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Re: Help request
1441. hozzászólás - 2011.10.28. 09:54:49 (Válasz Geodor #1440 hozzászólására.)
No, the chance is the same.
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much likedLydonB
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Re: Help request
1442. hozzászólás - 2011.11.01. 18:46:57
The "Exercise all pets" function isn't working right at the moment.

I'm a premium member with 30 heal-wounds skill. I tried to exercises all my pets and only one did so. Upon trying to exercise the rest, they are failing to do so; tried multiple selections for multiple times.

Tried re-logging, closed and re-opened the browser and it still ain't working.

Edit: It worked, finally.
A hozzászólást LydonB módosította 2011.11.01. 20:10:57-kor
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Re: Help request
1443. hozzászólás - 2011.11.22. 09:20:32
Question about the Warrior/Mage specialization AA abilities.

How does these work? The description says:
"Warrior specialization:
Your critical hit skill counts ability level x 3% higher in combat."

Does this mean that it increases my Critical hit skill? If so, is it (Skill)*(1+0.03*x) or (Skill+3x)? Or does the ability does something different (the translation looks suspicious to say the least)?
Anybody have an idea?
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very popularBartessica Slam
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Re: Help request
1444. hozzászólás - 2011.11.25. 11:46:24
epic specialization:

Each level of this skill decreases the time between two attacks on an epic creature by 1 minute. Maximum level is 50, at that point you can attack the epic once every 10 minutes. The skill decreases the spell damage of the epic monster, half percent per level. Mind boost has no effecton this skill.


would/could this dicrease also the spell damage of entities?
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very popularMatdavFérfi
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Re: Help request
1445. hozzászólás - 2011.11.25. 15:06:51 (Válasz Bartessica Slam #1444 hozzászólására.)
No, it doesn't decrease the entity's spell damage, but it decreases it's regeneration between battles. Every skill level decreases this regen by 0,02% of the entity's maxHP.
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Re: Help request
1446. hozzászólás - 2011.12.02. 16:12:15 (Válasz Sbart #1443 hozzászólására.)
Your critical hit/spell skill will increase with warrior/mage spec lvl x 3%.
For example if you have critical hit 50 lvl and warrior spec lvl 5, your critical hit will be 57,5.
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Re: Help request = Support
1447. hozzászólás - 2011.12.03. 11:21:09
Hi everyone,

Topic. Support

Somehow, somewhere If I do remember it correctly, there is a “relic” or something what gives you the permission to give support to higher levels in your clan.
I searched the whole game in side out … but cannot find it any more….
If only I had a memory like an elephant !
Anyone who could help me out here in “refreshing” my memory?

Thanks for the help.
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Re: Help request
1448. hozzászólás - 2011.12.03. 14:23:38
soul huckster, relics: bracers of Friendship
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Re: Help request
1449. hozzászólás - 2011.12.03. 18:13:16 (Válasz baggybag #1448 hozzászólására.)
Found it, thx!
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Re: Help request
1450. hozzászólás - 2011.12.07. 15:32:52
Yesterday I noticed my critical hit skill had a +15 modifier next to it where I neevr had it before and I did not have anything mind boosted. Someone in my clan suggested that a change was made to teh way the "increased critical damage" bonus form items worked. as it turns out he is right. If i change equipment I get a modifier to the skill level next to critical hit and critical spell. However the desciption hasnt changed on the items and under my character screen it still says +15% critical damage.

So, does it still give bonus damage? and will they fix the descriptions?
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Re: Help request
1451. hozzászólás - 2011.12.07. 15:37:37 (Válasz Trackur #1450 hozzászólására.)
Okay, so let's make this clear.

Before this small update, the +critical strike % from items could only be seen in the character page. Now it is added to your base critical hit skill with every additional bonuses that are affecting it. No additional damage was added.
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Re: Help request
1452. hozzászólás - 2011.12.07. 16:12:50
so we now would get +15% critical damage AND +15 to our crit skill?
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Re: Help request
1453. hozzászólás - 2011.12.07. 18:02:45 (Válasz Trackur #1452 hozzászólására.)

The difference is, that you can see your bonuses on the skills page too.
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Help request
1454. hozzászólás - 2011.12.07. 18:59:22
Could you please change it so that it says "Critical hit" instead of "Critical damage" and "Critical spell" instead of "Critical magic damage"?
For those of us that play other games there is a difference between "chance to land a critical hit" (called Critical hit in this game) and "critical damage" (which is how much extra damage you do on a critical hit; seams to be static in this game).

Also, would it be possible to update the list on the character screen to also list "% Bonus SE for winning a duel", "% bonus SE from quests", and any skill bonuses?
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Re: Help request
1455. hozzászólás - 2011.12.07. 19:16:13 (Válasz Kocos #1 hozzászólására.)
I bought Ancient Stones and it has cleared my bank account but I have yet to receive them.
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Re: Help request
1456. hozzászólás - 2011.12.08. 07:09:49 (Válasz Jwpgentry #1455 hozzászólására.)
Sometimes it takes a little more time than usual. Depends on Admin/bank account activitiy
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Re: Help request
1457. hozzászólás - 2011.12.08. 16:25:28 (Válasz Kethios #1456 hozzászólására.)
Its been over a week now. :*(
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Re: Help request
1458. hozzászólás - 2011.12.13. 07:40:40
Is there any way to get anything other than doomlord crystal when beating special dimension gate oponnents? This is my 6th in a row. I think you need to change your randomness generator!
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Help request
1459. hozzászólás - 2011.12.13. 10:01:03 (Válasz Valkyrie #1458 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Valkyrie - 2011.12.13. 07:40:40
Is there any way to get anything other than doomlord crystal when beating special dimension gate oponnents? This is my 6th in a row. I think you need to change your randomness generator!

Do you have all the other possibly available focus crystals from the special DG opponents?
The reason I ask is that you cannot get duplicates of focus crystals, so if you have all the other you will always get the one you don't have when the game generates a focus crystal drop.
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Re: Help request
1460. hozzászólás - 2011.12.14. 22:53:05
No, I don't, I sell them in AH
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
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