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Re: Help request
721. hozzászólás - 2010.07.06. 22:10:09 (Válasz Killaheala #720 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Killaheala - 2010.07.06. 21:08:39
Some questions:

-) How to get adventures (lvl, skill, etc. necessary to do them)
-) How to get relics
-) Exist any datebase to check future weapons armors.etc? (example im lvl 2 but i wanna see the shield lvl 5 and of course soul huckster will not show it, so an external link)

You can start adventures at level 40, and you need crystal points to do that. You get crystal points after level 30 if you win challenges.
You can win relics if you are in a clan that has the "Dimension Gate" building and of course you must win the dimension gate fight. Relics are random so you'll have to do some fights to get them. The are also other yipe of relics: contest relics, auction house relics.
Yes it exists: http://web.me.com/loquacious_4ever/Tina/FAQs.html and you can find allot of useful info into it.
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Re: Help request
722. hozzászólás - 2010.07.07. 04:32:00 (Válasz Ravenastre #713 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Ravenastre - 2010.07.05. 08:36:20
Ravenastre - level 5 Doomlord
So i reach lvl 5 and answer the quiz right

Start Playing
and win 100 EUR bonus!
Where can i take the 100euro?
or when get i the 100Euro?

There is a raffle for all the players joining at a specific time (once a month i thing) and that have actually reached level 5. One will win the 100 euro and a few other prizes
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Re: Help request
723. hozzászólás - 2010.07.07. 06:51:05
Is there a way to complete the "same lvl as yours" quest without paying for stones? At which levels can all the four items be bought just for SE?

EDIT: Never mind, found it.. it's on 49 (for me)
A hozzászólást Valkyrie módosította 2010.07.07. 06:53:39-kor
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
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Re: Help request
724. hozzászólás - 2010.07.11. 09:21:25
What is the maximum size of custom pictures for premium members?
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Re: Help request
725. hozzászólás - 2010.07.11. 12:29:07 (Válasz agmnthane #724 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: agmnthane - 2010.07.11. 09:21:25
What is the maximum size of custom pictures for premium members?

100KB and 120x200 pixels in JPG format
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Re: Help request
726. hozzászólás - 2010.07.13. 06:02:41
Can anyone tell me how to get a Paralysation crystal, and is this the only way to complete the quest- stun your opponent 3 times. by using the crystal?

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Re: Help request
727. hozzászólás - 2010.07.13. 12:44:48
You can buy diamond chip from soul-huckster (it's a focus crystal for 3 ancient stones) with item lvl 18.
Some rings you can get from dimension gate monsters have paralyze (I remember stunning ring has it). Maybe there are others, I don't really remember.

Later, it's a common properties of weapons or shield, but the earliest weapons with paralyze comes around item lvl 55, shields lvl 52 (Ice Shield).

But I think you are much lower level, maybe you even are not able to fight against dimension gate monsters, so your best bet is diamond chip focus crystal.
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Re: Help request
728. hozzászólás - 2010.07.13. 18:00:07 (Válasz Hrus #727 hozzászólására.)
Ok thanks Im lvl 33 so a bit off them, so its diamond chip thanks Mate.
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Re: Help request
729. hozzászólás - 2010.07.15. 19:30:49
This question was asked before and not answered , we would like some help with this or is it some kind of secret or something that can't be told ?

" When someone is in the torture chamber, do you get his won SE from duels only, or from hunting as well? I would like to hear from the coders on this one (of from someone with inside info )

Also, does all SE from that day count, or is it just from the point of dragging?" , and what time of day does the tortured person stop giving SE ? , I've noticed that you don't receive the SE until 4 hours after the game clock reset's .
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Re: Help request
730. hozzászólás - 2010.07.18. 04:46:50 (Válasz tbolo #729 hozzászólására.)
You get a percentage from ALL se he gains that day, no matter the source. It counts from 3am server time to next 3am. So if you drag him in at 5pm, you get only 10 hours worth of loot, before 5pm whatever he got does not count
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Re: Help request
731. hozzászólás - 2010.07.20. 15:59:12 (Válasz stekkos #730 hozzászólására.)
Thanks stekkos
A hozzászólást tbolo módosította 2010.07.20. 15:59:39-kor
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Re: Help request
732. hozzászólás - 2010.07.22. 23:23:59 (Válasz Dakaan #721 hozzászólására.)
I build an Arena but it is useless. Gives no xp. What's the point? Why would it not give XP? It doesn't do anything else. Waste of 50,000 soul energy. Since you people sell SE how much money is that?

