KalannVégzetúr poronty
139 hozzászólás
If you don't have the "Huckster friend" AA, your effective Trade skill is 210 :
Base Trade skill : 180
Mind boost : +0 (can't go above max)
Velvet Trade Belt : +0 (can't go above max).
Golden Trade Belt : +30
Each item level above 100 needs 20 trade points (instead of 10), so you could buy items :
86 + 14 (140 trade points) + 3 (60 trade points) = Level 103
There are 10 remaining trade points, but they can't be used, you should upgrade your trade belt to platinum.
Does that work out for you ?
W1 - Kalann
W2 - Azanael
W3 - Haakon
Pontszám: 5
GladoomVégzetúr poronty
37 hozzászólás
Re: Help request
1682. hozzászólás - 2012.09.06. 13:52:06
Yep, i can buy up to level 103 item from the Soul huckster.
So it is completely waste to upgrade trade skills above level 180.
Thanks a lot.
Pontszám: 5
KalannVégzetúr poronty
139 hozzászólás
Not really.
The "Huckster friend" AA increases your max trade by 20 ~ 1 more level above 100.
Increasing the trade belt to platinum also works.
Combined, you have trade skill of 240 ~ +12 levels above 100.
Apparently, the only useless thing is the mythril trade belt (Cruel posted something about that a while ago).
W1 - Kalann
W2 - Azanael
W3 - Haakon
Pontszám: 7.50
ValkyrieVégzetúr poronty
474 hozzászólás
Re: Help request
1684. hozzászólás - 2012.09.07. 12:30:35
Can anyone give me exact formula of pet skill "Intelligence", as it's description is vague and has double meaning. Thank you in advance
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
Pontszám: 5
KalannVégzetúr poronty
139 hozzászólás
Check this :
It's all explained in the experience section.
W1 - Kalann
W2 - Azanael
W3 - Haakon
Pontszám: 7.50
Bartessica SlamVégzetúr poronty
277 hozzászólás
Help request : epic treasure chest
1686. hozzászólás - 2012.09.11. 08:03:00
item: "epic treasure chest"
It says that you cannot use it while Landragor is "in play".
So far, so good; but I have 2 questions:
1. Is it stackable with a (possible) next "epic treasure chest"; found in the next event?
2. Will you lose this box at the moment Landragor starts?
Pontszám: 5
SbartVégzetúr poronty
879 hozzászólás
Re: Help request
1687. hozzászólás - 2012.09.11. 08:47:15
Not an official answer E., but I think that when the last landragor came around it was said that the chest would a) not stack, and b) if you had a chest you could not get another one. You would not loose the chest as such, but since you couldn't get another you would loose the opportunity to get one.
So if I were you I would use the chest before the event starts.
Pontszám: 7.50
Miklos1201 hozzászólás
Exactly as Sbart says, during Landragor third phase you can find a chest only if you dont have it at the beginning of the third phase.
Pontszám: 5
dodo888Végzetúr poronty
61 hozzászólás
Re: Help request
1689. hozzászólás - 2012.09.11. 12:49:24
question abt Pawn of Loyalty: it says: You do not leave your clan even if you switch horde...does that mean that if i want to change clan (different horde) it also works, i mean i dont have to change horde to move to other horde's clan?
Pontszám: 5
SbartVégzetúr poronty
879 hozzászólás
This is how I read the Pawn of Loyalty (no actual testing performed):
To change from a Clan of Horde A to a Clan of Horde B, you will have to change Horde to B. The Pawn of Loyalty allows you to change Horde without automatically be kicked out of your current Clan.
A Ruby player want to switch from his Ruby Clan to an Emerald Clan (the player has the Pawn of Loyalty). To make the switch the player would have to switch from Ruby to Emerald, and the actually leave his current clan (since the Pawn of Loyalty allows him to stay even if he switches Horde). After being accepted into his new, shiny Emerald Clan, the player could again change clan to Ruby (or Diamond or Sapphire) without being kicked out of the Clan.
Does that help?
Anyone who has some experience in using the Pawn of Loyalty for chaining clan?
Pontszám: 5
KalannVégzetúr poronty
139 hozzászólás
Under Misc / Switch Horde, it states :
It may happen that you cannot identify with the concept of your horde any longer – in this case horde changing is inevitable. If you change horde, you will automatically leave your clan, too. Changing horde is a serious decision, so it has a serious cost: 50 ancient stones.
No actual testing either, but from the way I read it, the Pawn of Loyalty simply serves to cancel the bolded part.
W1 - Kalann
W2 - Azanael
W3 - Haakon
Pontszám: 5
dodo888Végzetúr poronty
61 hozzászólás
Re: Help request
1693. hozzászólás - 2012.09.11. 17:52:38
too bad i was hoping to save 50 AS:(
Pontszám: 5
ValkyrieVégzetúr poronty
474 hozzászólás
Re: Help request
1694. hozzászólás - 2012.09.12. 09:01:04
You deal 4082 damage. Critical damage! The spell affects your opponent: -98 Defense. Your opponents negative aura damages your for 1004 hit points.
How can someone have 25% damage on a spell???
Negative aura gives 3% max.
Can someone explain?
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
Pontszám: 5
ValkyrieVégzetúr poronty
474 hozzászólás
Where did u get 150?
Doesn't AA ability grant only 30 skill points for negative aura?
"Each level increases maximum..." aren't there are 30 lvls ov AA skill? If one AA lvl in fact increases 5 lvls of the skill, than AA description needs better explanation
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
Pontszám: 5
SbartVégzetúr poronty
879 hozzászólás
"Aura evolution:
Each level increases the maximum of your negative aura skill. (Negative aura: new skill, if someone hits you with spell, he/she takes damage as well.)
Prerequisite: you don‘t have skin evolution.
Max. level: 30
Cost: 5"
Indeed each level of the AA-ability raises the max of the Negative aura skill by 5. The AA-ability is not very clear, although it does not say that it raises the maximum by 1 (or 5 for that matter), so the description of the AA ability is a bit vague. But the three AA-abilities that gives you a skill (Aura Evolution, Skin Evolution, and Pain Resistant) all raise the maximum of their respective skills by 5 per AA level bought.
Also note that the AA-abilities does nothing but raise the max of the skills in question, the ability to reflect damage (or resist reflected damage) comes from the skill, so you have to buy that also.
A hozzászólást Sbart módosította 2012.09.12. 12:23:44-kor
Pontszám: 7.50
ValkyrieVégzetúr poronty
474 hozzászólás
Yes I know, I'm raising the skill ofcourse, but had no idea that they increase by 5 for one AA lvl. thx
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
Pontszám: 5
WormtailVégzetúr poronty
45 hozzászólás
Re: Help request
1700. hozzászólás - 2012.09.15. 13:33:11
I got my Xeno chain crystal in the first war. It was described as reusable then. I could reuse it since with no problem. Today, I got a better necklace and I have deleted it from my Questor. I can't find it now.
Help me where it is! (Very important!!)
A hozzászólást Wormtail módosította 2012.09.15. 13:38:36-kor
Pontszám: 5