Idézet: Bartessica Slam - 2012.01.02. 18:12:58 Hi,
I have a pet with “Special gradulatumType” equipped.
Explanation of this item:
100% chance to get an essence during squeezing, IF you have alchemy laboratory.
The pet was active
We have Alchemy Laboratory.
I squeezed 3 pets (not trained captures pets); but I didn’t have any essence… nothing written or announced , nothing found … .
The squeeze was at 18:06 servertime upon January 2nd , World3, Avatar ‘Elvenwind’ .
Thanks for sorting/helping out.
The Gradulatums works so that if you squeeze a pet with the Gradulatum equipped, you are guaranteed to get an essence from a specific group (one essence per 20 levels of the pet actually).
From your description it sounds like you equipped one pet with the gradulatum and the squeezed three other (untrained) pets. If that is the case, then you only had the normal 10% chance of getting an essence from the 3 pest you squeezed.
Hope that helps.