Re: Help request
41. hozzászólás - 2009.09.01. 06:50:21 (Válasz Bandicoot #35 hozzászólására.)
41. hozzászólás - 2009.09.01. 06:50:21 (Válasz Bandicoot #35 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Bandicoot - 2009.08.31. 17:37:04
Actually if you select the quest first, you should see the following sentence on the top of the screen after clicking on Drakin's name:
You found Drakin!
And your Quest menu should be lit as well.
I'm clicking on Drakin's name in the legend after reaching level 8 but the same page just reloads. What should I do ?
I'm clicking on Drakin's name in the legend after reaching level 8 but the same page just reloads. What should I do ?
Actually if you select the quest first, you should see the following sentence on the top of the screen after clicking on Drakin's name:
You found Drakin!
And your Quest menu should be lit as well.
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