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Topic neve: Help request
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Re: Help request
21. hozzászólás - 2009.08.20. 07:29:03 (Válasz stekkos #20 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: stekkos - 2009.08.20. 04:08:25
Please just somebody try to send me an email from another adress with the link. My mailbox is fine, it sends and receives emails from a lot of places. Maybe there is something wrong with my email and the specific adress.

Please answer the private message (on the top of the screen click on the mesages link).
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watt stat dose watt
22. hozzászólás - 2009.08.22. 22:50:52
watt stat dose watt and how do the effect duels
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Re: watt stat dose watt
23. hozzászólás - 2009.08.23. 07:25:16 (Válasz diehard111 #22 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: diehard111 - 2009.08.22. 22:50:52
watt stat dose watt and how do the effect duels

click on 'Rules' on the left hand side of the main screen. you can find it there.
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Re: Help request
24. hozzászólás - 2009.08.25. 18:52:50
is there a place where i can see what stat does what?

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Re: Help request
25. hozzászólás - 2009.08.25. 19:05:30 (Válasz Styx #24 hozzászólására.)
please read the post before yours, the answer is there.
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Re: Help request
26. hozzászólás - 2009.08.27. 10:06:52
I need an explanation regarding clans. In the clan rules it states that newcomers have to fill in the soul-well. So, after building the watchtower we recruited 3 more members, and the soul-well was bigger then on start. If I figured it right, now the 3 new members should fill in the well up to his size? So, it says the well is big 2 622 SE. Does that means that each new member should put in 2622 SE in the well? or three of them together? What if we use the energy from the well before it's full? I have checked the stats, and 3 new members have put in much less, and yet they are members- I thought they can not become members until they fill in the well. Me confused
A hozzászólást Valkyrie módosította 2009.08.27. 10:07:54-kor
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
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Re: Help request
27. hozzászólás - 2009.08.27. 11:29:42 (Válasz Valkyrie #26 hozzászólására.)
the size of soul-well grows if the members build from their own SE. it won't grow if someone (with at least 3 votes) builds from the soul-well.

newcomers have to fill in the soul-well the size of it at their join time. so if they joined at the same time and the size of soul-well was 2622 SE at that time, each of them have to fill in 2622 SE for to be able to use the benefits of the buildings and to be able to build from their own SE.

What if we use the energy from the well before it's full?

you should use the well's energy before it gets full so that new members can fill it up. also, the soul-well regenerates SE slowly so you should always use the energy from it.

hope it helps
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Re: Help request
28. hozzászólás - 2009.08.27. 12:20:19 (Válasz Valkyrie #26 hozzászólására.)
It's may be unclear for you, but I think it should be clear for the newcomers. The have a counter while filling the Soul-well that shows how many SE they should fill until they reach the "full membership". The counter won't increase in any case, except leaving the clan, and will be decreased after each fills according to the amount of SE filled. Once they reach zero, they will be able to use all the buildings already built by the clan and build directly. However after that filling the well is no more possible for them.
A hozzászólást Kocos módosította 2009.08.29. 05:28:35-kor
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Re: Help request
29. hozzászólás - 2009.08.27. 17:22:25 (Válasz Kocos #28 hozzászólására.)
thank you for your answers
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
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Re: Help request
30. hozzászólás - 2009.08.28. 21:58:46
I have recently started a clan and accepted my first member. I have another person who wants to join, however I cannot let him in, what should I do?
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Re: Help request
31. hozzászólás - 2009.08.29. 06:11:51 (Válasz lunarrush #30 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: lunarrush - 2009.08.28. 21:58:46
I have recently started a clan and accepted my first member. I have another person who wants to join, however I cannot let him in, what should I do?

To make a decision on the level of the clan, you'll need the majority of the active votes. Every clan member starts with two votes, from wich one may be passed to any other member of the clan. A vote counts active when the owner of the vote was logged in in the past two days.

In you case I guess you have a two members clan, both members having two votes. Both voters are active, you'll need more than half of active votes. There are 4 active votes, you need three for the decicion. You have three ways:
* Ask the other member to pass a vote to you, than you'll have 3 votes and can make decisions alone.
* The other member of you clan votes with you.
* Wait till the other member becomes inactive (do not log in for two days). Than you'll have all the active votes.
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Re: Help request
32. hozzászólás - 2009.08.29. 09:18:23
What would be a good strategy with votes? Let's say there's a leader, 3 senior members and the rest. How should the votes be divided so that leader can't decide for him self, but that the power of the seniors does not overcome his?
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
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Re: Help request
33. hozzászólás - 2009.08.29. 11:40:17 (Válasz Valkyrie #32 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Valkyrie - 2009.08.29. 09:18:23
What would be a good strategy with votes? Let's say there's a leader, 3 senior members and the rest. How should the votes be divided so that leader can't decide for him self, but that the power of the seniors does not overcome his?

I think the ideal solution differs for every clan.
Please note that one needs 3 votes to build from the soul-well, and 5 vote to hightlight or delete a topic in the clan forum.
Need help? Contact us at info{kukk}doomlord{ponty}net
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Re: Help request
34. hozzászólás - 2009.08.30. 04:19:36 (Válasz Kocos #31 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Kocos - 2009.08.29. 06:11:51
Idézet: lunarrush - 2009.08.28. 21:58:46
I have recently started a clan and accepted my first member. I have another person who wants to join, however I cannot let him in, what should I do?

To make a decision on the level of the clan, you'll need the majority of the active votes. Every clan member starts with two votes, from wich one may be passed to any other member of the clan. A vote counts active when the owner of the vote was logged in in the past two days.

In you case I guess you have a two members clan, both members having two votes. Both voters are active, you'll need more than half of active votes. There are 4 active votes, you need three for the decicion. You have three ways:
* Ask the other member to pass a vote to you, than you'll have 3 votes and can make decisions alone.
* The other member of you clan votes with you.
* Wait till the other member becomes inactive (do not log in for two days). Than you'll have all the active votes.

Thank you for the advice, I didn't know that all active votes go to me after two days, that makes it a lot easier, now all I have to do is wait until tomorrow and I'll be able to accept the new member.
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Re: Help request
35. hozzászólás - 2009.08.31. 17:37:04
I'm clicking on Drakin's name in the legend after reaching level 8 but the same page just reloads. What should I do ?
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Re: Help request
36. hozzászólás - 2009.08.31. 18:20:32
how i can take off a focus cristal?many tks!
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Re: Help request
37. hozzászólás - 2009.08.31. 19:04:01 (Válasz nihil #36 hozzászólására.)
You cannot take it off. You have to buy new armour/weapon etc. and sell the old one with the crystal in it.
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Re: Help request
38. hozzászólás - 2009.08.31. 19:09:39 (Válasz Bandicoot #35 hozzászólására.)
silly question but do you have that quest activated?
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Re: Help request
39. hozzászólás - 2009.08.31. 19:12:56 (Válasz Bandicoot #37 hozzászólására.)
or, you can buy another crystal and replace the old one. after that you can rebuy the one you replaced.
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Re: Help request
40. hozzászólás - 2009.09.01. 06:26:41
Why is it that when I tried to attack a lv 5 (I'm currently lv 6), it said I could not because they were a 'much lower level than me'? Yet, a few minutes ago, I was attacked by a lv 8 with much higher stats than myself (even though I still won). I'm just curious if there's a cut off or what.
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