG items with the trader AAC?
Healing potion mastery:
Each level increases the efficiency of healing potions by 10% (affects only potions bought for ancient stones).
Max. level: 10
Cost: 2
Does healing potion mastery increase the efficiency of mana potions? I would think so, but it does specifically say healing potions...
Healing potion mastery:
Each level increases the efficiency of healing potions by 10% (affects only potions bought for ancient stones).
Max. level: 10
Cost: 2
And finally:
Does increasing a level of skin evolution/aura evolution increase the cap by 5? It doesn't specify, yet it does specify for the pain resistance AAC.
Pain resistance:
Each level increases the maximum of your resistant skin by 5. (Resistant skin: new skill, each level negates the effect of one level negative aura or spiked skin.)
Max. level: 20
Cost: 5
Skin evolution:
Each level increases the maximum of your spiked skin skill. (Spiked skin: new skill, if someone hits you with melee weapon, he/she takes damage as well.)
Prerequisite: you don't have aura evolution.
Max. level: 20
Cost: 5
Really sorry for the long post!