Please fix the bug or give back the SE. And warn me about any other building being useless. What about the kennel? Does that do what it advertises to do?
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Re: Help request
733. hozzászólás - 2010.07.23. 03:34:15
i just increased my Thaumaturgy stat and since i added the extra points my spell has failed in about 12 out of 15 fights, it worked fine before i added the points so im perpelxed why its failing so much when it should be stronger not weaker,

very frustrating when an emeralds main weapon (spell) fails so often especially when it only has 1 attack unlike weapon which can have 3 or 4 attacks so even if one fails u still have 2 or 3 chances to hit.
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Re: Help request
734. hozzászólás - 2010.07.23. 03:36:12 (Válasz Harunobu #732 hozzászólására.)
You can fight your fellow members in the arena. It's not a life and death duel, so the loss of HPs, SPs and soul-energy is not real.

This is the arena description. Where did you get the idea it gives xp, since it clearly states all duel parameters are not real. But is far from useless:
1. You can attack fellow clan members in it and test your duel strength without any risk. Also prepare for the championship since your clan members will fight you there and the arena is the only way to get a previous experience of how will that go.

2. It is required to advance in building sequence

3. Is used to finish a quest

As for the kennel it gives real xp to your pets as it says.
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Re: Help request
735. hozzászólás - 2010.07.23. 03:41:08 (Válasz D00ml0rd #733 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: D00ml0rd - 2010.07.23. 03:34:15
i just increased my Thaumaturgy stat and since i added the extra points my spell has failed in about 12 out of 15 fights, it worked fine before i added the points so im perpelxed why its failing so much when it should be stronger not weaker,

very frustrating when an emeralds main weapon (spell) fails so often especially when it only has 1 attack unlike weapon which can have 3 or 4 attacks so even if one fails u still have 2 or 3 chances to hit.

It is just coincidence, i get that feeling also for many things i change but i came to realise is not a game bug. Plus is not thama that will gurantee a spell success, its IQ. If you do not hit fully, the extra points you just spend are useless. Just keep it up and you will see that it will not stay as a rule to loose that much
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Re: Help request
736. hozzászólás - 2010.07.23. 05:48:34 (Válasz stekkos #735 hozzászólására.)
Thaumaturgy determines your spell's damage. Raising it will increase your damage dealt.

If your spell fail, your opponent may have higher IQ, or higher Tau AND luck. Luck determines who strikes first. Also, the equipment would give alot of IQ/Tau if a spellcaster build player buys the suitable ones.
A hozzászólást Kethios módosította 2010.07.23. 05:53:12-kor
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: Help request
737. hozzászólás - 2010.07.23. 05:51:56
cheers for responses guys ill keep bashing away at it:)
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Re: Help request
738. hozzászólás - 2010.07.23. 12:29:16 (Válasz D00ml0rd #737 hozzászólására.)
The point of a duel is the get xp. The building costs 50,000 SE. It only says that it is not a fight to the death and that therefore hp loss and SE changes aren't real either.

It is useless. Quests? Haha. And how much more do I need to pay for a kennel? Such a waste.
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Re: Help request
739. hozzászólás - 2010.07.23. 15:55:41 (Válasz Harunobu #738 hozzászólására.)
tHE POINT of a duel is to get SE NOT Exp .

I want to get as little exp from my duels as i can .

And the arena is great if you know how to use it . Also the kennel its a must for every player that has a pet !!!
A hozzászólást Ciphas módosította 2010.07.23. 15:57:01-kor
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Re: Help request
740. hozzászólás - 2010.07.23. 17:20:12 (Válasz Harunobu #738 hozzászólására.)
Arena is for RP and fun purposes. Also there is a quest that can be only completed by fighting in the arena. Clan members can fight eachother and lose nothing. No other place allows this.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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